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Griffis, Katharine | to Mary Grace Toll Hill, Nov. 1875:

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November 21, 1875
VC 1877

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vassar:24314,,Box 69,VCL_Letters_Griffis_Katharine_1877_003
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: VCLLettersGriffisKatharine1877003001
72, 5th South, Vassar College
Nov. 21st, 1875
My darling Millie;
When I first read your letter I was quite filled with
delight at the thought of having you actually make me a visit here.
Our Philalethean entertainment comes on Friday, Dec. 3d We have
the day as a holiday & in the evening, the "show," and quantities of
people are expected to be here. Now, the trouble is, the College never
under any circumstances furnished a lodging for any one over night, aad all


: VCLLettersGriffisKatharine1877003002
guests, who are here in the evening, have to go to Po'keepsie for the night. There are one or two little farm houses near here, however, where one can generally get accommodation for a night. Mamma slept at one of them when she was here, and I thought I could get a room for you. Then, if you came Thursday, I could have you all Friday, & part of Sat. But, since I wrote, a little pond, in the vicinity of the College, and particularly close by these farm houses, has been drained out, so that the waste matter, which has been collecting for years, can be cleared away and we have all been forbidden to go near the place on account of the bad gases, odors, etc that prevail. Now, I tell you the cir


: VCLLettersGriffisKatharine1877003003
-cumstances of the case, and I don't know whether to press my invitation for this time or not. It would do me so much good to have you here; it would be such a lovely break in the time between now and the holidays, which still seem a good way off, but then it would never do for you to go alone back into P. Friday night. If only Frank could come down too! What do you think your self? If you can certainly come, & will tell me before Sat. I will go in town to make some arrangement. I remember so well the lovely visit I had with you at Temple Grove. It would be splendid & scrumptious beyond description, if I could keep you here in my own room. But you say you are going


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to New York, and then to Washington. What bliss! Do please tell me all about your plans. About what date do you expect to be in N.Y. ? Are you going to visit Mat Freeman? Can't you arrange to be there when I am? You know I am to spend part, if not all my vacation with Sallie Dates(?), and it is probable that I may not come home at all until Spring. I do so long for Christmas. It does not seem as if I could live five weeks longer without seeing some one of my friends. What a nice time you must have had with Ella P. I told the Miss Gray here about her visit & how you enjoyed it. I wish sometimes I might be at home this Winter, taking part in your


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nice times, but life means Work for me. Mine has begun, and my home life is over.

You must give my love to all, and remember me particularly to Frank. I never half bade him goodbye, when I came away, I saw him in the street for a minute, and he couldn't come in the evening to see me, because I was going out. He seems to have forgotten me, but I suppose it is what I must aspect. Irvie Is so happy in


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St. Paul. His letters are perfectly delightful. Letters from my friends are my great comfort.

Ever your

[Katharine (Stanton) Griffis, 77, to Mary Grace Toll Hill of Schenectady]