Vassar College Digital Library

Aaron, Fannie | to Mother and Father, 1920 January 8

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n.d. [postmarked 1920-01-07]

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Jan. 8.

Dear Mother + Father,

This business of getting [punches] is going to be a nuisance. I came over right after lunch + found eight ahead of me.

Mlle Champy told me that she sent the book to N.Y. + it was returned to her. She also told me that I would be able to catch up in the reading easily, not to worry, - she ex - pected me to hand in one of her best exam. papers! And that from her.

Miss [Kitchel] was not there today. so we [had] written work - to write


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chiefly about the large English 1 section meeting that I missed. I wrote about the preparation for it instead. The book report that I wrote is due next week, so I am that much ahead.

Miss Bourne was very particular to ask me several times how I am. I tell them, somewhat better, because there is no sense in saying I am all better. They would then expect fine work.

Miss Wells told me if I was not straightened out in math by tomorrow to come to her.

My trunk is in Main. I had to pay 98ยข excess luggage. How do you ac


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[count] for that?

I studied in the library this , It works much better than my room. I wish I had done that sooner. The quiet rules are certainly not observed.

I was quite tired yes - terday, so last night [in] - stead of working + doing nothing I went to the introductory lecture of Mlle. Marguerite Clement of the University of Versailles on Modern France. I heard her last year under the auspices of the Alliance Francaise. She speaks a beautiful French. There is another lecture 8th. hr. today but I cannot make it. I [want] to get that [makeup]


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out of my system.

Dr. T. accepted Dr. F's letter, but told me to tell him she wants a statement from him about the particulars of the case. Poor Dr. T. - her feelings are hurt that I never submitted to her examination...Incidentally, I am no better today, but it is raining + very damp, so it's all right.

I met Mrs. Robeson's niece today, whom Mlle. told me to look up. I also saw Helen J. for a while yesterday. Her room-mate who had appendicitis has 7 wks. work to make up.

I understand there was quite a loss in the Josselyn [fire.]

Love, Fannie

Me for [Ikel Corona]