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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, May 24, 1909:

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24 May 1909

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vassar:54235,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-24_075_003_027
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-24_075_003_027_001
Cranford, N.J.
Mon. May 24th

Dear parents; -

Here in Ella’s little “Bug House,” as she calls it. But she is not here, but out driving. Cousin Ed is not working this week. He and Ella came over to Newark to meet me this A.M. as planned, but the cars were delayed for some unknown reason. Effie, Harriet and I waited in [Nutley?] for
[moved from second page]
nearly an hour, the cars are supposed to run every 15 min, then went back to Davis’ and got lunch and started out again and had to wait ½ hour that time. When I reached Newark they had gone, of course, as Lassie told me. She gave me a book to read on the trolley and in fact I have never seen her so agreeable. Helen Sharp had been ‘[phoning?] Ella to go for a drive [crossed out: ing] so she went and Cousin Minnie has been entertaining me. Ella


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had been ‘phoning to Newark, [Nutley?] and [Su...t?] to find out if we were lost, quite out doing herself!

My letter yesterday was cut short in [Nutley?] by dinner then some friends of theirs came - Young married people - She plays and he sings - The Davises invited them to bring some music so we had quite a recital. Then at 6 Grace and Marion rushed pell-mell for the train and I am wondering if Grace got to Vassar before 10 o’clock or not.
We went to church in Nutley in the A.M. and in the evening I went to C.E. and church with Hortense. She is a dear, dear girl and looks so much like Helen and is like her in her actions.

Marion is the same as ever. The doctor still has his eye on her but she has been out of school only once this year.

The children, Roland and Harriet are lovely. Roland is Will the 2nd but Harriet is


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a [Clark?]. She was having chicken-pox while we were there but was not very sick.

Effie and Will are the same, and quite devoted. Their house that they have just built is adorable. Yesterday Effie appeared in a ^dark pink dress that just matched her cheeks and she looked like a perfect picture from a book.

I am working backward.

I don’t know whether or not Grace wrote anything


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on that letter or not ab’t Sat. doings.

We went over to the Fiskes in the A.M. for a few minutes. We took a [crossed out: n] 9:30 train in to N.Y. so did not have long. They inquired anxiously for Aunt Louise. Mrs. Fiske’s 18 yrs old nephew has recently died, so she has been in Philadelphia a great deal. Dorothy is laid up with a bad eye, pink-eye something. Billy (Sarah) and Mr. Fiske are the same old stuff.


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Fri. Saw Ethel [Reek’s] trousseau. She is to be married the first week in June. Her linen is embroidered by McCutcheon and her shoes are from Franks in N.Y. etc. It was a beauty. She is a Bryn Mawr (?) girl and is to marry her ^college chum’s brother from Calif. where they are to live.

Sat. A.M. while we were waiting for Marion Clark, we went up to Powers studio on 72nd street. He was bustling around the same as ever and was preparing for a recital at 11.30. He wanted us to stay but we could not as we had other opportunities.

Had lunch at Hotel Marbarlough (?) - Mrs. Austin, Clara, Marion, Mary and [Mr?].-[Mrs?].

Then we went to Maude Admams. No, mama, dady is not like the man in “What every woman Knows,” I should hope. That man is unappreciative of everything his wife does. I have a feeling Grace will


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write ab’t it, so I won’t.

I hope you will get this Tues. P.M. but I fear not.
All the Davises, Marion [Clark?], Shermans, Fiskes, Mrs. Austin, Clara etc. wished to be remembered.

Have since been having a “bully!” time, but feel guilty, for mother is the one that needs the vacation and not me, so am half inclined to believe I will come home soon - what say you -


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Mary Sherman is the limit - we call her a true [sport?]. She will take us to the theater, three times, to Hotels Astor and Belmont, and settle it all. She said she and Clara were doing the entertaining. You can never pay her back, she always does more for you than you can do for her.

Mother’s letter just arrived. Mighty glad to get it as have had none since Wed. One from Aunt [L.?]] Thurs. at [D.C.?]. If I need a waist will get i. The stockings from Altmans are for Aunt L. I do not need a [...igt?] cotton crepe waist now.


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No, Ella does not plan to go to Syracuse in June.

Effie had us ‘[phone?] her to come over to [Nutley?] to Sun. dinner, but her father feared rain and did not want her to go.


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Tues. A.M.

I discovered I could not get this to you by Tues. P.M. so have concluded to add a line.

Ella wants mother to go to Syr. with Mrs. Collins for commencement. I wish she could go, then go on to Rochester. Make her do it, dady.

I just forwarded father’s letter.

Do you really think I had better come home this week. Write me. I am anxious to come home. Grace wants me to stay.

Am crazy to find out how mother likes the suit. It’s sent on approval,


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so she doesn’t need to keep it. It’s a $48 suit reduced to $40. A $25 suit looked too cheap for mother!!

She can “bat around” Syracuse in it!

Dady, we meant mother ought to publish what she wrote ab’t Laura Edgar in a book.


Hope Grandmother’s cold is better -