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Banfield, Edith C. | to family, May 1891

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May 31, 1891
VC 1892

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vassar:24181,Box 64,VCL_Letters_Banfield_Edith-C_1892_003
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: VCLLettersBanfieldEdithC1892003001
V.C., Sun. eve. May 31, •91.
My dear Mamma;—
Why is everyone neglecting me so? It's no fun to get
no letters at all. I console myself by thinking that you are very busy
getting ready for Wolfeboro and will be there to receive me. I so long to
go right to the country. What time Is Nathan planning to come on?
The excitement of this week has been the "howl" - which would make
too long a story to write. And we have


: VCLLettersBanfieldEdithC1892003002

had the elections In Students' and Phil. Alice is President of Students - which is just as It should be - and Miss Mast, who is fine looking - but whom I do not like is President of Phil. Perhaps you will be amused to know - as most people seem to be - that I am vice-president of Phil. The funny part consists In the fact that I am also chairman of the devotional committee in the Y.W.C.A. - and by virtue of the two


: VCLLettersBanfieldEdithC1892003003
offices - shall have charge, next year, of all the prayermeeting
and »1I the hall-plays S
This has been such a tot summer's day—one that makes me fear we
are to have a hot spell during examinations. We had no service in chapel
this morning - so I was very laay - and got up only in time for dinner. I
dined at Prof. Drennan's. Paul Cravanto(?) and a friend of his


: VCLLettersBanfieldEdithC1892003004
are making a
flying visit there - which was why I was asked. It was very pleasant and
homelike - and we did have such a good dinner) I "hanker" for some straw-
berry short-cake now) Examinations come this week. Then next Wednesday
is commencement. As I told you, I shall stay a day or two afterwards - to
May 31, 1891 - 2
get out the last Miscellany, which has to contain accounts of commence-
ment* I shall be very glad to leave


: VCLLettersBanfieldEdithC1892003005
my packing till after everything is over.
Nem Morris(?) has written asking me to stop over at New Haven
on my way home. What do you say to a stop of a day or two ? No.— I am
sure - and so I told Nem, but 1 told her I would ask you about it. There is
to be an excursion, which she would have postponed, if I could stop.
I shall be glad when College is over - for I don't like to work one
bit. It


: VCLLettersBanfieldEdithC1892003006
goes against the grain. Not because I am tired, but because I like
to play.
Do write to me, somebody, soon. I hope you have not given out again,
in any way. A great deal of love to Richie, Mamie, and my little mother,
from her daughter
jEdlth C. Banfield, '92,
I enclose Helen's letter. Paul Cravanto(?) wished to be remembered to
those of my family whom he knows.