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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, May 18, 1908:

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18 May 1908

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vassar:54222,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-18_075_003_014
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-18_075_003_014_001
Cranford -
Wed -
May 18th


Dear parents; -

I have written Aunt Louise all the news but lest she be up at Aunt M’g’t’s and you not see her letter I will drop a line.

Are the little Pollies very sick with


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the whooping cough and which ones [crossed out: will] have it.

I think it would be heaps of fun to teach the second grade [crossed out: and] but I suppose I have no certificate to offer, - altho Miss Boynton only had a teachers training education!

Ella says she is lonesome for Norwood and Baldwin Heights.

Did I tell you I went to dinner Sunday


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-18_075_003_014_003
with Gert Whitaker in North Hall? She was as dear as ever.

Yesterday P.M. Ella had a few girls in to sew and tea, only three could come as the others had previous engagem’ts. The three were, Helen Sharp, Frank’s former beloved, but not so now, tho I think he is still dead in love with her. - Sue Plumber, the one that was married while Ella was in Norwood - and Louise Brackenhush (Theresa’s sister - and Louise met Theresa).

It’s certainly terrible about Mrs. Welch. Is Maude at home?

Mama’s incident ab’t Laura Edgar was very funny. I read it to Ella and she thot you should write a book, Mamie.

Grace sent your letter down from Pokeepsie.


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I had planned to bring you some new combs, Mother, as a surprise present and now you ask for them -

If you are badly in need of brown shoe strings you will find some in my shoe bag in my closet, so you won’t need to resemble Dr. Sumner!

Eva Hakin’s episode rather surprised me-


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-18_075_003_014_005
We are to go to a reception this P.M.

Did I tell you my white serge suit looked fine - now that it’s fixed.

Mother, what color suits do you want - a black traveling or dark and a lighter one for better?

G, thinks she may come down Fri. and we will shop -