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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, May 11, 1908:

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11 May 1908

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vassar:54218,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-11_075_003_010
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-11_075_003_010_001
Mon. noon.
May 11, 1908 -

Dear pop and mom; -

Popie’s letter just arrived - glad Helen got first, sorry ab’t Lottie - Am not much elated over boys who were chosen.

It’s hot today. No wraps necessary, - as hot as an Aug. day.

The cherry blossoms have all fallen from trees. Apple [crossed out: s] trees are all


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-11_075_003_010_002
in full bloom.

I didn’t bring my french grammar from home and I really need it. It’s rather heavy to send, but I want it. It’s Fraser and Squaire. The only french grammar a’m’g our b’ks ^in our room. Its on the middle shelf I think, a green b’k with red binding, and a big ink blot on it.

I didn’t decide until Mon. A.M. what heavy dress I would bring, so forgot to stick in my belts, my wine colored belt and the belt to the jumper with the red


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-11_075_003_010_003
tie you will find in the dressing table bottom drawer, righthand corner. Might send them too.

I didn’t bring my black pumps, I kind of wish I had, but I can get along without them so never mind, they are pretty heavy to send - I didn’t think I’d want them.

Hope Mom’s not working so hard this A.M. as she must have last Mon. A.M. to finish under waist, do up


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-11_075_003_010_004
white dress and embroidered waist.

Must go to dinner now, we have it at noon. I came up to Main to get pop’s letter -

I have been looking over G’s unpaid bills ^for April They come up to $20!! are from Gildensleeve’s (shoes), Luckey Platt, Saltford etc --

M’g’t -

At this time Papa is eating duck at the Seymore