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[Sept. 27]

Dear Mother, Frather[sic], and Pete:

I shall use the half hour before lunch to write to you, and perhaps then I can get a real letter off.

Before I forget, Helen heard from the woman they know in Poughkeepsie that there is to be English and English sermon Friday night. In that case, we are going.

I just came in from a pretty good game of tennis with Ruth Franklin. The game was arranged otherwise, but it turned out at the appointed time that she and I were the only ones up, so we played. When I came back, my name was up for hockey, but I could not do everything, so I crossed it out. I was not tired, but Miss Thompson's office closes at twelve, and I have gone there so often and not found her that I decided that was more important. She sent me to the Dean's office, the old correspondence is kept there. They hunted and found the various letters. Miss White had already been there looking to see if my schedule could be changed. So it would seem from that that she wants to change me. I shall take the list over to her room sometime today. Father, if Mother is home, she will tell you what this is about,-- otherwise it is a secret. I agree with you, Mother, that if I am not changed, it won't do me any harm. On the other hand, if I am changed, I don't think I'll flunk it either.

I was asked so urgently to go to Henrietta Seitner's room last night that I could not refuse. Gee whizz, she is Mrs. Spear's niece, and Jimmie's cousin, all right.

Yesterday afternoon I had my first whack at field hockey. It is good fun, but of course no one is brilliant at first. I hope that I don't get a notice to quit too soon, because it is fine exercise.

We had chocolate pudding for dessert last night. That seems to be the college treat. It was good, though. Unless I don't remember rightly, I turn my nose up at the stuff at home.

I asked at the general warden's office. Miss Smith, and the housekeeper about my chain. None had had it turned in. This morning I asked our maid. She found it in the bathroom and took it to her room to have clained[sic]. She said she told one of the girls to find out who lost it. The housekeeper told me she was sure this girl would turn it in if she found it. So I donated the dollar to her.

I dropped in on Lucy for a few minutes yesterday.

Professor Mills officiated in chapel last night. I think, although I am four rows from the end, I am in a part of the building where the accoustics are good. I shall take a note to Miss Abbott to the Messenger Room today.
Lester, if you add your rug to your room-furnishing bill, I think you will be more than I am. Mother can tell you what things cost.

The plates, the fruit dish, and the lemon squeezer came today. Everything is very nice. The book-case came yesterday. It is alos[sic] fine. The pictures came today--so are they. I don't like that stomach-achy expression on your picture, though, Father. Please have another taken. The pencil-sharpener will do. Later on I will fasten it to something.

I have not been able to take the medicine yet, because I am not here an hour after meals.

Mother, did you have any money left when you finished buying candy? I am enjoying what you sent to me. Lucy told me in great excitement that you had sent her some. So did Helen, Miss Smith, Dorothea and Louise Hewson. Louise left an awfully nice note about you on more door, but I must have thrown it away. You made quite a hit. Gertrude Allen across the hall was very sorry she missed you to say good-bye.

I got the mileage book today, also the package from Mme. Schwartz.

I had a fine job last night--I did not have a chance to be homesick myself. I met Duffie Schulman, Helen's roommate going to chapel, and she said that she happened to be in the telephone room when my call came, and they were trying to locate me in Main. She told them I was in Davison. Meanwhile I had gone to chapel, so when I came back I got the New York operator. Finally, when I was waiting for you, the girl across the hall was half crazy waiting for a call that they had not gotten her for.The person that took the call said her home was calling, and she was perfectly sure someone was dying. Finally, when she did get the call it was her uncle in Cornwall. It is not much fun telling a girl all the possible reasons why the person may still be living. Then that fool Katheryn Gardner across the hall came to inform me she had the blues, so I tried to get her around. Imagine me playing the role of comforter for that illness! It seems that I will not be allowed to catch it.

Marion Gratz left a note for me asking me to go to the Freshman reception with her in the open-air theatre this afternoon. Here's where I feel my own stupidity again. I don't believe all Junior XYZ's are like that.

