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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, Father, and Pete, 1919 October 31

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1919-10_030
October 31, 1919.

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete.

Aunt Hattie's costumes came yesterday afternoon. They are muchly mussed. I shall use the colonial man's costume. Tell her to write me an explanation of the others. A Davison Freshman is going as a colonial girl, so she will probably be my wife. I almost sent my riding hat home a week ago, and they I decided I might as well keep it since it did not take up much room. If I wear that, braid my hair and put a black ribbon on it, wear silk stockings and pumps, it ought to be real cute. I know you don't approve of that word, Pete. The only trouble with the costume is that Aunt Hattie's legs are slightly smaller than mine, and the trousers are somewhat snug. I don't think they will split, though. One of the girls is going as Dr. Thelberg. I hope for the kids sake that she won't be there. Among the other things she is going to carry an egg, with brown paper and straw messed on it.

I have forgotten to tell you that every day this week that my laundry came without any stamps last week and the strap was hanging off. The girl that shares post-office box with me had to call for it as a regular package, and lug it over. I was out with Father. Evidently it was not carefully strapped and stamped. It might be lost that way.

We had our second class meeting yesterday afternoon at which the final elections took place. The girl I voted for for president was elected. I think she is a fine girl, and she ought to be good, although I don't think that officers of the first semester Freshman year, mean very much.

There is to be a Hallowe'en party tonight. I had intended to write letters. I have to write Mrs. Weil a thankie note. Also, was I supposed to have written Mrs. Jackson a note for feeding me up, or do you only do that when you don't know people very well.

I intend to take the colonial costume over to Josselyn this afternoon and press it.

They don't haze here, they just play tricks on the Freshman. Last night I had gotten to bed, when Carolun Fay, my next-door neighbor, came in with some ice cream, Dinners here are substantial enough, but by ten o'clock one gets pretty hungry. She said she had gone off campus to get some and had brought back more than she wanted. It was very good, I admit. This morning she and Doroteha stuffed me for about a half hour on all the things they had done to the icecream before they gave it to me. When they were through, I asked Carolyn if she was not pretty well satisfied with herself. She said, no, that it is too easy to stuff a freshman, if she had done it to an upperclassman she would have been.


: Page 2, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1919-10_030
Conferences with Miss Thallon start next week. I suppose I will have a repetition with the one with Miss Buck. She will probably tell me my topic was much too long.

I got my second prose paper in Latin today. Miss Breene always made us translate literally. Miss Bourne just announced that we translate ideas, not words. I had done the paper Miss Breene's way--consequently there was much red ink on it.

We had a movie in Hygiene today. It is some job taking notes on a movie.

Lester, i hope you are sufficiently recovered from you[sic] test. it is funny that you took your test yesterday. I went swimming yesterday, too. It was raining all day, and I not only had time for exercise but needed the credit, so I went swimming. There were four in. I can stand in the deepest part. I don't think I will go often. Everything about it is very unattractive, although it is very clean.

We had quite a row about the stunt party that I told you about, Father. Whenever there were supposed to be meetings, half the kids did not know about them. There was a meeting after lunch yesterday. I was not told about it. There was one seventh hour which I attended. The chairman did not turn up until five minutes before the hour was up. The stunt party, supposedly representative of the eighteen freshmen, as arranged by the chairman consisted of a stunt by her, and two stunts by two other girls. We finally decided not to give it last night, (it is supposed to be given the first rainy night after the sophs and juniors give use theirs), because it was not representative of the whole bunch. At dinner the girl who had taken upon herselfto be the whole show got up and announced that the freshmen would give their stunt party, provided we had not chapel. She was not even at the Freshman table, as she left the dinning-room one of the girls called to her from our table and asked if the Freshmen were invited. She did not get the point. We had a hot time after dinner. Finally one of the girls announced that owing to the oversight of the fact that we were supposed to allow some off-campus freshmen in on our performance, it would be put off till Monday. I bet the boss felt like crawling into her hole. That minor excuse came in very handy. Last night after the earthquake we had a meeting and arranged a performance in which everyone should have a share. It comes off Monday night. I am an old farmer in a pantomime. It ought to be pretty good. The same girl who will probably be my wife tomorrow is to be my wife in this. We ought to know how to act together pretty soon.

I have a lot of work this week-end, also plenty of time to do it.

I forgot to tell you that a kid I knew wanted me to give her typewriting lessons for pay, just like tutoring. I told her would be glad to show her to typewrite, that I did not want to be paid for it. If I ever wanted to earn money,--don't laugh--little Corona would come in very handy.
