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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, May 23, 1908:

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23 May 1908

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vassar:54225,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-23_075_003_017
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-23_075_003_017_001
Nutley, N.J.
Sunday noon
May 23rd


Dear parents; -

So many things doing yesterday we did not get around to write.

Grace informs me that you wrote me at Brooklyn. I must write them that I intended to come over and will go


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-23_075_003_017_002
this week. They must have thot it strange to get a letter for me from Norwood.

I met Mary Sherman at the Grand Central Thurs. night. We went to the Belmont for dinner. It’s a grand hotel, sweller than the Manhattan. That night we saw Eleanor Robson in “The Dawn of Tomorrow.” She is fine, all the acting is, but it doesn’t turn out just right to suit me. We ^went out to Pool


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-23_075_003_017_003
Chester for the night.

Fri. P.M. we came in to N.Y. and met Grace at 6. Then Mary, Clara [crossed out: Jahers (2)] Jers, G. & I went to the Astor to dinner, a swell dinner - and to “the Man from Home” in the evening. Wm Hodge takes the part of the “Man from Home” and is great. Possibly the play is slightly overdone, but anyway it is considered the second best play in N.Y. this winter. Maude Adams in “What Every Woman Know” - No, Marion says these two are on a par, that “The Man from Home: is as good as “What every Woman Knows.”

[in a different hand]
Continued later. - Grand Central.

Mg’t was interrupted here and bade me finish but as there is no more paper here will have to close - “Man from Home” sure was fine. [...] “What Every Woman Knows,” simply [corking?]. A grand time in Nutley. M. goes back to Cranford to-morrow. Had one suit sent upon approval. We think it swell, if it only fits.