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Adams, Ruth | to family, Dec. 1901:

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December 1901

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Transcript file(s)
vassar:8706,Box 2,VCL_Letters_Adams_Ruth_1904_038
1 item
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: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038001
Dear people:-
The time for mo to go home seems very near now, for they
have got all our trunks down. And today we even got our tickets and the
checks for our trunks. I hare decided to check my dress suit case along
with the steamer trunk I am going to bring home. The case is so heavy.
But the horrible thought has occurred to me that they may want to take the
bagage down the night before, and then where would I be. I shall have to
borrow a night gown of some girl who is going to stay here. But this isn't
what I want to say


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038002
to you at all. The all important fact is that I have been skating!!!! and have bought a pair of skates!!!! What do you think of that? I couldn't resist the temptation when Lucile came rushing down to the room wild with delight and she and Cora Hew over to the Lake, where the ice is at last sale for the "whole college". As I say I couldn't stand it to say the girls go by with their skates and everybody so excited and having such a great time. So I ran up to Florence & Edith to see if I couldn't persuade one of them to go down town with me immed-


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038003
iately and buy a pair. I found them both sitting in the same bed eating breakfast. It was about five minutes of nine and they had only just waked up. You see it Is Saturday. Well I so worked on Florence's spirits and feelings that she gave in, and promised to meet me at the loot of the elevator at a quarter past nine,- it was then nine - though she had heaps of work to do and had said she wouldn't go skating. You see her skates were in at her home. Well we got the 20 minutes past car into town and went way around to Florence's and got her skates and to town


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038004
and bought some for me, and to a picture store, to get a picture, which Edith is having framed, and which was to have been done last week, and which has been going to be done just hall an hour alter we are there for at least the last four times we have called for it,- or somebody has called for it. So provoking every time he says he is so sorry it isn't quite done but will be in Just hall an hour. He knows college girls haven't any hall hours to waste waiting for pictures And then we went to to see a young man, or rather Dubie did end see if he


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038005
would go to a dance with her that the Po'keep girls are getting up. We didn't go to his house, but to the bank where he works* And got home by hall past 10, wasn't there pretty good time? Then I came in and got Coras sweater (?) (by the way I must have one. A regular man's you know, a great big white one. I will take it in place of the skates tho' I imagine it will cost about 3 times as much.) and took off my glasses in case of accidents and went out for my first lesson I wish you could see me. I do finely. I think. I must remember from


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038006
when I first learned. My but I am lame now. I went out again this afternoon. It has been a most glorious day so sunny and bright and the ice was perfect in some places you can see right down to the bottom of the lake the ice is so clear. It makes you feel as if you were skating on water. I wish you could see some of the girls my but they skate beautifully! Why dont you skate Papa? all the Profs do up here. It would be fine for you. And then you could take me out in the Christmas vacations. I only hope the ice


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038007
will last.
It is now Sunday night and this isn't finished, and I am very sleepy. So I am Just going to put an ending on this and send it off with out telling you anything about the Beta play Saturday after noon, or the Alpha play, to which Margaret Mather invited. They will wait until I come home. Today I have had such a good time. And this evening was the Christmas music which was beautiful beyond words. Mary Thompson had a solo which she sang wonderfully. They say she has the


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038008
best voice of any one in college Since then she has been singing in the senior parlor and we all got invited in. She is a stunning girl.


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904038009
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