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DeWitt, Nettie | to brother, Oct. 6, 1892

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October 6, 1892
VC Ex 1896

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vassar:24658,Box 66,VCL_Letters_DeWitt_Nettie_1896_004
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: VCLLettersDeWittNettie1896004001

Oct 6, 1892, Vassar College. My dearest brother:- You certainly do not deserve a letter from me, for with the exception of those few lines in Mamma's letter and the paper you sent me, you have quite ignored your small sister and that is certainly all wrong even if she is_ stupid. You know Mamma sent me your marking for one month and I was proud indeed of you, and hope you will keep on doing well. I have heard of so many bright boys since I have been here One for instance, eighteen or


: VCLLettersDeWittNettie1896004002
nineteen and a sophmore at Harvard, and what do you think Hatt Wood told me today. That out of one hundred and five or more. Smith was one of five who passed his entrance exam's for the Chicago University.

You ought to come and visit me in the winter. Right across the road from the college grounds is a nice pond. In winter they skate there a great deal. Won't it be fine? And they coast here too, and have lots of sport. I will get in more exercise than I do at home almost. Today was very fine and Marcia, Hatt and I walked over to the Windsor Hotel


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where Bess Paine stays and back. It is about a mile over there I believe. We had hoped to see Hatt Paine there but she had left about an hour before we got there, and gone back to Newburg. She drove over from there with her uncle. I was much disappointed at not seeing her, as it would seem so good to see someone from home.

Mamma writes me that you are training for the field sports - Of course I am interested, so write me all about them - and I hope you will send me a paper now and then. And then too I want to know all about your rides and whom you take home from church etc.


: VCLLettersDeWittNettie1896004004
Where is the picture you were going to give me ? Please send it soon as I am rather tired of exhibiting that grinning kodak-picture of you and the chickens.

I really must not write more at present, and will probably not write again until Sunday, as then I will have plenty of time to write a good long letter and will probably have something to write then as there is a reception to-morrow night, tennis tournament to-morrow and Saturday and a play given by the girls Saturday night and I am going to all of them.


: VCLLettersDeWittNettie1896004005
I wish you were here at college in Poughkeepsie so that you could come out on Sundays and bring me candy etc. marshmallows especially. (This is a hint)

Please Clare write to me soon all the news-

Your loving sister

Oct 6.

[Nettie (Brand) De Witt, ex-'96]