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Eldridge, Muriel (Tilden) | to Mother, circa 1 December 1913

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vassar:56191,Box 50; VCL_Letters_Eldridge-Muriel-Tilden_1913-10_1913-12_050_010
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Page 1 of letter

Dec. 1, 1913
306 Main Hall, V.C.
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Mother, dear - 
    Needless to say, the train was jammed, crammed full - people stood up completely blocking the aisles until way past 125th st. - finally two extra cars were put on and the mob somewhat thinned out. I sat with Freddie, Priscilla Galt and her room-


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mate, Christine Barnes. The train arrived in Poughkeepsie on time much to our amazement - but owing to the abominable Poughkeepsie car-service we didn’t get out to college until after ten. I do hope we won’t all get called up to the office for it, for it wasn’t our fault - no one could ever imagine it would take nearly an hour to get home from the station - that switch-system is impossible! We sat for 25 minutes just calmly waiting! Ugh!
    I’m now sitting up in bed with my French prose open before me - if I can manage to get that done before the sandman becomes too insistent I shall be thankful - I did my


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Ethics last Tuesday - so All I remember is yet to be seen. My German I hope to get done before breakfast - 
    Not an atom of mail did I find in my box! I’m going to take to writing myself in about one more week - 
    I have a Hyomei-ed [l’id’b’y] pinned on my nightie and the inhaler in my patty!
    Good night


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11 AM

Mrs. B. O. Tilden
291 Westminster Rd.
Brooklyn, New York