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MacCoy, Marjorie Newell | to Family, 16 January 1910

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Jan. 16, 1910

Dear Family:-
            I wonder if you’re snowed in again? We pretty nearly are. It snowed steadily all day Friday, and so, added to what we had before. We have about 18 inches of snow, and the thermometer was 2 below at eight this morning!! It is nice, this, for it gives us something to think about besides those beastly exams, now only a week off. I have quite a decent exam schedule -- one Monday, two Tuesday, one Wednesday and one (my easiest) Friday morning. So I have Thursday to “[cool] off” in. 
    Last night we had a [mildly] [thrillin] Students’ Meeting where we discussed a plan for a [cut] system, and a plan for making Founders a Senior Junior Dance which it is to be. 


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Moreover, we have changed the point system from four point to a [ten] point system which admits of finer gradings. So we feel quite progressive! This week has been one of work, of course, next week will be more so, so my letters will and are [unreadable]!
    This afternoon Val and I read the 3d Hall Play -- “The [unreadable]” and we giggled so. It’s a wonder they didn’t put us out of the Library. It is just farce right straight through, and I can just imagine the audience in a [blobby] state after it. 
    I have no brain, and so can’t find [unreadable] never. Thought there is a lecture on the Educational Advance of China by Prof. Burton - I [think] the one that edits and unites the Bibilical books. 


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Postmark:     POUGHKEEPSIE 
        JAN 17-10

        Dr. Alexander W. MacCoy
        Mrs William P. Logan
            Overbrook Ave. and 58th St. 


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P.S. Has J written to [unreadable] about Mr. Ross?