Vassar College Digital Library

Aaron, Fannie | to Mother and Father, 1921 November 12

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1921-11_010
Nov 12

Dear Mother + Father:

We had our last practice last night. - Thank goodness for that.

I'm going to work in the libe this morning. I surely have enough to do to keep me there for a wk. without interruption.

Why won't you let Cousin Marcus send the socks? I can't see that.

I'm sorry about [Brentaus's] booklist. I'll look it up and send it.

I should certainly not pick Lucy out as a law student. I think it is a case of "putting in time" I detect L. B's influence. Sherlock Holmes!

I was quite nervous about de-bate last night _ it interfered with my sleep, so I am preparing for tonight by a long walk and the movies, "The 3 Musketeers," this aft. instead of staying home worrying.

I slept late yesterday and got little work done.

The feature of the afternoon were a foolish faculty-student hockey game, and a mock "Army-Navy" football game. They were very amusing. I [then] took a walk, and worked for two hrs.

And now you have the history of my life.



Get the socks that sell [lest].