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Woodworth, Mary | to mother, Nov. 1867:

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November 19, 1867
VC 1870

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vassar:25306,,Box 23,VCL_Letters_Woodworth_Mary_1870_002
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870002001
Tuesday Morn.
Nov. 19. 1867.

Dear Mother:

A letter from Nell this morning gives me the welcome news that she has finally made arrangements to stay with you Thursday night - no - Friday - night - and she wishes to go up on the Freight Sat. I am so glad she has concluded to stay for I am sure you will be only too glad to see her. She wished me to write to her so that she would get it at Lisbon. Please tell her I would do so if I had time but I cannot write her before the last of this week and she will be much more in need of one after she gets home and I will try to write her a long letter Saturday or Sunday. Tell Henry I feel under great obligations to him for the paper I


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received from him yesterday. Of course it was much better than a letter would have been, if you think it would be possible I would like a thick veil sent to me in a paper It is extremely cold and I need one very much that is thicker than gauze. I guess you will think I am sending for something all the time and I am nearly. I believe I wrote once for black ribbon. If you have not sent it you need not. Now I am afraid I wrote Sunday a little too much as if I wanted to come home, so in this I wish to say that perhaps I had better not do so for it is probably better that I should not and I don't want to have you let me come just because I want to. Let me see have I written every thing I wish to? I think I have every thing of importance. I hope you and Nell will have a real


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good visit and I am sure you will. I do love Nell more than I can tell and I am very sure we shall always be the best friends, as we are now. I know she will urge you to let me come and when she was here I felt as if I must go, but do not let anything influence you against your own convictions. I would not for anything come and feel that you and Father thought I had better be here. if I could only get away from the Coll. I should not dread it much but I must say the prospect here looks rather gloomy. A person can stand any thing though if she has a will and this may be the best test I could have to prove my strong-mindedness. I presume you will get my usual letter next week as I shall probably write Sunday. The day after Nell was here the college was on fire for twelve hours, but


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it was in the cellar and we knew nothing of it till it was all over. Prof. Farrar says there was enough water used to completely bedrench the whole building. What a panic there would have been if we had known it. It was the coal that was on fire first. Two or three men fainted during the time. I have forgotten to mention it before. Give a great deal of love to Nell and tell I can't sufficiently thank her for granting me the favor.

Yours as ever