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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, Father, and Pete, 1920 April 25

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-03_04_025
April 25, 1920.

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete:

I had a very short letter from Aunt Hattie yesterday. She said that Grandpa was in bed with bronchitis, and that is all she said about him. Is he very sick?

I do not feel quite as good as yesterday afternoon and evening, but I felt exceptionally good then--in fact, I think better than at any time since last fall. If it would only last. I am drinking Poland water, taking the medicine, and obeying orders generally.

Senior Prom came off last night. I am glad I did not know any "little boys" to dance in the corridor with, because it would not have been much fun to stay over in Metcalf instead. Neither Helen nor any of her roommates went.

Father, you remember last fall you told me to look up Mary Heckel. I never did, but it would have been rather useless, inasmuch as there is a girl over at Metcalf who happened to mention that she was going to Pittsburgh for part of the summer, and informed me that she is a niece of Judge Sweringen. That was a bad sentence, but at any rate, she says this Heckel girl flunked out last year and came back second semester this year and is now a member of my class.

Room-drawing turned out differently from the way it started out. Nobody wanted to come to Davison. It has been so punk for the last two years that it got a bad name, but several good people with low numbers drew in here on the trial draw, and the consequence was that the final draw it came out pretty good. Raymond and Strong, I understand, although I have not seen the lists yet, are the undesirable ones this year. Lathrop closed first, then North, then Josselyn, then Davison. So you see, that really means we are the third hall, as far as a good crowd is concerned, because every variety draws into Josselyn for the sake of the rooms. The present sophomores and juniors there now are pretty good, and one of them told me that they are all sore at its prospects for next year. I believe Phyllis and her roommate, the girl I told you about, went there. I wonder how they will get along together--it certainly is a funny combination. Phyllis went down to West Point to a hop this week-end. It must be fun to have a brother-in-law whos is a major, or anything else in the army, for that matter. Coming back to room-drawing again, Lathrop and North got the peppiest girls, that is, most of our former officers, prom runners, etc. I am really just as glad to be here, because I think I will "balance" with these girls better. If you could have known the feeling I had yesterday when I saw the girl whom I consider absolutely the worst in the class, look at Dorothea's room! But she did not take it. Both her room and Katheryn Gardner's were not taken, which means that there will either be freshmen there, or new sophomores or juniors. K. Gardner got one of the best singles in Josselyn, but she does not think she is coming back. I shall cry my eyes out.


: Page 2, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-03_04_025
I have to spend this afternoon on that English theme. I will be glad when it will be out of the way. I spent three hours yesterday collecting the material for it. I am very fortunate just now in being able to do so much work without chasing over to the library.

Did I tell you that Dr. T. went to New Orleans and will not be back till the third of May?

Dorothea was over at Metcalf for quite a while last night. I wish I could lose a neighbor in the other direction instead of her.

I believe I mentioned to you that the cleaning-woman ruined the top of my desk over vacation. It is all gray and gritty. She says she only wiped it with a wet cloth, but I think she scrubbed it with sapolio. I kicked to the housekeeper. She came up with me yesterday to look at it, and she says she will do the best with it she can. It does not pay to have mahogany, or very expensive furniture, around here.

I went over to your friend with the unpronouncuncable[sic] name yesterday to engage a room for you in case you should be able and want to come, Mother. She will let me know tomorrow whether she can take care of you or not. 1913 is to have reunion then, and they will be using most of her house. At any rate, you can get a room at the Inn, inasmuch as I went there, too. Mulaly was too doubtful.

I guess this is a long enough letter for one stretch.

