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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, 1919 February 26

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1919-02_03_005
Feb. 26, 1919
Dear Mother,

We got in eleven holes yesterday afternoon after the rain. I had to wear tan rubbers and black high shoes!

This morning we had breakfast at 7:30, started to play at 8:30, played the No. 1 course, came back, rested a half hour before


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My dear Stella

It seems funny to write a letter to you all by your lonely. Its a long time since I did that. Fan is fine - I will probably use that word about her often. It fits her so well. We had 18 holes this morning after which I made her rest in bed 1/2 hr - we had lunch & upon her insisting we had 18 holes more. after which I had 1 1/4 [in bed] & Fan about 2 hrs. So you see, I am seeing to it that she gets rested. Yesterday was a very easy day. Her playing is improving - she makes some very good shots + she will


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be the golfer of the family. Some score that Lester made in his tests! We recd the raincoats. You persist in reminding me that I am the only one that thought you ought to expose yourself to the flue. Believe me, I was happy you did not but I feared your father would feel you were neglecting Bess. When you look to your own health you are doing the thing which above all else I want you to do.

Lots of love & kisses. The prescription you sent is the flue medicine - [is it not].

Love + some more kisses



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lunch, played No. 3 course, starting on the last half first to avoid the crowd, got back at 4:45 in time for the most delicious tea and jelly sandwiches I have ever tasted, slept till 7, had dinner, and here I am.

The horses and tennis courts look good to me, but there is not time for everything. I cannot get golf at home like this, and


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I can get tennis.

It surely was cold and windy this morning. I wore a sweater under my coat and braided my hair so that it would stay out of my mouth. The wind was so strong that sometimes it moved the balls on the green. It helped wonderfully when it was in back of us, but you can imagine what it was to play against it.


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I [met] Gov. + Mrs [Brumbaugh]. We are to play with them soon. Have you ever seen him? His eyebrows stand out at least an inch. They were caddyless, + Father almost offered them ours. I wouldn't give mine to the President of the United States.

I have not yet opened the package that came, but I guess it is the coats. Merci. I am going to the drug-store for some lip-[salve] tomorrow. I hope I


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can get it. I surely need it.

The food is much better than [we] [Atlantic]. There is always one well prepared vegetable, at least, and a good portion of it. We have a peachy waitress.

You know the night we left I called up Miss Redd. I don't think I had time


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to tell you about it. She said that Mr. Hughes was not at all angry, that he didn't consider me a slacker, etc., but that he could not ask to have the date changed, although he wanted me in it, because he had always objected so strenuously in the past to changing dates and it would be embarassing for him in the future. Today I got this note which you forwarded + which I am enclosing


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Please return it in the next letter, as I would like to have it on hand. I thought it was mighty nice of him. I shall answer it tonight.

Albert Kabel asked me before I left for a pamphlet I have & used in our last debate. It is entitled "Gov't Ownership and the Rail ways". Otto Khan I shall tell Mr. Hughes to have him call up to tell you to get it out for


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him if he cares to call for it. It will be exceedingly useful to them. I put my debating notebook (a white school notebook) away on top of or behind the books in the bottom section of my new bookcase next to the door in the 3rd floor. All my de-bating material is in it, including this white pamphlet.

Your second letter came today. REST!!



P.S. The porch is not co-ed. We are on the warm side of the house


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The man that drew cartoons of Father last year made a dandy today, but it was taken from the table.