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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother and Father, postmarked 1922 October 27

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n.d. [postmarked 1922-10-27]

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
Dear Mother + Father:

Being in the Infirmary has its advantages - it "enhances one's self-feelings" - as Miss washburn would say. The kids are overcoming me with notes and books, etc.

Unfortunately, neither of the 2 bks. that I was anxious to get time to read are here - "This Freedom", which Pete still has and "Upstream." I am sorry it came - I wanted to order something else for it. It is silly to have 2 copies.

At present I am "[Ausgelesen]", if there is such a word. I read Galsworthy's "Silver Box," Oscar Wilde's "A Woman of No Importance," some boring essays of [Havelock] Ellis and some more interesting ones in Lytton Strachey's "Books + Characters".


: Page 10, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
time! - I'm not sure I am achieving - or preparing to achieve! - anything sufficiently constructive to pay for what is an exile from all I hold dear - and for hard work which will make me old prematurely - and I'm not sure [were] one whole year will be enough to prove the point definitely. If I can continue only to palliate, I shant be happy! That's the question. Meantime I enjoy the girls tremendously + can't see that they differ in any marked [deque] from a Vassar group! I've been fairly popular until it came to restrictions about going to the Ohio games in Columbus yes-terday - there [many]


: Page 11, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
young women could have [eaten] me, because they were not permitted to go unchaper-oned to unknown hotels, where the boys also [lodged!] They feel competent to meet any situation - then where they are in a bad one they often show no more judgment X nerve than we (who didn't think [ourselves] so capable in our 'teens!)

I have a furnished apartment for this one year - convenient, well situ-ated + with ver pretty things in it. After a good deal of readjusting, it's arranged to my liking. I


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have a good part-time maid. I got my own meals + cleaned my own house for three weeks first - with all my new work!

I've spoken twice in Detroit + seen Jo Grant + [Mc Seeiu] both times - + Clarissa Fouler once. Neither is an advertise-ment for matrimony, to speak frankly! I could give 10 years to Clarissa - who is very [sweet] - + Jo is a scarecrow! They say her oldest daughter is a beauty, however!

No more - I shouldn't have written so much. I hope you are quite


: Page 13, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
[recovered] and have had a vacation somehow, somewhere -

Messages to Marcus love to your kind self -



: Page 2, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
None of them thrilled me, but it was all my non-academic library had to offer. I can't do any work, as all my work is libe work. Possibly that is a good thing!

I have been taking cold medicine all day. Fortunately they didn't try to give me anything else, so there was no "internal" or vocal conflict.

My [Corona] certainly has spoiled me. I have been writing notes and letters most of the day, and I surely do loathe writing by hand.

Dr. T. was in this afternoon. She volunteered the information that I don't like her at all that I am so fond of Dr. B. that I don't like her a bit! I said, "It isn't likely that I would think that - much less say it, is it?" And she said "You don't have to say it." Then she said she was only [plaing] with me. She didn't know how much she embarrassed me, though.

This was what they gave me for lunch - meat pudding, vile tomato soup, baked potato, pease, pickles + ginger'


: Page 3, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
snaps. Needless to say, I selected therefrom the peas + potatoes. Tonight from the array set before me I selected chicken, sweet potato, clear soup, and custard. The Infirm. must be hard on people who have no sense - I mean, when it comes to taking care of themselves when they're sick.

I was allowed to take a bath this aft. The bath-room had to be cleaned this A.M., so I remained unwashed till 3 P.M. My American habits were annoyed at that.

My tempie has not been above 98 4/5 all day.

Just at present it [is] 98 3/5.

Sent you a wire so it would arrive the same time as the letter, and so that you would not worry


: Page 4, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
I think my fur coat came. At least, I got a notice in the aft. mail to call for package in express office.

Miss Hamilton's letter was most interesting, Although it sounded very discouraged and lonesome. I felt very sorry for her, but possibly I misconstrued the tone of it, being myself somewhat dismal when I read it. If she can't make a success of a job like that - I don't know who can. I certainly think she is the ideal person for such a position.

Did I ever write that Tes Burton couldn't come back this year because she had a very serious nervous break-down, and is having to live a semi-invalid life. I think she takes 9 hrs. at Mich. - or thereabouts.

I'm awfully long-winded con-sidering that I'm sick of writing by hand, but I'm also sick of reading, and I know you enjoy getting long letters from your Baby, Papsy. Perhaps my being in the Infirm, will make


: Page 5, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
you write to me if nothing else does!! Hope you'll go to see Henrietta. If so, tell me all about her house and everything else. I wrote to her today. I did not say you were in A.C. - in case you shouldn't go to see her!

Mother. Please to take it very easy + don't overstrain your "tooth-picks" at first. Loaf your laziest!

Otherwise I know nothing. except that I missed a fire-drill last night, thank goodness.

I'm not allowed company, but I can't say that I pine for it particularly. Sometimes I think I like myself too well!

Send the enclosed clippings to Pete. It is against my principles to send clippings, but I think these will interest you.





: Page 6, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
I always put in a laundry list, Mothe.


: Page 7, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027

Sunday Oct. 22nd
1122 Hill St, [Ann Arbor]

Thank you, dear Stella. For your note and its enclosure, its very, very sad enclosure! I am writing Mrs. Hartley to-day. Her life as been so [forcused] upon her husbands hour by hour, that its hard to imagine how she will occupy herself now - and without what seems necessary occupation, it is almost impossible to continue life!

I've [baen] meaning to send a line to tell you what admiring things "Ted" Burton says of Fanny. It's [eirdent] the latter has made quite a big place for herself in


: Page 8, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
the admiration and fondness of her college mates - probably few more than her [are modesty wile permit her to recognize]. Good old Fan!

You didn't [tell] me how she was or whether the sum-mer's treatment had done her real good - I want to hear. Send her my love, please.

Evidently it wasnt an upbuilding summer for either you or Marcus. I'm sorry, but I feel almost anything else is a more restful vacation than an automotive trip! Perhaps a later substitution will work out.

I can hardly say yet "How I like it" - its all


: Page 9, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1922-09_10_027
so new + involves so many personal sacri-fices - + so many problems. Its a very pretty town + people are exceptionally kind + hospit-able - only as [I see] no leisure when I can return hospitality, that too, has its un-comfortable side. There are serious [problems] which were let run some years under Ex-Pres. Hutchins, until its most difficult to make up [lost] ground - the student body have the upper hand in an unfortunate [tague-mere even] more than girls, tho' both are [Reist] together. Altho [Swak] night + day, [Sundays] - as hard as my hardest in the League all tho