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Fitt, Harriet (Bradley) — to family, January 19, 1910

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19 Jan 1910

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vassar:54130,Folder 68.3; VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-01-19_068_003_029
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: VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-01-19_068_003_029_001
Vassar College
Jan 19-10

Dear Ones,

Just a week since Mother left! It seems forever. Work is very hard, and we are having a great many ups and downs in our own hopes of getting through well. Miss Richardson, the Math instructor, has lost her temper every day this week, and has offended more than half of her girls to such an extent that they are all


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refusing to go to class unless they are changed to another section. [Doss?] is one of them. Miss R-- has, so far been perfectly just to me, but there is only one other girl in our section who has not some personal grievance against her. We are reviewing everything. In Latin they give us English to put into Latin daily, without vocabulary, and eight translation.


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Saturday night they had the “Students’” meeting, and it was most interesting. The cut system is put on the table until next meeting, and no one thinks it will carry. Some of the queerest girls in the world discussed the prohibition of phonographs, and another interesting discussion was on keeping the sophomores as well as the Freshmen, from Founder’s dance. Every speech brought down the house, and we enjoyed the whole hour and a half, when we had expected to be rather bored.

Sunday morning we had a good waffle breakfast at the Cozy Cottage.

Spring Lake was not swept until Monday, and College Lake not


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at all. I went to Spring with Edith Monday, and stayed for two hours and a half. [Result?], I have practically learned to skate, and my ankles are very lame. Yesterday it rained and today is still warm, so I have not had another chance.

That map was finally finished and handed in yesterday. It met with


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approval. One of my themes is being published in the next “Miscellany.” It is not very good, and I wish they had not taken it.

[...], Sunday afternoon and evening -- probably on account of the waffles, I was sick in bed and could not see Miss Leech. I am going tonight. Miss Blount, Miss Sanders, and Mrs. Kendrick have all wanted to be remembered to you, Mother.


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Bell for class is ringing.

With much love,
