Vassar College Digital Library

Taylor, Kate (Huntington) | to Sue, Feb. 1869

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February 8, 1869

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vassar:24460,Box 64,VCL_Letters_Kate_nd_001
1 item
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: VCLLettersKatend001
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: VCLLettersKatend002
Last week, I tried to persuade them to let me drop Latin and take German. Miss Lyman informed me that the president had considered it, as carefully as if I had been his own daughter, and had decided that I had better not. As I did not yield gracefully, even after that, she said that she would ask him to reconsider it. When I went to her a second time for my answer, she told me that prof. Backus would give it to me. I mounted to the fith story, and found him in his study. After laboring with me, for nearly an hour, he convinced me that it was best. There is no use trying to oppose the higher authorities here. The girls wonder that I dare to protest. But 1 refuse to submit when I think I am right, without an effort. Yesterday, as it was


: VCLLettersKatend003
a beautiful day, and communion Sunday, I thought it would be pleasanter to walk to Poughkeepsie, instead of riding in the omnibus. Miss Lyman refused to let me, as she was afraid it would injure my health. It is very nice, I suppose, to have her take such an interest in me; but it makes it rather uncomfortable at times. I received a letter, and a couple of papers from Carrie. They were very welcome as I had not expected any on Monday evening. I saw the Parkers at church Sunday. They wanted me to go home with them, and stay until the next morning. I did not dare to accept, as I was afraid that Miss Lyman would never let me go there again. I expect to go in next week Friday, and stay until Tuesday as we have


: VCLLettersKatend004
a holiday on Washington's birthday, which fortunately occurs on Monday. Have you heard from Mother? I hope she will not think it sufficient to write you thinking that you will send me the letters. Mr. Vassar went down to New York with them I introduced him to them at the depot. I saw him in the office yesterday and hinted very strongly for him to bring Mary out to see me. I rather expect her tomorrow.

You probably will not be very much interested in all that I have written, but it is all that I have to write. Nothing ever happens here. It is all so systematically arranged. It would be an infinite relief if something would occasionally go wrong. I have heard from Frank once. Please remember that the

mail is the great event of the day. Do write me and tell me all of the news


Send me Mothers letter when you hear from her.

[From Kate (Huntington) Taylor, prep. student, 1868-69; special 1869-70.]