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Adams, Ruth | to family, Feb. 1901:

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February 1901

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vassar:8686,Box 1,VCL_Letters_Adams_Ruth_1904_057
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: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057001

Dear people:-
At last Cora and Edith have got away. Such absurd people I never saw. They have been acting "fit to kill". Well I draw a long breath and start to tell you about things. Such gorgeousness you have never dreamt of, as was to be seen Friday night, and they (or Miss Cornwell) wouldn't let Mr. Stephens go. Did you ever hear anything more foolish and silly. It the


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057002
girls wouldn't mind I don't think Miss C. need get excited. We are just as madd as we can be, and so is Mr. St. He told Prexi that he would never come again with out making it a condition that he should see what ever was going on. If Teddy, who is young and unmarried and unconnected with the college, can go why can't Mr. Stephens? Well I managed to get my consumes done. It was not ver swell


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057003
but looked pretty. I made one of those short waisted businesses not with standing what you said about the time when it was worn. It was the easiest to awake with out any pattern. I really feel quite proud of myself. I cut the lining for the waist by the [?] of my blue chally (?) dress and put the rest on os Mrs Galheger (?) does. I haven't nearly got the powder out of my hair yet. It is dreadful. But how


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stunning it does make the girls look. Cora was too conning for words. But as was everybody. It changed some people so that we didn't know them at all. Mr. Stephen's lecture was a great success. I just went into the reception which was given for him in the faculty parlor for a moment and spoke to him and then skipped out. You see the lecture was in the afternoon and lasted until about


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five and we had to get all dressed between it and dinner. Then we went to the ball and had a beautiful time. They gave us doughnuts and and apples for refreshments. Then Saturday morning we stayed in bed rather late and Miss Ellery came in before I was dressed to ask if I would take charge to Mr. Stephens at 10 o'clock and I was to acquire at the messenger office to find where he was. So up I go at 10


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and ask where he is. They really don't know but will find out if I will wait. I wait. They hunt and hunt and hunt. Prof. Stephens seems to have disappeared. He is no where to be found. THey will let me know if he turns up. So I go back to my room and try to do a little Algebra. After a while Miss Ellery comes in. Where is Prof Stephens? What shave I done with him? I haven't seen hi at all. How very odd. and off she


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goes. Pretty soon the lunch bell rings and as I go down I see him standing by the dining room door talking to Miss Salmon, so I go and speak to hum. It seems he and Prexi escaped and went off for a walk. Miss Salmon has bullied Mr. Stephens into giving an informal talk on the historical novel in the afternoon so he decides to stay over a train so that he can have a chance to


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talk with me. After lunch I try to get some latin done. But of course it is usually hard and I only succeed in digging out about half of it. Then comes three o'clock and his lecture which lasts about 3/4 of an hour and is very amusing. He was very much distresses through for fear Miss Salmon didn't approve of his joking so, and not taking it seriously. After wards I went up to get hum and what does


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057009
he say but "now you are going to take me to your room and give me some tea, aren't you?" I hadn't thought of it and didn't have any tea kettle or any tea, or any milk, or any sugar, or any anything. "You promised me long ago, didn't you, that I should have tea in your own room when I come to vassal?" So I smiled and said of course he should have tea and winked at Cora who


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rushed, and byte the time I got Mr. Stephens down to the room everything was beautifully fixed. That is the joy of College. If you get in a tight fix everybody is willing to help and in no time you are all right. One girl rushes to some body she knows has a beautiful tea kettle she meets somebody who has the tea, etc. WHile you have time to fix up the room. Nothing fazes (?) a college girl. I will admit we


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didn't go down directly Prexi came up and talked to us. He wished to be remembered to you. ANd what do you think he said. It was very delightful, but it is rather frightening. Mr. Stephens said he had come up to see how "this young lady" was getting along and he was advising her very seriously to avoid study as much as possible, because he knew she had a tendency I meant to over work that way.


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057012
President I said yes he knew I wasn't feeling very well before Christmas, but I seemed much better now, (please observe) wasn't I really? Then he said I had won a victory (which I have) and it would never be hard again etc. etc. Prof. Steph asked when those dreadful exams come with which they troubled us, and whether I got through all right I said I didn't and Prexi added "and well, very well


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057013
too. I looked it up myself" Now isn't that the limit? Imagine my feelings to think of his looking up my marks. Why I shall certainly have to do good work. Well then Mr. Stephens come to the room. Miss Ellery chaperoned. I have a suspicion it was improper, even a strong one. The rules say no gentlemen shall be taken to the rooms with out a chap. and that Father and


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brothers may stay 15 minutes but not more. Prof. Stephens was here until so before six. A trifle more than 15 minutes, you see. Then he departed and I had dinner and went ot chapel and went to the french lecture. you see I have been having my fill of lectures lately. This man is M. Lavel w with whom Miss Salmon and Miss Ellery studies in Paris. He lectured in English, very broke, and read selections from Rostard in French. I couldn't understand very well. By the way I met Richardson again


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and she "squoze" my hand some more & hoped I would come and see her soon. I go, I go. Ruth


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057016
Mrs. George B. Adams
57 Edgehill Road
New Haven


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904057017

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