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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, 1923 February 23

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1923-01_02_040
Friday evening
Feb. 23, 1923

Dear Mother:

Thanks ever so much for sending specials.

I'm glad you didn't write or wire Dr. T. She certainly would have resented it - and I wouldn't have been able to blame her! She doesn't court pneumonia any more than we do.

She had expected me to leave this P.M. but I asked her if I couldn't stay till morning. She said I could, but would have to leave in the morning as she promised the room to someone. I've been here a day longer than anybody else. Most people want to leave - I envy them their energy!


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I have practically no cold + only a slight cough left, but, Mother, I feel as though I had been in bed for months. My legs feel almost too heavy to move and I have to force the food down. It is so discouraging.

I went to my four classes today. I rested an hour after lunch and came back + went to bed at 6. I just sat through them - I feel as if I were in another world.

I have been wondering a lot about coming home, but I'm inclined to think that it is foolish to spend a night on the sleeper while I still have any cold at all and am so weak, And by the time I am better there is no point in coming. As for Atlantic, ordinarily I would think it a fine idea but


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I feel it is very important for you to stay home now and give your treatment the best possible chance. Besides, I don't want to take you away from Father so soon again.

The New York girls practically all go home the day they get out of the [Infirm], but that is the disadvantage of being farther away!

The debate squad is to be picked tomorrow. Evan told me today she had intended putting me on without any tryouts even if I hadn't gotten sick. I am the only one thus honored!! I think I shall [debate] in both the league and the Williams


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debate because it will [fmake] me forget my weary self. And when I am feeling punk my normal lack of self-confidence gets to be almost a disease, and debate is the best way for me to get over it. I mustn't give in to it. I went to Ec Sem. this A.M. + while the girls were giving their reports I simply trembled at the thought of reporting 15 minutes - once a week. Isn't it an affliction to be like that? I don't see why I should. Sometimes I can laugh it off and sometimes it just oppresses me - like tonight, as you have probably guessed.

I'm going to the dean's office Monday or Tues. about dropping a course. I wish I could see my way clear to dropping Ec. Sem. but


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I fear it would be a low trick. It will have to be Tolerance - for which, incidentally, I have done no work at all up to date. Even so that will save from 5 to 6 hours a week - which is a lot. And I'll just buck up about Ec Sem, + give myself a whipping!

I'll stay here at college and do what work I can and get started on debate pretty soon, and try to be patient and not get so discouraged again.

I'm getting a tonic. I don't know what it is though.

Please stop worrying. I'm sure the illness is all out of me. It's merely great weakness now.


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[May] I [ask] who the pneumonia gentlemen were?