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MacCoy, Marjorie Newell | to Family, 15 April 1908

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vassar:56221,Box 41; VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-04_1908-05_041_003
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: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-04_1908-05_041_003_001
April 15, 1908

Dear Folks-

    It’s raining for a change!! But then we really can’t complain, for [now] the weather this week has been grand. Sunday was a glorious day and Monday was so grand that Mary and [Rose] [Brown] and I climbed up Sunrise, and sat there quite awhile [a while] [admiring] the gorgeous blue. You could see miles and miles, and the mountains were all a nice soft blue. Mary and I went to Miss Taylor’s when we got back - Rose couldn’t go - and behaved [badly] and had a good time as usual!
    Yesterday Julia (that means Lovejoy) and I went to [North] to dinner with Dr. Gilman, our Honorary Member!We had more fun, and really were hardly [unreadable] at all. They were all so nice - all being Miss [Haight] (Helene’s pet), Miss Yost, Miss Mary [Bell] and Dr. Gilman. They were so funny and entertaining and jolly that we forgot


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[by] the [time] that we were “Freshman at the Faculty Table!” Of course our friends who eat in that dining room were much excited and gazed at us with surprised and [unreadable] incredulous eyes. 
    Today we have a Class Meeting and I foresee much scrapping for we are to decide on the motto and the [Basket] Ball costume and the [pins] and no two people ever agree about anything. 
    Saturday if it’s clear, Ellen Eayrs has asked me to go [dining] with her. Hooray! What would I do without my nice friends?
    I must run and get this with the 11 o’clock mail. Tell H. not rush herself with the waists, any old time will be all right. I wore my [unreadable] princesse last night and was [radiantly] beautiful (although a trifle squeezed!)
        Lots of love


: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-04_1908-05_041_003_003
Postmark:    POUGHKEEPSIE APR 15 2 PM 1908 N.Y.

        Dr. Alexander W. MacCoy
        Mrs. WIlliam P. Logan
            Overbrook Ave. and 58th St. 