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Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Nov 15, 1868
Dear Father,
You were real good to write me such a long letter so that I could know how you were, only you did not tell me where mother was going - but I found out after a while -
I wonder how you are getting along suppose Dea’s family are all fixed now. I am anxious to see you all, but I shall leave it for you & Mother to say whether I shall come or not. I shall have two weeks from Dec 2[3?]rd
I am very well, have eaten heartily every meal. walked nearly eight miles yesterday afternoon in 3 hours & do not feel much the worse. I enjoy the [Philosophy?] very much Prof. Farrar is a splendid man. He tells us many valuable facts.
Did you get my note?
Most of the girls are well or gone home. we had quite a time over it - and many girls left for good. & New York State got quite excited & had at the time the most exaggerated reports imaginable & many parents were frightened terribly.
I am quite busy but get along quite well - have good lessons a[n?] quite satisfied.
I hope to hear from you soon
With love to all
I am always your loving
daughter Nellie.