Vassar College Digital Library

Digital Collections

Anatomia humani corporis, centum & quinque tabulis: per artificiosiss. G. de Lairesse ad vivum delineatis, demonstrata, veterum recentiorumque inventis ex. .

12262-Service File.jpg

Grille copy: bound in contemporary maroon morocco gilt with gilt coat-of-arms of Gabriel Bernard De Rieux, with decorated endpapers; damage to leaf Gg resulting in loss of signature mark; Bookplate (motto: Mens conscia recti): Ex libris Fenwick Beekman; two signatures in pencil on back flyleaf

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Vassar's Millionth Volume


The original collection of books that comprised the library when Vassar College opened its doors in 1865 was the gift of Matthew Vassar. He donated between 3,000 and 4,000 volumes from his personal library and purchased an additional 1,000 from Elias Magoon, one of the college's first trustees


Content Warning

The Vassar College Archives within the Digital Library include some images, texts, and material items that are racist, xenophobic, or otherwise harmful. The Vassar Libraries have provided descriptive text and additional notes whenever possible to alert Digital Library users to these items. The Engaged Pluralism Initiative Race and Racism in Historical Collections Project Group is working with the library on contextualizing and facilitating community conversations about these materials. For more information see: