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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, June 3, 1909:

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3 June 1909

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vassar:54237,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-06-03_075_003_029
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-06-03_075_003_029_001
9. Thurs. A.M.
June 3rd 1909
Cranford -

Dearest parents; -
I wrote yesterday, but fear you will not get the letter until today, as I forgot to mail it in N.Y. until 6 P.M.

We went to [Wamamakers?] as I wanted to


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get [Will?] his [Motor?] Boys. Found they were $.45 only, (they are $1.05 in PoKeepsie & [Norw’d?]) so purchased two of them. True “twin-like” sty;e I opened an acc’t! at Wamamakers. You see I wouldn’t be beaten by Grace. “Under the Lilacs” is for Dorothy’s birthday. It’s the only one I haven’t read yet and Ella said she would like it. We have the others


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so got that one. The book by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps is for Florence. We seem to give the Pollies more than we do Florence so purchased that on Ella’s recommend also.

The combs are for mother, the blue silk umbrella is her birthday present! to match her suit if she kept it. The persian belting is for Aunt Louise if she wants it, also one jabot. The white belting is for mother and myself, enough for two.

Mother usually thinks I am not a very grand shopper, I wonder what she’ll say to my purchases this time.

Ella said we get along famously together shopping for we both look for things reduced - she thinks Lassie and Grace would make a team for nothing is too much


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or too good for their pocketbooks!

We had lunch there. It was raining so we did not run around N.Y more than necessary. Then went thru the House Palatial in Wamamakers. It is wonderful and must have cost a small fortune. Will tell about it when I come home.

Sothern and Marlowe are wonderful. I wish


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you could see them. Aunt Louise said we would weep, but we must have been hard-hearted for neither of us did, not even when she moves her hand in the last scene and she takes the poison. It was in the Academy of Music, Mother, where we saw “The Music Master.” We had excellent seats - Ab’t 10 from the front in the orchestra. It’s a


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down-town theatre so the seats are cheaper, $1.00. I treated Ella.

Sothern and Marlowe are playing together for only 3 weeks. Must be Sothern’s wife consented to it for a short time! It’s certainly a rare treat to see them act together.

If Ella isn’t too tired we are going to Brooklyn tomorrow, that is the fourth time now we have made plans to go. I will go then away - Ella wants to go and spend the night, so to be at college Sat. for her fraternity birthday party.

I little dreamed that I would stay in Cranf’d for nearly 3 w’ks as Aunt M’g’t hoped I would. I little dreamed that I could have such a grand time for three w’ks.

You probably will not hear from me tomorrow -
