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Woodworth, Mary | to brother, May 1868:

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May 7, 1868
VC 1870

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vassar:25331,,Box 23,VCL_Letters_Woodworth_Mary_1870_016
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870016001
Vassar College.
May 7. 1868.

My darling brother,

I wrote you so short and mean a letter last week that I feel it my duty to patch it up, and the effect it must have had on you, by writing another just such a one, I fear. Your letters were very nice ones that I received two or three weeks ago. They certainly deserved a long and good one in reply, but I was so placid that I could not do what I wished then. I want to speak of two or three little things that I noticed, which you will need to correct, but do not be discouraged for you write very correctly and improve very fast. When you have written a sentence and would make a


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870016002
little pause if you were speaking the same, make a pause and commence the next sentence with a capital always. For instance you wrote "I am about sick of Lisbon in what part of Michigan does Saidee live?" Do you not see that here are two separate thoughts and that there should be a period after Lisbon? Then of course the next word in should have a capital letter. When you have said a complete thing, stop and commence anew on the next.

One word you spelled, virtueous - there you have three vowels together which we seldom see. You should have left out the e. I am glad to see that you are forming a habit of spelling rightly. Let that be the all important point, but be careful also to avoid long sentences. Until you study Rhetoric you will have to go by your natural sense


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in punctuating, especially with commas. I am a poor example at best, but my letters may be of a little benefit to you. Many things which I would like to write I dare not because I am afraid you might possibly leave this within the reach of others. In a little less than seven weeks, however, we will talk them all over, which will be much better. I think from what you and mother write about the Woodworths, that I shall like them very much. I remember something about both of them, but not much.

It is pleasant to have the store in such hands and I dare say there will be an improvement in the order of the store. You know young men are more particular about small points than older ones.

Harry, please select me some paper of this size and envelopes to


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match, also the square size if you can find it, and send in my box. The morning it is sent I would like to have someone send me a letter saying that It has been sent, so to know when to expect it.

I shall be so glad to see something from home. Tell mother not to hurry about sending it, for if the weather continues as rainy as now I shall not suffer for want of anything but winter clothes and those I have in abundance.

I wish you would write me very soon and a long letter. I like to get them better than you can know, for you don't know how much I love I have for my oldest brother.

Your loving sister

[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870016005
Tell Mother if she has any materials for making an old woman's cap I wish she would send them to me. I have got to have one in a little while. Don't forget the paper and tell the others to remember the skeleton and shoes-