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Worthing, Margaret (Fletcher) | to family, May 18, 1909:

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18 May 1909

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vassar:54234,Folder 75.3; VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-18_075_003_026
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: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-18_075_003_026_001
Cranford -
Tues -
May 18th


Reached Cranford [O?]. K. ab’t 5 yesterday. I had a grand time with two suitcases and an umbrella coming across the city but porters were [...tious?].

Ella’s little outside room is cunning as can be. Cousin [Minnie?] finished the inside mostly herself.


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-18_075_003_026_002
Yesterday was Frank’s 29th birthday, and today is Willie’s 15th birthday.

Ella took her castor oil this A.M. - It’s her regular day for it - once a week now instead of twice. She looks the same as when she left Norwood, even tho she has lost eight pounds. I can’t see where she has lost it for she measures the same, her mother says.


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-18_075_003_026_003
But the doctor says it is natural for her [loss?] - change of climate, milk etc. She has not gone out in the evening any and not over much in the P.M. But last night she let one of the fellows come, so she had company. I have met him before and am far from being crazy over him. Cousin Minnie and Ella and I put puzzles together to entertain him. Cousin Minnie has been lovely. They all have, but they still [...?]. Lassie is not here.

The apple etc. trees are all thru blossoming here, even ahead of Poughkeepsie.

Ella expects to go over to Brooklyn with me Thurs. She wants me to come back here next week.

Mother, do you feel any better than when I left? be sure to answer me - and is that why Aunt L. is staying there?


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-18_075_003_026_004
Ella sends love and says Larry (dog) has been talking and sending love.


: VCL_Letters_Worthing-Margaret-Fletcher_1909-05-18_075_003_026_005
Did you get the letter mailed at Grand Central?