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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, Father, and Pete, 1920 October 6

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-09_10_012
October 6, 1920.

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete:

Tomorrow is the day to congratulateyyou, isn't it, Pete? I hope I remember.

The athletic contest for this fall is on again. I believe I explained it to you last year. The main idea is to see which class gets the greatest number of hours exercise in eight weeks. I don't count against my class, because I have a doctor's excuse.

I feel much better today than I felt the past week. It is quite a relief to say the least. I had the treatment last night again.

I signed up for Speakers' Bureau yesterday. It is a form of non-academic activity that does not involve becoming too tired or doing something athletic. Besides which, it will help the possibilities of my making debate, highly improbable though my making it may be, and it will also help the possibilities of my passing English Speech.

It was erroneouly reported that Sunday chapel was to count only one cut--it counts as two, as always. I think that is wise, because I don't imagine I am the only one who had it all figured out that you could cut every Sunday and still have some cuts left for exam week.

I had intended working on my history topic yesterday afternoon, but after my nap Henrietta Seitner came up and staid quite a while. She is here for two days, and it staying with Edith Lowman. By that time it was almost time for our class meeting, which took place seventh hour. I went over to see Phyllis. Her roommate came back from Europe Sunday and arrived here yesterday. I wonder how much Phyllis is going to like shining by reflected light, being "Beatrice Bishop's" roommate. We then went to the class meeting, where we had some hot discussion on the subject of college rings. You know all four classes voted last year to abolish class rings and to adopt a standard college ring. So yesterday we were fussing over the time in the college course to get the rings and whether or not someone who came here for two or three years and did not graduate was entitled to the ring. Of course I thought that it was not necessary to be a graduate, but a great many thought otherwise. The chairman of the Sophomore Party then told us all about the performance. It is going to be very good. It will take place the end of this month.

Have you heard anything from Harriet Aaron about the coat? I know both names are spelled wrong, but I am in a hurry.

I have heaps of work to do today. Love,