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Adams, Ruth | to family, Feb. 1901:

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February 1901

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vassar:8639,Box 1,VCL_Letters_Adams_Ruth_1904_058
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: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058001
Dear people:-
I have no time to write, the bell has just rung for Latin, just as I took up my pen but I don't need to go just yet. I have been particularly busy this week not having been able to do either my essay or my latin prose on Saturday we have prose today. I am anxious to see what little not I have on my paper today. Last time she said I must be more descriptive noting in my use of tenses but it was not deficient as


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058002
many of them were of which I was very glad. Well I have just come back from Latin and gym. I meant to go and see Miss Wylie this afternoon with Mary Yost, but she can't go so we put it off until next week. My paper was not deficient this week either. Ha, ha. The poetry we are doing is so much nice than Livy. We have Ovid now. In English we are having a very uncomfortable time. Abstract subjects and definitions. FOr our next essay we have poetry define it. What is


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058003
poetry anyway? As to the Algebra I can do the examples alright and don't know what I don't understand. There is nothing I can ask to have explained, only I don't feel as if I had the whole thing classified and right down so I knew all about it and through and through it as I did with the geom. with Miss Richardson. Of course its the difference in the teacher. Do you know Cora and I think our room is haunted. A while ago a bottle of tooth powder appeared on the wash


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058004
stand which belonged to neither of us and we neither knew how it got there. Wasn't that queer? Then the other morning, Sat it was I didn't get up for breakfast, that is I slept over and Cora brought me breakfast. When she brought me a napkin out of the drawer where I always keep them it was not one of mine. It had no name on it and I know it never came in the wash to me. Cora doesn't know anymore about it either.


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058005
Don't you think that is very strange. Then last night I wanted some camphor ice. You know I had a new tube. well I have used very little when I came to look at it last night and the bottom which you can push up as you use the stuff you know, was up at the other end and the ice below it. The seal cover gone. Evidently somebody had pushed it way out and then put in the other end to, though how they did


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058006
it I don't see the camphor ice is so soft. It was nearly all gone. Don't you think we had better employ a detective? Well lots of love Ruth
Cora may go home next Sunday


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904058007
Mrs. George B Adams
57 Edgehill Road
New Haven