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203 Davison House
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

April 7

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete:

All I can report to you is a sick headache all yesterday starting with having to get up and walk out of J fourth hour. I thought Miss Wylie didn't even know I was going, but as soon as I reached the door she stopped in the middle of her sentence and said in deep concern, "Do You want somebody to go with you?" I suppose she thought I would give them some diversion by fainting. I don't know the cause of the headache but I do know that I took a tablet of aspirin so that I could go back to room-drawing. It took my headache away, but I am off that stuff for life. It is the third time I have taken it, and each time it has depressed me uncannily. I'd rather keep the headache.

Heard a wonderful concert by Thomas Wilfred, lute singer of folk songs, the other day. It was unusually interesting and enjoyable.

I got notice from the Poughkeepsie post office please to see them about a package for me from Franklin-Simon. I have gotten everything from them but the dress. They tell me in the P. O. here that probably means the box arrived with the dress stolen. I shall see as soon as I can go to town.

Hope Lucy doesn't stay too long. I am terrifically busy--I had counted on finishing
I don't remember at all what we give Bertha, Mother. All I remember is the wedding present. I was amazed at Henrietta. I remember vaguely passing a man on my way from the elevator to her room, but of course I barely noticed him. She wrote me that I passed him in the hall. Somehow I have always booked for Gerald G. in the good course of time. I certainly hate the thought of her moving from Pittsburgh, and I also hate the thought of her being related to those awful penuchle-playing Royal Palace Hansteins, but I guess if one picks one's relatives-in-law in Jewish society, one would never marry! Has she known the gent long, and what do you know of him? I certainly was "thunder-struck".

The scarf is great, Mother. Thanks heaps.

Let me know as soon as you hear about the doctor's appointment. Right after I telegraphed you Rachel told me what a wonderful time is being planned for Amherst--twenty-five kids are going, and they are going to have a dance in the afternoon and evening for V. C. I was on the point of wiring yesterday morning that I changed my mind, but then the headache made me decide that I couldn't make it. I hope Lucy doesn't stay long, because topics are piled up thick and fast. I don't feel that I have any business to take the week-end for Amherst, not knowing whether i will have to go down to n. Y. to the DR. often or not. But I surely would love to! Peggy asked me yes-
-terday officially to speak to Brown debate. Why, oh why did I elect such a stiff course?

I hope I am through with C's in the biology dept now. I got C on both writtens which covered the two weeks I missed and used other people's notes for, but I get A in the written just before vacation.

And now I have what I consider good news, and so I left it for the last. Drawing for numbers took over an hour, and it was a deadly, nerve-wracking performance, in which one could hear an unbelievable number of catty remarks in so short a time. I had my mind stoically made up for 239, but surprised myself agreeably by drawing 47. But in view of the fact that we have the following system, it isn't worth much. Any number--and that of course means up to ten of fifteen, practically can reserve an unlimited number of rooms on her corridor, above, and below her. That means almost everything is reserved by the time 15 had drawn. But, if reservation is made by anyone for the room of the first choice of a person having a lower number then the one reserved for, the former can kick. However, big fights always ensue:--"You don't want to break up our gang, do you?", etc. But--the point of my story is this. Margaret Hay, Ted Burton, and I are trying to get three singles together--what is called a nest of singles. And the girl who has 9 promised us to reserve for us, as soon as she had taken care of her crowd of People.
We ought to get pretty much what we want--we aren't very particular, except that we don't want first floor, and don't want north windows. I think it will work very well--it will practically like rooming with them, with the advantage of being alone when we want to be. I don't think I am making a mistake--I like them very much, particularly the one of the two that you met, Mother. What do you think of it?

I won't write tomorrow because we will be cooped in Assembly all day long over this drawing performance.

Jane told me that she met Dr. Goldenson in Kansas City at her aunt's house. She thought he would be very nice as one's rabbi!

And now for some intensive studying.
