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Woodworth, Mary | to father, Jan. 1867:

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January 7, 1867
VC 1870

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vassar:25327,,Box 23,VCL_Letters_Woodworth_Mary_1870_005
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870005001
Vassar College
Jan. 7, 1868.

My dear father,

It is eight o'clock and as I wrote Mother, my first letter shall be to you. I started from Brooklyn just before two o'clock yesterday afternoon and New York at precisely 2-30. It took nearly all the time to reach the depot. Such havoc as the last snow-storm has made in the streets can hardly be imagined. We were obliged to cross Broadway by the Astor House to take the 8th Ave. cars and the mud was very thin and deep. By the vigorous efforts of a policeman we succeeded in dodging between the muddy carriages, trucks &c. We made good time for we were somewhat less than three hours coming up.


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I think that nearly all the girls are back, though there were quite a good many seats vacant in chapel this morning. The Chicago girls came this morning at five o'clock and the President was with them.

Mrs. Morrill came to the depot with me yesterday. She said she hated terribly to have me come away for it would be very lonely and quiet there without me.

I rather hated to come away for I have enjoyed every moment of my visit there to the uttermost it seems to me. We hoped to go to Wallack's Monday or Tuesday night but it was too stormy to admit of such a thought for a moment, besides Mr. Morrill was not well enough to go out either night.

Your letter containing the advice in regard to late hours &c. was there before me. I believe I carried


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out your suggestions to the letter in all respects, for I have been very steady all the time.

Several nights, however, I have sat up to read or write till after eleven, for when I am obliged to go to bed every night for nine months at ten I think there can be no injury in that for a week or two.

I don't know what you will think when I confess that I came back "out of pocket" and am in need of a small sum of money.

I spent very little in N.Y. because I had two or three bills to pay before going there. I hear that business is very dull and am afraid that money is scarce in consequence.

Don't send me any more than you can spare perfectly well and I will try to be as careful in spending it as possible. I hope you found out from Charlie how we spent the


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time when he was there and I have tried to write about the rest.

Mr. Morrill liked him unusually well and thinks he is destined to succeed well in business. I have not heard from home since Monday and that letter was mailed before the great storm that I think must have visited you as well as other quarters.

The letter was delayed one day and I conclude that you did not escape.

I suppose we shall not recite much today except in Latin, but as that comes at four o'clock we ought to be able to learn the lesson.

I have a criticism to write some time today and then I shall have only one more to write before my "term of office" shall expire. I am rejoiced at that. I am at the end of my sheet, & must not spend any more time now in writing.

With much love to you all,

[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870005005
I was glad to hear back and by Mamma's letter that Gracie has not the ofret. Please tell her that I appreciate his efforts to write me a letter after so long. I wish BLANK and me BLANK. I want corresponse the two like this. But it is not flattering.