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Neef, Nora | to Abbie Farwell, Nov. 5, 1866:

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November 5, 1866
VC Prep 1866-1867; Spec 1867

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: VCLLettersNeefNora18661867001001

Monday afternoon November 5th 1866

My darling Abbie

What a pink of perfection you are to write to me so punctually. Oh Abbie Mr Ansonge is dead just think of it, he played on the organ Sunday morning and died Sunday evening, he had the cholera. Mrs. Ansonge is feeling terribly. Mr Johnson saw her the day after and said that he did not know her. You know that her mother just died a little.

You wicked little sinner to think that you read my letters to the girls what could have induced you to do so. You ought to whipped


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Vassar is just gay, only it needs you here to make it perfection. I can tell you we have to study. We get up at six have breakfast at seven then silent-hour and then sing for a half an hour, then chapel, then from nine to ten. Algebra, ten to eleven, French, eleven to twelve I take a music lesson twice a week and from twelve to one we have English department then dinner then from two to three, Rhetoric, from three to four exercise, from four to five study hour, from five to six, practice, then supper Chapel and silent hour then Gymnastics from eight to nine and the warning bell rings at twenty minutes to ten. So you see how much time I have to my self. Saturdays we dont have any thing
to do, so of course we are always


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anxious for Saturday to come.

What kind of a person is Miss Porter? [...] describe her to me - I have not know seen Virginia Butler yet but I will try and find her though trying to find anyone here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I am making mother a pincushion and am going to make her a breakfast shawl. I have made Effie a hood, but I am in a pickle about what I shall give Walter. Do tell me what I shall give him. Did you know that Fanny Skinner has been at Lake Forest. indeed all the family have, they were afraid of cholera. Mother says that the hotel was full. Rosa Wright must be lovely if she looks any thing like I do. I pity her.


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I had hoped that there was but one such face as mine in the world but I see that my hopes are to be dashed to atoms. Just see those blots arent they horrid. I am mad but I cant help it. One of the girls shook my arm and consequently there was a blot. I think they make the paper look pretty dont you. What a horrid cold day it is, Otie girls on our transverse corridor are all sitting in the corridor writing. I am sitting at the window
with a girl named Maggie Davies. She is just old peacher. She has black hair and eyes- She is just full of the "Old Nick" or of the "Old Harry" I suppose would be a more elegant expression or but I must say that neither of them are too elegant. She sends her love to you. Theres the horrid bell. Good Bye my darling.

(To Abbie Farwell. '72, from Nora Neef, 1866-68)