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MacCoy, Marjorie Newell | to Family, 15 November 1908

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vassar:56247,Box 41; VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-10_1908-12_041_004
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: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-10_1908-12_041_004_001
Nov. 15, ‘08

Dearest Folks:-
            If you could see the sight from my window this morning! The whole world is covered with a layer of snow that [hides] everything [ugly], and the big evergreens are just loaded down and the sun is shining so everything just sparkles. It started snowing about six o’clock yesterday -- it had been gray all day and must have snowed a good part of the night, for the fall is three or four inches thick.
    I am so [used] to hear from [Val] all about you that I can scarcely wait till this afternoon to hear. I am sorry about the [fall] pause


: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-10_1908-12_041_004_002
for Logan’s sake. I haven’t heard anything about it - whether it was close or not - and am waiting till some of the girls who went come back. You would have laughed to see the [table] yesterday, four people were away and two had [unreadable], so our ranks were thinned considerably. 
    Friday afternoon there was the [match] hockey game, and 1909 won. It wasn’t half as close as we expected, and everybody was sorry the Juniors (that’s 1910 now, you know!) didn’t do better, for they deserved to.
    Yesterday afternoon Katherine Taylor and I had the [grandest] [long] walk. It was a perfect day, just as gray as anything, and just cold enough to keep you hustling.


: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-10_1908-12_041_004_003
I am at present tearing my hair over “my man’s” card. Everybody nice seems to be going away and only goofs [remain]. 
    Last night Margaret Brady and Rene and I made chocolate about half past eight, and then sat around and gossipped and gabbed until bedtime. Lillias was [gaily] floating around with a man all afternoon and evening so we didn’t see much of her. 
    I must stop now, for Lillias and I are going over to the Inn for breakfast.
        As Ever Lovingly


: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-10_1908-12_041_004_004
Postmark:    POUGHKEEPSIE NOV 17 11 AM 1908 N.Y.

        Dr. Alexander W. MacCoy, et. al.
            Overbrook Ave. and 58th St.