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"Nellie" — to father, November 15, 1868

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15 Nov 1868
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vassar:55117,Folder 64.7; VCL_Letters_Nellie_1868-11-15_064_007_002
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: VCL_Letters_Nellie_1868-11-15_064_007_002_001
Vassar College.

Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Nov 15, 1868

Dear Father,

You were real good to write me such a long letter so that I could know how you were, only you did not tell me where mother was going - but I found out after a while -

I wonder how you are getting along suppose Dea’s family are all fixed now. I am anxious to see you all, but I shall leave it for you & Mother to say whether I shall come or not. I shall have two weeks from Dec 2[3?]rd


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& I should like to come if you all think it best. I have had to purchase my Gymnastic suit $13.50 and so shall have to have some more money. as I have paid for my books I suppose I need not but thought it best - my riding lessons $18.00 are not due until March - My expenses will not be as much for the next half - will not exceed the limit I think. you know I took only $25.00. & by & if you please you may send me $20.00 or I can get it at the office just as well. I can’t realize [crossed out] next week is Thanksgiving. we have 3 days vacation then.

I am very well, have eaten heartily every meal. walked nearly eight miles yesterday afternoon in 3 hours & do not feel much the worse. I enjoy the [Philosophy?] very much Prof. Farrar is a splendid man. He tells us many valuable facts.


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I was sorry to hear the plants [had?] [so?] hard time. I want to hear how you are now & what you are doing. Mother said you had been there on business but did not say why.

Did you get my note?

Most of the girls are well or gone home. we had quite a time over it - and many girls left for good. & New York State got quite excited & had at the time the most exaggerated reports imaginable & many parents were frightened terribly.

I am quite busy but get along quite well - have good lessons a[n?] quite satisfied.

I hope to hear from you soon
With love to all
I am always your loving
daughter Nellie.


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