Vassar College Digital Library

Adams, Ruth | to family, Apr. 1901:

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April 1901

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vassar:8710,Box 1,VCL_Letters_Adams_Ruth_1904_067
1 item
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: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904067001

Dear people: -
It makes me so weary to think of beginning to write letters again. I wish nobody had invented them. We feel now as if we had never been away for a vacation. Everything is going on just as it did before, except we are going out doors more all the time. SInce we got back we have had perfect weather, and so warm that all the little flowers are coming out. We have found a place where the


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904067002
ground is covered with hypatica plants full of buds, but there are no flowers so far. Skunk cabbage abounds around here on the banks of the brooks; where ever you stop you crush the leaves and create a very unpleasant odor. Yesterday morning Lucile and I took our trig. up on Sunset hill, and did it up there. It was lovely and warm there. A man was ploughing in a field just below me, and lots of little birds were chirping and singing around us, and the hills over across the Hudson were very blue.


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It was so nice out doors that I had great difficulty in staying in long enough to get any studying done. Friday night, and Saturday night, and today I have worn my blue silk gingham and I can't bear to take it off, I like it so much. Every one thinks it is very pretty. So!!!!
Thursday or Friday I met Miss Richardson in the corridor, and she took my hand, and asked me how I was, and if I had had a pleasant vacation!!! I went to see her last night


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904067004
please mark
but she had an engaged sign out, so I couldn't go in, and you can't put your sign on an instructor's block, so she doesn't know I went (I mean your name. Some of the girls have signs they put up instead of their name) and I suppose I shall have to go again. I have had to spend such a lot of money for books. Very sad. I am so interested in my walk, what is lost with it? I am so curious! The girls have begun playing basket ball out in the circle again, and it's such fun to watch them. They


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have made up a training table. It's more fun! It's the table right next to ours, and they got Dr. Harley to sit at the head of it. She's so nice. We elected her an honorary member of 1904, you know. She will only let them eat certain things, and makes them take a great deal of them. They don't like some of it very well. Lucile is there, and Cecilia, the little Spaniard or the girl that looks like a spaniard, has come to our table in her place. She has no end of money and gets up the


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904067006
prettiest costumes, very unusual you know, almost like fancy costumes, but they are always pretty, and the colors are lovely. Then she has quantities of pearls and diamond etc. Sometimes she wears a great long string of pears festooned in her black hair. She always wears diamonds in her ears. Really she is very pretty and interesting. Friday night we had a fine concert up here. It was called the American Symphony orchestra, and


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was composted of men chosen from various other orchestras I think. They were such an unusually gentle manly looking set of men. Saturday afternoon Beta, that's my chapter you know, and Alpha gave plays. They were very clever and amusing. Dear me, I almost forgot to tell you how the trunk came through, that is of course my hat. The box was all smashed in and I was in despair when I saw it. But


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904067008
though the hat was pretty badly bent I think it will all come out so that nobody will know it isn't natural. Everything else was alright. One poor girl was bringing a glass of jelly home in her trunk, and it broke, and went allow over her new, and clean dresses, so that they all had to be put into the wash, and some couldn't go. That was rather bad. I have some of Hawthorne's book out to read over summer. I like him so much.

How is grandfather?


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904067009
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