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MacCoy, Marjorie Newell | to Family, 11 March 1908

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vassar:56216,Box 41; VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-01_1908-03_041_011
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: VCL_Letters_MacCoy-Marjorie-Newell_1908-01_1908-03_041_011_001
415 Raymond
March 11, ‘08
Dear Family:-

Typed transcription page 1 ……..
                This can only be [scribble], for this is my “busy day”. Your letters telling of the birds and Spring-like things at home made me envious. We are way behind you, although today does feel a lot like Spring but we still have some snow left from Friday’s storm. 
    I had my second physical examination yesterday, and you needn’t worry about my health; I have gained six pounds!! That makes me weigh 137 gym. weight. Heaven knows what I’ll weigh if I keep on at that rate!


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    I went to dinner in Main last night with Sarah [Hicks]. [Helen] may remember meeting her -- she was the other roommate in Katherine Taylor’s room when I took her in. I had a very nice time, of course, and after Chapel came Choir practice; it was nice, and we practiced one [pretty] anthem for Easter, beside the “Psalms” and some other nice ones.
    The Miscellany elections have “took place,” and Ruth Hanigan is Editor-in-Chief (Jean knows her) and Frances Cutler is of the Senior (!) Editors for next year, and Katherine Taylor is one of the


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Junior (!!) ones. Isn’t that nice?
    This week has been pretty stupid so far, so there’s no more news.
    I am past [panicking] crazy to see you. I’ll write you about Mary C. just as soon as I find out myself! Her family [seems] undecided as to what they want her to do, and won’t say. I’m sorry to put you [in] trouble about it.
    Bye bye now - 
        Love to all
            … Ever


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Postmark:     Poughkeepsie  MAR II 1908 NY

Dr. Alexander W. MacCoy
Mrs. William P. Logan
Overbrook Ave. and 58th St. 