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Griffith, Caroline | from Flora Easton, August 5, 1882

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05 Aug 1882

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vassar:54179,Folder 69.2; VCL_Letters_Griffith-Caroline_1882-08-05_069_002_010
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: VCL_Letters_Griffith-Caroline_1882-08-05_069_002_010_001
Nantucket, Aug. 5, 1882.

My dear old chum

You certainly are doing your duty by me, in the letter line and all I can say is that I am sorry for the rest of your correspondents. I am so glad you appreciate my epistles, very few people fo.

On Friday a party of us went to [Sconset?], started at nine, had dinner there and then drove on to [Sankaty?] Head and went up into the lighthouse. [I’ve?] been to Sankaty Head a great many times, but had never before been up and I never care to go again. I am as lame as any old man with the gout. The heads of the stairs are one foot high and there are fifty nine of them, bu when you get up [the…?] the view is grand, and I was also much


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interested in the mechanisms of the light which is a revolving one. It was a terribly warm day, and I thought I should suffocate up there, for of course the glass concentrated all the heat and I guess a thermometer would have registered 120° without doubt. This is all the dissipation I have indulged in the past week but last night my cousin [...] came. He may have to go again tomorrow, but if he stays there will be some thing going on.

Didn’t I tell you that Fred [Sa…?] was a Saratoga [youth?] and quite “some”! He is very pleasant and agreeable for an acquaintance, but I don’t want any man [round?] for a certainty. Certainly not the aforesaid. He certainly seemed quite struck and has given considerable evidence of it, since


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his departure, but it doesn’t seem to be appreciated on this [side?] of the briny deep. My cousin Will [Sef…?] M. B. whom I detest and who [sits?] next to me, is expected on Saturday. I hope for many good opportunities to [snub?] him. He is the one who shot Mabel’s pet cat right under our sitting room window.

Yesterday I had a very pretty note from Miss Church at [...]. She wrote that Professor Braislin’s mother was very ill and that Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell were with her. Also that so far this summer she had trotted up and down stairs with 900 visitors. I don’t envy her, that part, of it at all.

I presume Ella [Vassar?] thought you [knew?] all about her and had told me and in that


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view of the case I can understand many little remarks - rather hateful - which she threw out at ne at different times. I pity her sincerely and don’t imagine she must be particularly happy until the she gets married -- and she may not be then. It certainly is a dreadful state of things. Did you know that Mr. Vassar had insured his life for $10, 000 in Ella’s favor?

Now my dear girl, don’t set your heart on my coming to visit you next [summer?]. You know my will I should enjoy nothing better but I very much fear that it will be among the impossibilities and I don’t want you to be disappointed.

My family are all [in?] [love?]


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with your sweet self and I am very anxious to show them at last a picture of you. How much longer am I doomed to be in a state of expectation!

My black silk was mended [...ay?] [...ily?]. I wore it out [calling?] the [other?] [evening?] and I wish you could have seen it when I got home, I worked on it all the next forenoon and it is quite respectable now. Dust clear to the waist and thick yellow dust too. It was awful and I shant wear it again on such an occasion. Miss Abbott ‘81 came last Wednesday and is visiting at Sara Yardman’s, but I guess you didn’t meet her. She is a friend of Dr. [Gerand’s?] in Po’keepsie.

My dear you must excuse this dreadful scrawl but I am feeling real sick


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as I have been for several days although I did not give [up?] [it?] up until today as [Mother?] has been real [sick>]. Next time I will try ^to do better.


Caroline F Griffith