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Woodworth, Mary | to mother, Apr. 1868:

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April 26, 1868
VC 1870
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870014001
Vassar College.
April 26. 1868.

My dear Mother

It seems to me that I have ever so much to write you today although I wrote you quite a letter yesterday. Saidee has just come in and wants to have me go to walk with her, so I guess I will. Have returned from my walk and feel much better for It. The air is so clear and the sunlight invigorating. We staid out nearly an hour, went down by the brook and around the loveliest paths in the grounds. I am so glad Harry had the picture of Saidee copied for I wanted one of that kind very much. She will get another one taken if possible for me and I have not told her that you have it. She is very changeable in her looks, sometimes she is positively handsome and at others not at all so. Her white alpaca is particularly becoming to her. When you get this letter she will probably be riding horseback before Mr. Vassar's carriage, as she is one of the young ladies who are to escort him here Founder's Day. I hope we shall have a good time and especially that the Cantata will pass off well. We have had so much rehearsing to do that we are about tired out. Yesterday I did not attend one for I did not feel well enough, and I am glad of it for I feel very well today, and just because I rested so much yesterday. Anna Dickinson came about three


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o'clock yesterday - she and Miss Avery went immediately to the Observatory to see Miss Mitchell and they had tea taken over there from the college. I wish I could tell you about her lecture but I can't say one word. I love, honor, and admire Anna Dickinson from this time henceforth and forever. "Them's my sentiments." Savoir We are all so full of admiration and ecstacy that we can't say anything at all but sit and look at each other. "Silence louder than words" you know. She is a splendid looking woman and was dressed in very good taste. Heavy black silk - lace collar and under-sleeves. Her hands are elegant and she gestures very gracefully. Several girls were invited over to Miss Mitchell's after the lecture and staid an hour & half. Miss Dickinson left at twelve o'clock for New York. She was very much pleased with what she saw of the surroundings here but could not stay to see very much. She is going to be here at Commencement. Won't that be nice? The Philalethean Society have decided to have Henry Ward Beecher or Dr. Storrs deliver an address the night before commencement.

Last Tuesday night I went to hear Parepa. She sings gloriously. I was above earth for two hours if I ever was. She is such a large, fine looking woman, and does not effect a stage smile at all. I enjoyed looking at her almost as much as hearing her. Prof. Farrar says that is always a great part of the charm about her and it is true. Carl Rosa played three violin solos which very very beautiful and I enjoyed them exceed


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ingly in spite of the fact that he looks like Benuci Morre and reminds me of him every way. He & Parepa did not appear together as you may well imagine. I do not think the contrast would appear at all favorable to him.
Friday night the Mendelssohn Club gave a concert with Addie Ryan as soloist. I was glad when the time came that I had not made arrangements to go, for with Saturday's work before me I felt that I had better go to bed.
There were seventeen carriages containing eighty five girls and they say it was splendid. Some liked Miss Ryan very much, while others did not. Just think of my seeing the two women Parepa and Anna Dickinson the same week, whom I have so long wanted to see. After church. Have listened to quite an interesting and lengthy sermon by Rev. Mr. Wines - a Baptist minister from the city. He reminded me very much of Mr. Gray- Sarah's father. Dr. Raymond is ill I understand probably suffering from one of his frequent attacks. He is a splendid man and I like him better and better. One thing I must not forget to write about and that is - if it will be too much trouble for you to get fringe for my dress you can take some kind of narrow gimp for heading and a fold of bias silk of the same color. I am not at all particular which. I shall have a hat to match the suit. If you can I would like to have you send me a bit of the goods when it comes. Did you say
that you and Sue were going to have a ponjee dress too? I hope so.


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When I get home I want to read Woman's Wrongs - Gail Hamilton's new book - to you. I think it is just as nice as it can be and will give you a good idea of what Anna Dickinson's lecture was.

It was such nice work to draw our maps but I was very glad indeed when mine was finished. Monday Morning. I took another ride at eight o'clock this morning. Baron Von Seldeneck has said that no lady should ride out in the grounds till she had taken at least three lessons in the ring under his charge, but this is my second lesson, and I rode before with Madame. He ordered a horse for me that he don't often give to new ones and took me out with two other girls who have ridden ever so much. The horse is rather hard to ride, but was very manageable and I got along very nicely- Saidee says it was a great thing for Baron to let me ride out so soon. One of the teachers asked him to let her go last week and he would not. I am very much interested in it and think it will do me so much good. I want to give you one more direction about my dress, and that is, to make the pelisse longer than Saidee's - not very much but longer.

I believe I have nothing more to write this morning. Write me just as much as you can without hurting yourself. I do like to get them so much. Have enjoyed life within the last two weeks because you have written so frequently. Tell Hal I will write him after the excitement of Founder's Day is past.


[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]