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Woodworth, Mary | to mother, Jan. 1867:

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January 8, 1867
VC 1870

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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870006001
Vassar College.
Jan. 8, 1867 [i.e. 1868]

My Dear Mother

I am here, and without trouble. Everything has gone well with me so far and I hope will continue to do so the rest of my time here. I got to the college just after they had gone to tea but as my own stock of provisions has not failed and I felt disinclined to make my advent to the supper room after they were all seated, I ate some gingerbread and waited patiently for the girls to come. It seemed to me that they would never get out of chapel and they said Dr. Raymond showed strong symptoms of detaining


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them all night. They caught a glimpse of my scarlet shawl just as they came in and I received a very demonstrative welcome. It seemed much better to come now than it did last September when no one was the happier or otherwise for seeing me and I felt like a wanderer but I felt rather blue after all. This morning I am all right and in pretty good spirits.

I am going to Miss Lyman at half past eight this morning and will write you the result of the interview. I do not apprehend any difficulty, but still she may be unwilling to excuse me. I came by way of New York with Miss Marston and her brother met her there. They were both so kind to me, I shall not forget it. He got me a hackman to carry me


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from the New [Haven?] to the Hudson River depot much cheaper than I could for myself. I told him I was afraid they would have overwhelmed me, and I never could have made him come down on [Yorices?] as he did. You would have laughed to see him I am sure. We had a delightful day and delightful ride to New York. It was an accommodation train to New Haven and Expres. from there. I had to wait about three quarters of an hour and then take an accommodation train for Poughkeepsie. there was ^to be no expres train till four and I did not wish to wait.

Later. I have been to three recitations and been to Miss Lyman also. When I went in she kissed me of course and said she received my letters - that it was a very good ex-


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-cuse and she had already written my name down as excused. You have no idea how nice she was and I got along so nicely- She has refused to excuse several of the girls, but I guess she liked it very much to have me dutiful enough to write about my absence. The reunion of girls is very pleasant indeed. I was very glad to see several of them. I am so glad I feel better today than I did last night. You and father will be surprised to have me write that I do not feel the effects of my journey at all. We had such a nice time at Springfield. I want all my friends to go there and see how nice every thing is. Miss Marston is very companionable. She has roomed with Mrs. Shepard at New Hampton and is quite an intimate friend of hers.

I have just had another lunch


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from my biscuit, gingerbread, cake &c. I can't begin Trigonometry- for a few days because the books have not come, but Miss Braislin gave us some insight into Logarithms this morning. I am going to try to like it and I guess it will be nice. I feel so provoked to think I should leave those three nice pencils in the secretary instead of my trunk. I wonder if one or two could not be sent in papers. They are just the kind I want and better than they have in the office.

It is nearly dinner time and I must finish this letter or it wont get there Friday. I hope you will write me soon and tell every one you see to do the same. I forgot to enjoin the necessity upon them of writing immediately.

As ever. Your loving Mary

[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]