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Woodworth, Mary | to mother, Nov. 1868:

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November 19, 1868
VC 1870

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vassar:25335,,Box 23,VCL_Letters_Woodworth_Mary_1870_026
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870026001
Vassar College.
Nov. 19. 1868.

My Dear Mother -

You will be glad to hear, I think, that I am taking a little resting spell. My friends have been trying for a week to persuade me to go away for a few days or at least rest here and night before last I was willing to do it. Yesterday I staid in bed all day and today till after eleven o'clock then Miss Avery told me to go out for a short drive if I felt able and I did. Of course a ride in the clear, bracing hour of


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870026002
today greatly refreshed me and I am feeling really better. Miss Avery said nothing ails me except that I am tired out and must rest.

You have no idea how exceedingly kind every body is to me. I had a great many callers yesterday and have had several today. I never realised the goodness and number of my friends till within a week or two and of course it makes me very happy- I may go to my classes tomorrow, but shall not study any to hurt me this week.

Amanda Wood's father sent her from S. Carolina


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870026003
today quite a large bbl. of oranges and we are enjoying them very much.

I will write you again Saturday so that you will get it Monday. Meantime do not worry for there's nothing the matter with me at all.

I recd. a letter from dear little Gracie today. Kiss her for me a hundred times and tell her how happy it made me to get it when I was not feeling very well.

I have kept up so well during all the sickness that I ought to have a resting spell now.

Your loving

[Mary (Parker) Woodworth. '70]