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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, Father, and Pete, 1919 October 29

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1919-10_025
[29 oct 1919]

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete;

It will have to be a hurried letter again, although I have loads to tell you.

The book I wanted Sunday in the library was in use, and I had to rush over immediately after lunch yesterday to get it. I worked in the library from one-fofteen to five-thirty. Then I cam[sic] home and did my work for today. I have all the material for the history topic now, and I have to arange it today. That ought to take one hour.

I am one of a committee of four to arrange a course of study for our English class. The object in the classes is to do what they want to do, provided it meets with tge approval of the teacher, of course. We have been excused from two themes, but it means an awful lot of work in the library. Have you any suggestions, old man? The idea is to get plenty of essays, among other things, but they should be of first importance.

I discovered today, Father, that the niece of Mrs. Keyes'friend is in my English class. I think she is the girl we passed going to chapel. I told her I met her aunt.

The reason for rushing this letter so is that I want to get some exercise today. I missed it yesterday. I shall probably play basket-ball outdoors. It is very warm today.

The glass things came. They are awfully pretty--aren't they too pretty and good for here, Mother. I don't want to have any valuable things parading around. Also, my room has all it can stand now, so don't you or anybody else get an idea that there is another thing that I need. Don't send any more silk stockings--I brought those old ones along because I knew they were wearing out and because I could not use them for good. I have enough.

We measured North Tower in Math hour yesterday, using surveyors' instruments. It was loads of fun. As we were measuring some old lady came up and wanted to know if we were building a new dormitory. We told her it was just for math, and she said, "Oh, I can sympathize with you-fifty years ago I did the same thing." Only North Tower was not there then.

That is all that I have time for. I hope Aunt Hattie has sent me a costume. If not, I can do the way most other people do, and get something up myself. Towels help a lot.
