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Dear people:

Today is town Sunday but I am staying at home today to rest after the fatigue of yesterday, that I may be prepared for the fatigues of tomorrow.
Monday- comes English
Tuesday- " Latin
Wednesday- " Math
Thursday- " German
Just think we have had our last recitation in Freshman year. It doesn't seem possible does it?
About going to Edith's. I think perhaps I had better
go, and then seeing about when I shall have to leave New Haven. Of course I can't stay if nobody wants me. But in case I do go with you on the 21, I shall have one of the girls up each night with me and we can lie awake all night and talk. We could get in quite a job that way. As to the trunks, Cora and I would only take one between us, and you see a lot of the Welches are coming up to commencement and Cora think perhaps they would

take the rest of our trunks home with them. Anyhow I should have to wait and see.
There was so much going on yesterday that I didn't get time to look at the express list to see if anything had come for me. But I will probably find it Monday. I think in the future I shall avoid Mrs. Gal. if possible and see if I can't get my dresses made within a reasonable time. Don't you think we might
take the goods up north and have some shirt waists made up there? There must be dressmakers up there that can make shirt waists just as well as the ones who would make them for us in New Haven. and even though we didn't find any one whom we thought would do them well it would do no harm to have the stuff. I found I didn't need that white stuff I got, so I have never had it made up. I shall need a flannel waist next

year before Thanksgiving too and a silk waist perhaps a wash silk. But we can decide on those things after I get home. One thing I should like to make this summer would be a [Chimona]. They are very simple I want a cotton one. Either a plain pink with a white border, or some stuff with pink flowers or something and a pink border, just something cheap and not very fine you know. If we should decide that these curtains wouldn't go in our room next year

shall we try and seek them up here or would you like me to bring them home?
Can I take a French book from the library for the summer? I don't want to but them. But I really must read this summer because I have forgotten a great deal. Yesterday the seniors had a sale of furniture with an auction in the morning and in the afternoon a country fair to which they charged admission and
had side shows and refreshments. It was capitally done. They had fortune tellers and [palraiste] (if that's what you call them) and you could have your picture taken and there were races of all descriptions. It ended with a may pole dance. But in the evening came the best of the lot. They gave a modern commencement with all the Props and [Prexi]. I think it was the funniest thing I have been to this year. Some

of the girls are perfect mimics. Miss Wylie and Miss Salmon sent us into [scrieke] and you never saw anything better than Jimmy. After the performance the real Jimmy took his double down to get some strawberries and you can't imagine how weird it was.
Margaret Jackson was prexi and she is always grand. They had all kinds of ballet and dancing and singing and stunts. All this was for their
commencement expenses you know.
How did Mr. Hall happen to be east? You won't let Grandfather go until I get home will you? I should feel dreadfully if you did.
I really don't know how much money I shall need. Everything in college is filling up it's deficit by laying a tax of .05, .10 or .25 cents on its members etc. But I should think $15 or 10 would more than pay all I shall need till I get home. lovingly Ruth
Do we go through Holyoke on our way nor?