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Woodworth, Mary | to family, Feb. 1868:

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February 26, 1868
VC 1870

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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870008001
Vassar College,
Feb. 26. 1868,

My dear Harry:

Expect no very amiable letter this time for I am anything but amiable, I fear. The principal cause of my unpleasant mood is that I have received no letters since Monday morning. Now you are partly responsible for this state of affairs and as such come in for a good share of my ire. Forbearance will cease to be a virtue in a very short time and at the end of that time I shall throw you off forever, either by a divorce or other equally effective means. Here is another cause of irritation. Mother wrote


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me last Thursday night that Nell had then over a sheet written to me and I think it is high time for that to make its appearance. I will allow three days more of grace and if I don't get a letter from some of you at the end of that time I dissolve partnership with the whole set of Lisbonites and next summer adjust my sails for a new place to spend my vacation. Please inform father that it would look very pretty for him to write me once in a while as there is no law here to prevent written communication between the sexes, and if you should choose to write now and then I'll take the responsibility of having any disgrace there may be if it is "found out" that I correspond with


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my brother. So don't allow any considerations on my to behalf prevent you from writing.

I have just finished a piece for the paper to be read at our next society meeting and you must not wonder if my wits appear to have been exhausted previous to my commencing this letter. One literary effort is about enough for me to make in one day. I learned quite indirectly that you and Lucius were at St. Johnsbury week before last and would be quite delighted besides feeling much honored by receiving a detailed account of it from your pen. Give all your eloquence an airing on that occasion for my benefit. I assure you I would do my best to appreciate and have no doubt I should succeed


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if the style should not be too inflated How did Miss Jennie look and appear? Are her home surroundings pleasant and are you sufficiently pleased with her relations to form an alliance with the family? Please speak minutely on this subject for the whole subject of my next summer's wardrobe hangs trembling on the scales ready to tip according to the result. I'm all ready to "stand up". Saidee is putting on her riding habit and is acting quite giddy for a woman of her years. In fact she says her animal spirits are bound to run away with her. I can hear her in there now clapping her hands and cutting up generally. She says she hopes her animal wont have sufficiently high spirits


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this afternoon to run away with her. I fancy I can see her meandering around the ring plunging this way and that, for she is going to have a gay little pony. - Coquette - as her name signifies. Did you see any of my friends while you were at St. J?

I would like to have been there with you very much. I would have taken you to Maggie's.

I have a bill to send to father in this letter and will be obliged to you for giving it to him at once. I hope it does not come at the wrong time when money is particularly hard.

We hear a little about the affairs at Washington but it is an extremely limited little.


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No papers have come to the college except private ones since the last excitement and we are crazy to know. I wish you would send me a Boston Journal if it is three weeks old before it gets here for I would enjoy seeing my old friend again and can get more information from it than all the New York papers put together.

Now Harry put on the whole armor of activity and let laziness be henceforth and
forever a stranger to you. If you do this I shall expect, and with reason too, a full supply of letters and papers. Do not allow my massive brain to wither for want of intellectual food.

I should be happy to continue on in this brilliant and highly interesting strain indefinitely but "tempus fugit" as Nell says, so with adieu I remain your loving sister


[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]