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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, May 14, 1908:

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14 May 1908

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vassar:54221,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-14_075_003_013
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-14_075_003_013_001
Thurs. P.M.
May 14, 1908.

Dear parents; -

Our hot spell is over. Today is cooler and rainy.

The recital came off. I didn’t care much for the girls that sang, the first part was all vocal. The chorus work was good. It seems to me all Griggs sopranos sing just alike; but Grace


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-14_075_003_013_002
thinks not, she likes his pupils. However I think Miss Chittenden’s pupils [crossed out: played] performed the best. The violinists [played?]; they are [Damrents?] pupils. Grace played by dar the best, if I do say so. She got lots of compliments.

Popie’s “lifter came this A.M. Many thanks - Grace tells me emphatically that her [crossed out: e] bills for April are not $20, but are ab’t $16 instead, as Beulah


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-14_075_003_013_003
Tompkins owes her $4 on her [...] bill.

I sat in the [choir?] last night with Mabel. Prexy gave quite an extensive talk. It seems the Pok-papers have been full of articles ab’t the college girls joining the Consumer’s League. You remember Grace wrote ab’t it at the time all the girl’s joined. Of course it hurts the trade some down town, as the girls wont trade some places. Prexy doesn’t side with the girls. He thinks the city people should tend to those matters. I think he’s right. The college isn’t even within the city limits.

Grace wants me to add that her bills are larger than usual because of shoes etc.

Wms p’k’g came o.k. and the [apples?] were welcome as well as the handkerchief.

Miss McClure is in Pok. only over Sat. tutoring. She


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1908-05-14_075_003_013_004
is doing library work in Columbia. She said she remembered you, Momie.

Ella didn’t say anything ab’t Allan’s [] of myself in Lyc. to Grace.