Vassar College Digital Library

Stockton, Madeleine (Traver) | to [unknown], [Feb. 1894?]:

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[Feb. 1894?]
VC 1897; first page of letter is missing.

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vassar:25021,,Box 73,VCL_Letters_Stockton_Madeleine_1897_001
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: VCLLettersStocktonMadeleine1897001001
(Feb, 1894?)
...hygiene which comes once
a week on Thursdays. I shall
enjoy my Latin class very
much indeed. The teacher
new seems very young and
is sympathetic and inspiring.
Her name is Miss
Susan Franklin. We have
a short translation from
Livy for to-days lesson.
I find I have forgotten a
great deal of my Greek,
and shall have to grind,
for a time at least. That
teacher. Miss McCurdy is also
new, but she is very different
from Miss Franklin. She
doesn't inspire me with a
particle of enthusiasm, and
yet she expects a great deal
of us. Still she is very


: VCLLettersStocktonMadeleine1897001002
pleasant. Miss Richardson,
the "dread" mathematics
teacher has not displayed
any of her terrors as yet, and
she seems to me very fascinating.
She has a beautiful
smile when she chooses to
display it. We are to begin
in solid geometry. We have
met in class once for English,
but have had no work yet.
The teacher, Miss Nettleton,
is perfectly charming, makes
bright, witty little speeches,
and is probably capable of
making sarcastic ones. I
think her the handsomest teacher
I have seen.
Papa, Hope wrote to you
for a Liddell and Scott


: VCLLettersStocktonMadeleine1897001003
Greek Eng. Lexicon. For the
large ones, I think the retail
price is $ 10, and they can be
bought here for $7. But I
would just as soon have an
abridged Liddell and Scott, if
you think best. If ever there
was anything lacking in that,
I could easily refer to the large
one in the library. So do just
as you think best. If you
are going to send it to me,
please send it as soon as
you can, so that I won't
have to borrow.
I have met oceans and oceans
of girls, among them Miss
Beckwith whom I heard of in
Rochester from Mrs. Platt. She is
a bright jolly girl, and I think
I shall like her very much.
I think our class is going to


: VCLLettersStocktonMadeleine1897001004
be a fine class. I have heard two reports of its size, one 190, the other 150.

Hope's friends are lovely. She, Hope, is very highly thought of, I think.

Now, I will tell you that which maketh my heart to quake. There is a notice on the bulletin board for all those who wish to become candidates for the Glee Club to come to Music Hall between 4 & 5.30 P.M. to-day. Hope says I must go, but, if I were alone, I know I should back out. You have no idea what an atom you feel yourself to be in college. I used to believe I could sing a little, but among such multitudes of girls who sing, I feel that I stand a very small chance. I know my fate beforehand, but you shall hear it later. It is nearly lunch time. I do hope your first week will not be too hard.

Very lovingly

[Madeleine (Traver) Stockton, '97]