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January, TUESDAY 1. 1901.
Harold, Ruth, Ralph, and Harvey came to dinner and Blanche Martin was here. Mother lay and slept all day so that I felt very anxious. While we were at dinner Agnes Jones and Mr. & Mrs. Kinney called. Harold & I took a walk in the morning. I rec'd letters from Mrs. Booth, Eliza Buffington and Mrs. Wm. Porter. Wrote to Marin Maltice, Eliza Buffington, Mrs. Packard, Mrs. Frisbee, and Mr. Juemp.
January, WEDNESDAY 2. 1901.
Mother is better today. I went over to New York. I met Miss [Cutting] and Alice [Poinier] Sandford on the cars. First I called on Mrs. Booth. Jennie Hughes is all broken down. Then I went to the Equitable, 120 Broadway and found Sadie Jones. Harry Coxe was too busy to see me! We had luncheon at [Naethings]. Went all over the Equitable. Harold called this afternoon. Wrote Miss Hour. Harold brought me tobacco for Joe. Frank went to Ithaca tonight. The girls began school today.
January, THURSDAY 3. 1901.
Mr. Dixon has rec'd a call to the Ruggles St. Church, Boston. We fear he will accept. I wrote to Raymond, Jessica, Cousin Sallie, Lena, Ruth Coe, Aid Society, Lillian Higgins. Lena wrote me about Mrs. Booth's asking me to make the Western trip. They can't spare me.
I called on Mrs. Hollis Gibson and saw little Stanley the only one of the four boys living. Mabel [Healy] called on me, and in the evening she brought Geo. [Lunn] to call.
January, FRIDAY 4. 1901.
Mother and I went to take luncheon with Aunt Susan. We met Mrs. Capwell on the way. Took luncheon with Miss James, Auntie Dorothy, & [Regina]. I grew faint at the table. Coming home I stopped at Mrs. Backus (away) & Helen Smiths. Mother came home sick. She could not see Susie Raymond who called. When Mary Benedict called I took her up to see Mother.
January, SATURDAY 5. 1901.
This morning Estelle Worcester filled two teeth and cleaned my teeth. I bought my ticket. I went to ask Frank to come to see Mother and called on Mary Sharpe. Rec'd a beautiful letter from Lena telling of of three things that mar me. (1) carelessness in dress. (2) yawning in class. (3) asking questions. Paid two bills for Mother. Finished Sky Pilot to the family. In the evening Minnie, Will, Harvey, Winifred, Ruth, and I went to spend the evening with the Jones and Grangers. We had cocoa and wafers. Both Will Todd & Mr. Quick write of the birth of sons. The letter from Will was lovely. He is the same old Will. This is No. 2 [Will] Todd Jr.
One year ago Harold was converted.
Tonight Mr. Dixon meets trustees & deacons.
January, SUNDAY 6. 1901.
Mr. Dixon preached this morning from Juo. 14:6. "I am the life". It was a beautiful sermon & he seemed sad. At communion the individual cups were used for the first time. Then Mr. Dixon said he felt that the Boston call was a call or a temptation, he felt he could lead this church no further, he felt crushed & humiliated. "Pray that your pastor or the trustees be converted". We laid out Mr. Hague & Geo. Neidlinger. Harvey came to dinner. I slept & read & wrote Fannie Bates, Lena, Mr. Francis & Smith. After supper, Mr. & Mrs. Jacobs to [tell] of foot powder. I stayed home from church & read Ben Hur to Mother, Bertha & Will.
Harvey came to dinner & supper.
January, MONDAY 7. 1901.
While I was washing dishes a telegram came "We are have a hard fight for baby's life. Pray for us. Marguerite & Rufus". I packed some, went down town, wrote letters, studied etc. Left for Springfield on the 4 oclock train. Helen Keyser, Eliz. Sherwood, Frances Booth, Eliza Buffington, Edana Collins, Bessie Danaday & Martha Boyd were on train. Met Deacon Dunlap & we talked about Mr. Dixon. Found a paper cutter from Mrs. Collins, a pincushion from Mrs. Griffin, a [Rubaiyat] from Esther. They all admire my clothes.
Lena has lovely red suit.
Highland church sends $40 for Mission.
Dr. Hurlburt is dead.
January, TUESDAY 8. 1901. All but Florence Barker returned. She is having terrible time with teeth. Miss King 25. This evening called on the Porters. Mathee Gillette was there. Edw. has had an operation on his nose. Letters from Harold and Rob Bliss.
January, WEDNESDAY 9. 1901.
Prof. Podgorski did not come. Mother rec'd telegram that Dorothy is better but condition critical. Jessica writes that Mr. Bamford spoke of me. Mr. Dixon has had a relapse. Florence Barker came tonight.
January, THURSDAY 10. 1901.
It snowed this afternoon. I took my afternoon out in my room. Slept a very little, began Origins of Species. Went to prayer meeting for the 1st time here in 10 weeks. Then called on Miss Hastings. I am to leave the school-room at 10 P.M. always. Mr. Story 25.
January, FRIDAY 11. 1901 Miss King 26. We walked though it was very slippery. I studied all the evening. The girls ate sugar cane and read. They have spoken of Mr. Broughton if Mr. Dixon goes. He
& Mrs. Dixon are ill with grippe.
January, SATURDAY 12. 1901.
I read Outlook reading nearly all day. Went down town this afternoon. Spent a long time at Johnson's reading Forgotten Children's Books, Mrs. Stetsons "Concerning Children" & talking with Mr. Schenck. Came home to find Miss P. distressed for fear I had been to Joe's. Harvey Haile has variolous & I must not go to Joe's for some weeks!
January, SUNDAY 13. 1901.
Dr. Moxom is quite ill with the grippe. Edw. Appletons friend preached. Juo 1:13 Sons of God not
by blood - heredity

will of flesh - strong will

3. will of man - education
(4) but of God.
I was re-vaccinated & I wrote again to Joe that I can't go probably for a month.
Began Phillips Brooks Life. Slept.
Long walk this evening. Edana was snappy when I said her dress was too high.
January, MONDAY 14. 1901. Sassy letter from E.M.S. Outlook class. Dr. Moxom is nervously ill. Mr. Story 26.
January, TUESDAY 15. 1901. We do not know where Prof. Podgorski is. Miss Gruyer made me go out of school room & Miss P. said I acted cross. Eve. We made chlorine gas. Nice letter from Joe. Harold called at Oxford St. Sunday night. Miss King 27.
January, WEDNESDAY 16. 1901.
Prof. Podgorski did not come. I took my day out & went with Miss Porter & Lena to College Club by Smith girls in Memorial Parish House. Miss Jordan spoke on Problem of College graduate. Told of Father's [Silent] Time & Miss Avery letting physicians experiment on her for [cancer]. [She] takes no anaesthetic. Came home with Laura [Malton].
January, THURSDAY 17. 1901.
Mr. Story 27. Analysis class. Prayer-meeting topic. Answers to prayer. Saw Joe there. I had taken his tobacco to Mrs. Sweet's.
January, FRIDAY 18. 1901.
This evening Ethel Van Deusen came. The girls made candy. Their best was [Pinuche]. 1 cup cream, 2 cups sugar. When done stir in nuts. Miss King 28.
January, SATURDAY 19. 1901 I read "Origin of Species" nearly all day. Bitter cold.
January, SUNDAY 20. 1901.
Prof Gening 2 Cor. 3:18. Spiritual Insight. Needed by all men. Adapted to all men. The [mirror] is Gods Word. We see our silent self & [Xt] Christ. By gazing we grow into that image.
We brought him home to dinner. I slept & read Phillips Brooks.
Queen Victoria is dying.
January, MONDAY 21. 1901. Mr. Story 28. Mr. Alexander writes that Joe is nearly starving & wants to give up mission. Mr. Dixon may stay in Brooklyn.
January, TUESDAY 22. 1901. Miss King 29. I broke two Florence flasks today. Queen Victoria died this morning.
January, WEDNESDAY 23. 1901.
Mother sent a lovely letter from Marguerite. Dorothy had pneumonia. She had two doctors & two nurses. Dr Babcock came several times a day and once at 5 A.M. Ellen Whites sister Mrs. Hamm came. Some news about Dobbs Ferry. Miss P. has taken girls to hear [Lembrock].
January, THURSDAY 24. 1901. Rec'd from Mr. Buck a check for $190.16 for Meredith [Sharp]. $45 goes to Lena & $145.16 remains with me. Spent afternoon shopping. Long walk with Mr. Schenck. Good prayer-meeting. Joe was there & wants me back. Mrs. Martinsens mother Mrs. Adams is dead. Mr. Story 29.
January, FRIDAY 25. 1901.
Hilda Johnston went to New York, Florence Howland to New Haven, Marg. Carter, Mary Cutler and Miss Gruyer to Boston. We danced & played Crokinole. Miss King 30.
January, SATURDAY 26. 1901. Finished Origin of Species & All the North Am. Miss Berensen gave her first fencing lesson.
January, SUNDAY 27. 1901.
Mr. Cooper gave and excellent Y.M.C.A. talk. I was the only teacher that heard it. Miss Porter disapproves. After dinner I went to see Mrs. Bartlett & Josie & we talked. Read Phillips Brooks Life and slept.
January, MONDAY 28. 1901. Mr. Story 30. Outlook class. We discussed Darwin's "Origin of Species"
January, TUESDAY 29. 1901. Miss King 31. We went to the cemetery & it was coated with ice. I thought I'd have to stay until spring!
January, WEDNESDAY 30. 1901. An alarming letter from Minnie. Mother is having violent pain, [gravel], vomiting. Lizzie has come to Eaton. They thought Cousin Lizzie was dying. I went with Josie Bartlett to an Orpheus concert. The others went to a lecture on Paul Revere's Ride.
January, THURSDAY 31. 1901. Mr. Fisher - violin (1). Mr. Story 31. He had an extra analysis class & answered questions. I spent about 1 1/2 hrs in library reading Eng. H. Very happy because Minnie writes more hopefully of Mother. She has had another attack of pain, but nurse gave a
[hypertensive]. Harold came. Prayer-meeting. Saw Joe and Mr. Chamberlain. Gave Joe Mr. Reed's dollar.
February, FRIDAY 1. 1901. Miss King 32. Minnie writes that Mother is much better but is not allowed to sit up or take solid food. The girls got mad because they were not allowed to take chem. exam. This evening the girls sewed on costumes for next Friday.
February, SATURDAY 2. 1901. Miss Berensen (2). I walked up with Marion. Minnie writes that Juo says Mother's head is affected. Corrected papers all day.
February, SUNDAY 3. 1901. Mr. Hahn. Communion. No word from Mother. Went back to Mission but did not lead. Joe got mad at Mr. English. Two men
converted. Called on Mrs. Bartlett & met "Uncle [Milton]" & wife.
February, MONDAY 4. 1901. Made very happy by a letter note from my darling Mother. Mr. Story 32.
February, TUESDAY 5. 1901. Miss King 33. I went over to see Mrs. Bartlett & she told me of her courtship.
February, WEDNESDAY 6. 1901.
Last day of the term. We worked all the evening on reports & I got to bed at 4:30 A.M. Elizabeth went with Laura [Malton] to the Charity Ball.
February, THURSDAY 7. 1901. Mr. Story 33. Mr. Fisher 2. Last day of term. We had essays, poetry & two French plays. I tried to work in the labratory but was not very succesful.
February, FRIDAY 8. 1901. Miss King 34. Rec'd a dollar from Harold for Joe. Girls had masquerade historical ball. Florence Barker went to N.Y.
February, SATURDAY 9. 1901.
Miss Berensen (3).
I walked up with Marion. The girls, Miss Gruyer & I went in a big sleigh to the Pierces. Had popcorn, nuts, chocolate, apples. I sat with Mr. Shaw coming home & we talked about his drinking, not being a [Xn] Christian, son, dead daughter, etc.
February, SUNDAY 10. 1901. Dr. Moxom preached solemn sermon about salt losing its savor. Joe was ill. I had full charge, spoke of Alpha & Omega. Good meeting. I saw that Mr. Leach's brother-in law was
converted. Took tea with Mrs. Bartlett. Didn't walk. Met Florence Barker.
February, MONDAY 11. 1901. Mr. Story 34. Outlook class. Lena heard of her mother's death.
February, TUESDAY 12. 1901. Miss King 35. Mr. Norton is dead. Martha Boyd took her first music lesson. Lena went to her mother's funeral.
February, WEDNESDAY 13. 1901. Elizabeth is at the Nortons. Lieut. Gov. Haile dead.
February, THURSDAY 14. 1901.
Mr. Story (35). Analysis class. Mr. Norton's & Mrs. Bostick [...] today. Mrs. Packard and I did not go to Lida Prescott Childs reception. Union Prayer-meeting. Mr. Fisher (3). Lena came back.
February, FRIDAY 15. 1901. Reverse party at the [Brogins]. Very funny. Miss King 36.
February, SATURDAY 16. 1901. Mr. Clark's ([Waverly]) house burned down. Miss Berensen (4). Read Outlook. Called to see Mrs. Porter about Edw's practising.
February, SUNDAY 17. 1901.
A.M. Miss Moffat spoke in the South Church for the Home Missionary Society. She told of work in cities & rural districts.
I read Phillip Brooks & slept. About 40 or 50 at mission. I spoke on Jesus the Sin bearer. I Peter 2:24. Went to see Mr. Hubbell who is to lead tonight.
February, MONDAY 18. 1901. Mr. Story (36) Went down town for music, rubbers, etc.
February, TUESDAY 19. 1901. Gertrude Burleigh has an honor & Clara Reed honorable mention. Miss King 37. Miss Porter questioned the girls about communicating.
February, WEDNESDAY 20. 1901.
Lena and Marion went to Chatham & returned. Quite a discussion as to whether Eliz. or I should go to College Club to hear Mr. Turner read a story. Eliz. went. I studied "Pulleys" for nearly 2 1/2 hrs & now I do not understand them. Marg. writes that Dorothy weighs 10 lbs. 4 oz.
February, THURSDAY 21. 1901.
Mr. Story 37 Mr. Fisher 4. Frank is conditioned in chemistry. Called on Berenice Taylor, Richard Quick and 1 mo. Mrs. Hubbell (out) & Laura [Malton]. Read Phillips Brooks. I went to prayer-meeting.
February, FRIDAY 22. 1901. Miss King 38. Percy Barker came today to see Florence. Played letter-game.
February, SATURDAY 23. 1901. Finished 1st vol. of Phillips Brooks & all my reading. Miss Berensen (5). Ruth Richardson is 24.
February, SUNDAY 24. 1901.
A.M. Dr. Moxom on Matt 5.
The growing materialism in this age. Over 30 in the mission & collection of 2.17. A man half drunk who once boarded with Mr. [Odd] seemed converted.
I walked alone with the girls. Called on Miss Emerson and Jennie Barrows.
February, MONDAY 25. 19010. Mr. Story 38. Outlook class. I had read every word. I recited [very] fully on vol. 1 of Phillips Brooks.
February, TUESDAY 26. 1901. Miss King 39. Rec'd a touching letter from Prof. Podgorski. His last request is that I will take supper with him Thursday night but I
can't, & I had to write him so.
February, WEDNESDAY 27. 1901. Wonderful concert by Harold Bauer.
February, THURSDAY 28. 1901.
Mr. Story 39. Mf. Fisher 5. [Adamowski] is ill so, the concert is postponed. Beautiful prayer-meeting. I am ashamed that I have thought so much of Tuesdays letter. I scared them by staying at the
Sweets. Joe said to Mr. Ray "The Lord never sent me no [fa...], nor no man nor no wheel nor no crank to turn it."
March, FRIDAY 1. 1901. Miss King 40. We attended Ernest [Seton]-Thompsons's lecture on Wild Animals. Bessie Canady has gone to N.Y. Florence Howland to Conway.
March, SATURDAY 2. 1901. Miss Berensen (6). Studied all day. Eliz. & I went to Wellesley meeting at McDuffey school & met Katharine Lee Bates. Washed head & read Outlook in the evening.
March, SUNDAY 3. 1901.
Mr. Hahn "Faithful in little faithful in much".
At South Ch. communion changed to A.M. also the Bible class again. About 50 in the Mission about 10 from Highland church sang & each spoke. One said he was like a thief & took more than he brought. Woman asked prayers & a man on his way to Boston. I hope Chandler will be baptized. Mr. Parsons, Miss Linch & I called on Mr. Brown dying of [d...] & we prayed with him.
Met Mr. & Miss Bateman & Miss Merrill in the street today.
March, Monday 4. 1901. Mr. Story 40. Mother writes that Minnie is at the point of breaking down with nervous prostration. Bertha has a bad throat. McKinley was inaugerated today, his 2nd term. Florence Howland returned from Conway. I took Ella White to Miss Mason's.
March, Tuesday 5. 1901. Miss King 41. Chemistry in the afternoon. In the evening I met Bessie Canady & then called to see Mrs. Sweet about Joe & the S.
[Amer]. Then I met the School at the High School concert by Gabrilowitch pianist. He did not specially please us. Elizabeth has gone to sleep at the Nathan Bills with Laura Malton.
March, WEDNESDAY 6. 1901.
Lena & I went to Miss Pierce's to a branch meeting of Intercollegiate Alum. Ass. Address by Miss Wooley Pres. of South Hadley on University life in England & Scotland. Miss Porter has gone to May [Craw's] wedding.
March, THURSDAY 7. 1901.
Margaret Carter and I went up to the Adamowski concert for Prof. Podgorski. Met T. Adamowski. He invited us to a Bohemian supper but we returned on the 10.10 train & ate crackers & bananas up stairs.
Mr. Story 41. Mr. Fisher 6.
March, FRIDAY 8. 1901. Miss King ill so did not come. I read this evening & played word game a few minutes with Hilda.
March, SATURDAY 9. 1901.
Miss Berensen ill & so did not come. It rained all day.
A.M. Read Outlook
P.M. Holyoke reception by Mrs. Merriam at Bliss St. home. Went to Johnsons & talked with Mr. Schenck about Mission etc. Eve. Studied.
Miss Bower of Mt. Holyoke said she often went to Father's Life to see his picture. Eliz. Gruyer has told Miss P. she may not come back.
March, SUNDAY 10. 1901.
Dr. Moxom "Fitness for the Kingdom" Went again into the Bible class. Then took a hurried sleep. About 30 in the mission. Spoke on coming out boldly II Cor. 5:18. Took tea. Called on Mr. Brown. He wants people to pray. Ella White came back. We went to bed early.
March, MONDAY 11. 1901. Miss Porter & Lena went to a lecture invited by Mrs. Ralph Ellis. It was on the Grand [Canon]. Outlook class. Mr. Story 42. Fanny has grippe.
March, TUESDAY 12. 1901. I took Edana to the chiropodists. Miss King has grippe & did not come.
March, WQEDNESDAY 13. 1901.
[...] 1/2 [hours]. [Egglist] [Ref. Hat.] [Mudson] I [Great].
II March, THURSDAY 14. 1901.
Mr. Story 42. Mr. Fisher 7. Took tea with the Hahns.
March, FRIDAY 15. 1901. Miss King 42. (?)
March, SATURDAY 16. 1901. Miss Berensen (7). Florence Howland went to Amherst & Marg. Carter to Boston. Dr. Moxom's talk on Prayer.
March, SUNDAY 17. 1901. A good meeting. Young people from smith St. there. One young woman converted. Called on my sick man Mr. Brown. Went to station for Florence Howland, but she was not there.
March, MONDAY 18. 1901. Mr. Story 44.
March, TUESDAY 19. 1901. Miss King 43.
March, THURSDAY 21. 1901.
Mr. Story 45. Mr. Fisher 8. Lay on the bed & read Phillips Brooks. Prayer-meeting. Mr. [Maphister] spoke of [western] practices in India.
March, Friday 22. 1901. Miss King 44. Played with Florence Howland & Marg. Carter & then played Crokinole with Helen Keyser.
March, SATURDAY 23. 1901. Miss Berensen 8. Finished Phillip Brooks & read lots of Outlook. Took girls to Dr. Moxom's class but he forgot to come.
March, SUNDAY 24. 1901.
A colored women has small pox and I can't go to the Mission. Went to church to tell Joe but he wasn't there. I sent word by Mr. Leach.
I read "Bishop's Shadow" & called on Miss Emerson who was ill & couldn't see me. Then called on the Hastings. Rained so we did not walk.
March, MONDAY 25. 1901. Mr. Story 46. Last Outlook class. We discussed Phillips Brooks vol II. Mrs. Hubbell was here invited me to tea next Monday.
March, TUESDAY 26. 1901. Rec'd good letter from Joe, (Mr. Alexander.) My young woman convert of Mar. 17 is doing well. Rainy day. Miss King 45.
March, WEDNESDAY 27. 1901. Miss Berenesen 9. I took Bessie Canady to Library & Art museum. My first visit to the latter place. Mrs. Reeve writes they are expecting a little [stranger] in June. Winifred may be [named] in July.
March, THURSDAY 28. 1901.
My day out. I went shopping, staid at Johnsons. I called on Mr. Brown and found he had died at 10. As they did not want me to see Joe I went to Mr. Hubbell's prayer meeting. He outlined Passion [Week]. Sunday.
Lovely letter from Harold. He thinks his salvation wonderful. Mr. Story 47.
March, FRIDAY 29. 1901. Miss King 46. The girls made maple sugar. I went to a prize contest at the American French college.
March, SATURDAY 30. 1901. Miss Berensen was not here. Hilda passed her examination on the [Maridian] Law. I do not feel well. Telephoned Dr.
Stibbries & took paregoric. Took Ella White up on cars to her aunts. We went to hear Dr. Moxom in "Growth in Grace". Used the new hymn-book. Mary Cutler's mother came and I gave her my room. Elizabeth Gruyer is to stay with a salary of $700. Lovely letter from [Morsie].
March, SUNDAY 31. 1901.
Dr. Moxom Luke 19:44. "Thou knowest not the time of thy visitation". Tragedy of Life.
Lost Opportunities

Blindness 3. Remained to Bible class.

Mrs. Cutler left after dinner. I slept as I couldn't go to Joe's. Called on Miss Hastings. Laura [Malton] was here so we didn't walk.
Call from Mr. & Miss Bateman.
April, MONDAY 1. 1901. The college girls came to luncheon. I went down town, got money of Mr. Reed. Went to bank. Evening. Took supper at Mr. Hubbell's. We talked of Harold and of Joe. Mr. Story 48.
April, TUESDAY 2. 1901. Miss King 47. Mrs. Boyd telegraphs Martha to go to Europe.
April, WEDNESDAY 3. 1901. Martha Boyd is to go to Europe next week. I went to see Miss Mason. Packed. Sat up until two.
April, THURSDAY 4. 1901.
Nine of us came down to New York or N. Haven on the 2.22 train, Helen Keyser, Bess Canady, Martha Boyd, Frances Booth, Eliz. Sherwood, Florence Barker, Florence Howland, and Hilda Johnston. I found that Julia Richardson had been too ill to come. We began reading [Rienzi]. Judge Corning is to be married this month.
Good Friday.
April, FRIDAY 5. 1901.
I cannot find a letter that came from Old Joe. Went to Estelle's. She filled two teeth and painted a dying tooth with iodine. Went to Mrs. Dunn's and orderd my hat. Call from Miss [Tullick] of Staten Island Acad. St. George's about a young girl. Harold came to luncheon. He is fired from the Journal, & may go on the Times. He is taking it beautifully. Mother and I went to a lecture by [Lim] Vincent on James Barrie. Met Carrie Ward. Ethel Van [Idersteine] has nearly died.
Mr. Elliot led prayer-meeting. Mrs. McClean sewed for Bertha.
Fred Reeve 304 Henry.
April, SATURDAY 6. 1901.
Pouring rain. We gave up the Eden Musee. I went out to the Art Museum and attended two lectures, one by Prof. McKay of the Parker on Air pressure, the other by Prof. [Gordipan] on Roman Ruins east of the Jordan.
April, SUNDAY 7. 1901.
Easter Sunday. I heard Dr. Jesse Thomas in the A.M. on Luke 24:35. Harvey came to dinner. Went to the Pentecostal Mission. Taught little girls. Went up to see the Jones. Staid to supper. Missed seeing Mr. Gaston. Met Frank & we went to Dr. Gregg's musical service.
April, MONDAY 8. 1901. Called on Hattie Bliss (out), Mrs. Reeve (out), Mrs. Backus (out), Helen Smith's office. Made Vinegar candy.
April, TUESDAY 9. 1901. Mother & I went shopping. Bought black cheriot skirt. Afternoon. Minnie, Bertha, Will, Ruth, Frank, & I went to the Eden Musee. Saw the Cinematograph 3 times. Evening. Read Rev. of [Reviews] aloud.
April, WEDNESDAY 10. 1901. Got my two hats. Wrote letters. Miss Hastings called. We went to Leonard Smith's wedding.
April, THURSDAY 11. 1901.
I went to see Mr. Korn the tailor. Frank met me there & we went to N.Y. to see Ruth. I staid to lunch. H. has no position yet. Came home to find that Lucy Skinner had called. Eve. Read Rev. of Rev.
April, FRIDAY 12. 1901.
Went shopping this A.M. Afternoon. Wrote letters Slept. Finished [Cy...]. Read history. Took dinner at the Skinners. Went alone to Pentecostal Mission. I helped lead.
April, SATURDAY 13. 1901.
Went out bought pique dress. Called on Mrs. Reeve & saw her mother Mrs. Russell. She showed me her baby things. Mrs. McLean sewed for me. Went to let tailor take my measures. Harold came to lunch. He told us about leaving the Journal. He is to go on the Philadelphia North American. He says the lord has seen him through. Went to Aid Society at Mrs. Babbotts. Saw Miss Daine, Lucy Bliss etc. Went to Essie King's reception. Met Mother there. Harvey was at dinner. Calls from Mrs. [Smith] & Alice & from Mr. & Mrs. Kinney.
Grace Canady invites me to lunch on Monday.
April, SUNDAY 14. 1901.
147 5th Av. near 45th St. [Chace's] Studio?
Mr. Dixon came to church & read II Cor. 4. but he was not able to preach. Mr. [Rhoads] preached on Peace through Risen Christ. Mr. Morris fainted. Harvey came to dinner. Long call from Fred Reeve. Harold, Ruth, & Ralph came to supper. Afterward I played & then read Lyman Abbott on Allen's Life of Phillips Brooks.
April, MONDAY 15. 1901.
I went over to take lunch with the Canadys in a pouring rain. Bought ticket. Went to tailor for my one fitting of my pique dress. Frank took night train. [Sadie] & Frances called. Letter from Mr. Juemp.
April, TUESDAY 16. 1901. Minnie made me peanut cookies. Mother & I came to Marguerites & I took lunch & left Mother there. Little Dorothy is sweet. I heard all about Judge
[Cowings] mother. Helen Keyser sat with me on train.
April, WEDNESDAY 17. 1901.
1st day after vacation. May Cutler went to Vassar & so did not return till night. The other teachers went to a college club reception for Miss Wooley. Florence Howland has decided not to go to college. I have written Joe I can go back.
April, THURSDAY 18. 1901.
Did shopping. Called on Mrs. Tillingharte, Mrs. Schenck & the Quick baby. Mr. L. said he was helped at Joe's, for there was the spirit of power there. Good prayer-meeting. Mr. Porter was here on his way to Illinois. Mr. Story 49.
Mr. Fisher 7.
April, FRIDAY 19. 1901.
1st festival of Orations Society led by Mr. Cowell began tonight with The Creation. I attended rehearsal in afternoon. In the evening Mad. Juch was overcome & [Bernstein] took her out. [Rieger] also sang. Miss King 48.
April, SATURDAY 20. 1901. Two music lessons & chemistry class. Two concerts. Heard Kreisler, [Burgmaster], Blauvelt, Roselle, Gummerman, [G...] [Miles], & Glen Hall.
[...] Mars. Went for ice cream.
April, SUNDAY 21. 1901.
A.M. Dr. Moxom Matt. 12:43-45. Spoke at Mission on Matt. 10:2-6. The Value of a [God]. Pouring rain but nearly 30 present.
April, MONDAY 22. 1901. Mr. Story 50. Analysis class. I went to ask Mr. [Good] spend to speak a Joe's & I was refused.
April, TUESDAY 23. 1901. Miss King 49. Rainy so we did not walk.
April, WEDNESDAY 24. 1901. Rainy so we did not walk. Miss Porter spent the day in New York.
April, THURSDAY 25. 1901.
Mr. Story 51. Mr. Fisher 10.
Rainy. I studied. Then went alone to Mrs. Day's reception. Then took my watch to Woods. As prayer-meeting was at Carew St. I went to Mrs. Sweet. Talked of the Lloyd. She put salve on my corns.
April, FRIDAY 26. 1901.
Miss King was ill and did not come. Pleasant at last. We went to water shops. Mrs. Packard went to Pittsfield. I suppose Mother has left Marguerites. Played for dancing & read aloud from Henry V.
April, SATURDAY 27. 1901. Miss Berensen. 10. Hilda Johnston's father came & I took Florence Howland, Florence Barker, & Edana Collins down to take dinner at the
Massasoit. I worked in the lab. in the morning, studied in the afternoon. Rec'd 2.00 from Ruth Coe. Most of the family went to see Richard Mansfield in Henry V. I sat up & slept with Aunt Carrie. Frank Beard is dead.
April, SUNDAY 28. 1901.
A.M. Dr. Moxom after hearing the man from Demarest changed sermon to Xn education. [II Lin]. 2:2. Mr. Johnston came to breakfast. I spoke on Quiet Wading. [Lam] 3:22-33. Lovely warm day. Mrs. Webb & Mrs. Packard came from Pittsfield.
April, MONDAY 29. 1901. Mother writes that paper says Judge Cowings wife has been married twice. Too warm to walk. All but Ida, Lillian, May Cutler, Miss Bostwick Gruyer & I went to [Laylen] [Maude] Adams. Mr. Story 52.
Rain. April, TUESDAY 30. 1901. Miss King 50. Edward is staying here & sleeping next me. Miss Porter has gone to N.Y. for a few days. May Smith writes asking me to go to York Beach for July.
May, WEDNESDAY 1. 1901. Miss Bostwick spent the day in N.Y. She went to her tailors.
May, THURSDAY 2. 1901.
Mr. Story 53. Mr. Fisher 11. I called on Cousin Helen Spring (out) on Alice & saw Geo. & his wife & James. Went to bookstore & visited with Mr.
S. among the 2nd hand books. After prayer-meeting Mr. Hahn & I went into Mrs. Sweets. Mrs. Hahn has returned. Her mother & sister died. Margaret Carter has tonsilitis.
May, FRIDAY 3. 1901. Miss King 51. Mrs. Kilroy took her 1st lesson. Miss Porter returned bringing Eliz. & me a box of Huyler's. I have written to May Smith, Mr. Lippitt, Mrs. McGregory
& Frances Jones. The girls gave a heart & animal party for Hilda Johnston.
May, SATURDAY 4. 1901. I went down to Mrs. [Stevries] Chiropodist with Bessie Canady. Miss P. objects to my short dress. Says I am dowdy. I went down town again alone. Read in my room this evening. Miss Berensen did not come.
May, SUNDAY 5. 1901. Ida & I went to communion. I am troubled about my hat with pink roses. Mission, a dark man a stranger ( ) was converted. I spoke of "building character" I Cor. 3:9-17. Long walk tonight.
May, MONDAY 6. 1901. Mr. Story 54. May Cutler still ill. Mabel Fals sent me 2.00. Mrs. Johnston is here for the night.
May, TUESDAY 7. 1901. Miss King 52. Mrs. Johnston & Hilda left at 2.22. Mabel Healy & Geo. [Lunn] married.
May, WEDNESDAY 8. 1901. Margaret Carter still ill. I took the girls to woods. Mr. Lippitt will save me a room. Mother has gone to see Marg. again.
May, THURSDAY 9. 1901.
Mr. Story 55. Mr. Fisher 12. I spent the afternoon shopping, corn doctors, etc. I am trying to get my pink hat re-trimmed. Margaret still ill. Discussed May meeting delegates tonight in church.
May, FRIDAY 10. 1901. Miss Porter has gone to N.Y. Marg. Carter still ill. I took Eliza Buffington to a confirmation lecture. Miss King 53. I have ordered two shirt waists of [Hans].
May, SATURDAY 11. 1901. Miss Berensen 11. Looked over Physics exam. book. College Club in [M...] Club [Rooms]. Alice Wing is our next Pres. Laura Malton came home with me. Miss Porter
returned tonight. Mrs. Penfield talked about Joe.
May, SUNDAY 12. 1901.
Mother's 61st anniversary. Dr. William [Multing] of Providence on the Place of Feeling on Religion. Fine. I staid to the class. Mission. Talked on Church the Bride of Christ. Rev. 21:1-9, 19:6-9. Joe said "If I said to Bro. Odd. I love you but your
wife is an old frump, he would be [...]. So we mustn't [...] Church bride. O [D...] thine & happy. Long talk with McDonald just out of York St. jail. Walked with Bessie Canady. This A.M. Mrs. Porter gave me 2.00 for Joe. About 40 in the meeting.
May, MONDAY 13. 1901.
Mr. Story 56.
Letter from Emma Dickerson. Marg. Carter began school, but she has not begun with me. This afternoon Miss Gruyer & I went down to get my hat fixed over. I saw Mr. Schenck about Mrs. Dickerson. Missed a call from Mr. Hahn. I sent another selection of samples to Hans.
May, Wed. 15. 1901. Miss Porter & Mrs. Webb went Miss Wooley's inaugeration at South Hadley. I was dizzy all the P.M. (Mother fears she will lose her [sugar]).
May, TUESDAY 14. 1901.
Miss King 54. Mother fears she may lose her [sugar].
May. THURSDAY 16. 1901.
Mr. Story 57. Mr. Fisher 13. I took Frances to station. Called on Joe. Went to Johnstons. Had hair washed. Eve. I played for Ferry St. Gyms. Came back to Church & met Mr. McKinnon & Mr. [Roans]. Mrs. McKinley very ill.
May, FRIDAY 17. 1901. Miss King 55. I took Eliza Buffington to her last confirmation lecture.
Rain. May, SATURDAY 18. 1901. Worked all day long on Physics, Mirrors, Lenses etc. It rained but Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Curtis Jun. Dorothy & Constance
came to see Elizabeth Sherwood. Miss Murphy came to register her niece Florence. Edw. says no one heard him say his prayers. My new hat has come that Miss Grant trimmed over. Very pretty, but I think it will be $5.
Rain. May, SUNDAY 19. 1901. Maltbie Babcock is dead! Eliza Buffington was confirmed. I went to South Church. Dr. Moxom preached on Peace. Talked about Soldiers of Jesus Christ. One backslider asked prayers. Took tea with Mrs. Bartlett. Joe talks about going to Boston to work among the Irish.
May, WEDNESDAY 22. 1901. I sat up very late tonight to get ready for tomorrow. Mr. Hubbell telephones me that the Beamans are here.
May, THURSDAY 23. 1901.
Right after luncheon I went to find Fan. Found her at the Church. She has her husband and baby. Listened to an exciting discussion on Co-ordination etc. Brought Fan home to dinner. Went to meeting of Home Mission in City Hall. Stupid reports.
Mr. Story 59. Mr. Fisher 14 (?)
Rain. May, FRIDAY 24. 1901. The girls were to read Julius Caesar tonight but thunder-storm obliged us to postpone. Miss King 57.
May, SATURDAY 25. 1901.
Miss Berensen's last lesson 12. I took Ella White to station for Hartford. Then I went to Mrs. [Henripin] & bought my shirt waist & ordered my [divinity]. Dr. Fanee evidently forgot to come to luncheon. Letter from Harold and $1.00.
May, SUNDAY 26. 1901. Baptist day. I heard Emory Hunt in the City Hall, grand! He preached on Life & Death. Mr. Cross spoke at the Mission & I led. In the evening I returned & heard Miss Burdette & Mrs. Reynolds. Joe wants to give me the Mission when he dies.
May, MONDAY 27. 1901. Mr. Story 60. I did not go to any Baptist meeting.
May, TUESDAY 28. 1901. Miss King 58. I think it was today that my Hans waists came. Woman knocked down & purse taken on High St.
May, WEDNESDAY 29. 1901. Julius Caesar was read by girls tonight.
May, THURSDAY 30. 1901.
I was supposed to have my day out yesterday. Mr. Story 61. Prayer-meeting curtailed by dampness. Stopped at 1st Bapt. Church. Heard Mr. [Mesern] of Shaw. Mr. Holbrook gave us a dollar. Memorial Day. By going to cemetery I made Florence Howland lose her lesson. Met [cunning] little boy. Mr. Fisher 15.
May, FRIDAY 31. 1901. Miss King 59. We went up to Mt. Holyoke for the night. It is grand here. Percy Barker has appendicitis & Florence has gone home.
June, SATURDAY 1. 1901.
Beautiful day. Read, wrote letters, walked. Wrote to Mother, Ruth Coe, Cousin Ros, & Mr. [Reed]. Came home so as to get here for supper. Went down to Johnsons, Woods & Library. Lottie Leach told me of her father & Mrs. Hasen.
June, SUNDAY 2. 1901.
I took Ida to Baptist Church. Mr. Hahn Matt: 28-
Joe scared me by saying he might go to Boston. Mr. Hahn says put it under the Bapt. Union. After the meeting I went to see Mr. Quick & he said no. Mr. Russell wants Joe to come for food. I wrote him. I talked about darkness 1 Juo. 1. 5 raised hands. Highland Y.P. sang. Slept then walked with girls.
June, MONDAY 3. 1901. Mr. Story 62. Last analysis class. I took a chair from parlor while the picture was being taken.
June, TUESDAY 4. 1901. Miss King 60. Elisabeth Gruyer and I went to have my linings tried on at Miss Mason's.
June, WEDNESDAY 5. 1901. I went down town but Mrs. [Henripin] was not ready for me. Mrs. Haskell Porter left Cousin L. $500. Miss Gruyer took the girls to have pictures taken.
June, THURSDAY 6. 1901.
I took invitations to Mrs. Hubbell, Miss Jacobs & Dr. Moxom. [Drumme] Evangalist spoke at prayer-meeting. Also Mr. [Maldron] whose Church was burned in Jacksonville. Mr. Story 63.
Mr. Fisher 16. Florence Barker returned. Her cousin is expelled from West Pt.
June, FRIDAY 7. 1901. Gertrude Knowlton came to spend Sunday. Miss King 61. I must play her accompaniment. Studied this evening.
June, SATURDAY 8. 1901. Went down town to Mrs. [Henripin], Mrs. [Brorullas], etc. Went to Miss Mason this P.M. Marion McKnight married. I did not go to the wedding. Wore my Hans waist.
June, SUNDAY 9. 1901. Children's Sunday. Dr. Moxom preached on War & Peace. I went to Joe's Mission.
June, MONDAY 10. 1901. Miss Porter, Lena, Marg. Carter, & Edana Collins went to Vassar. Eliza Buffington had gone Saturday. Mr. Story 64.
June, TUESDAY 11. 1901. Miss Gruyer went to McDuffey graduation. Miss King 62. Vassar Class Day.
June, WEDNESDAY 12. 1901.
The Vassar people came home. Edith Brooks, Edith Tourtelotte, Clara Reed, Eliza Buffington and Gertrude Burleigh graduated.
June, THURSDAY 13. 1901. Miss Gruyer & I went to go try on my [Lemsdame]. I got my waist from Miss [Henripin]. Went to prayer-meeting. Miss Parsons led. Mr. Story 65.
Mr. Fisher 17.
June, FRIDAY 14. 1901. Miss King 63. Girls studied this evening.
June, SATURDAY 15. 1901. We went to Lilian Pierce's and had such fun. Ate berries & everything. They drove us back . Went to Mrs. [Breullads]. Mother & Mrs. Webb came.
June, SUNDAY 16. 1901. Dr. Moxom preached to us on Culture & Religion. I went to Mission & talked on "Thou hast a name that then lived". Went right up & spoke at Park Church about Joe's Mission. Took a long walk to Dry Bridge.
June, MONDAY 17. 1901.
Afternoon tea for college club. My white dress did not come.
Great surprise for my 40th birthday which comes July 9th. 40 carnations from Marion Maltice. 2 doz. roses " Mrs. Collins. Thackeray " Bess Canady. " " Bertha Smith "The Crisis" Mrs Packard & Webb Pin The girls Pearl pin Mr. & Mrs. Porter & Edana Silver velvet broach Miss Baillest Embroidery Mother
Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Carter, Lucy Carter, Mrs. Holden, & the two girls are here. Mrs. Rodman came.
Miss King sang.
June, TUESDAY 18. 1901.
The last school day. We went for daisies past the hospital. Lucy Carter & Miss Francis went. Under graduates had lawn party.
Miss King. We made out reports.
June, WEDNESDAY 19. 1901.
Class Day & Graduation. Edana Collins May Cutler Florence Howland. Marg. Carter Elizabeth Sherwood Frances Booth Julia Hannan.
Mrs. Rodman brought her daughter to class day. Prof. [Munsterburg] spoke on the Impressions of a Foreigner. I played Miss King's Accompaniments.
My gray [laurdorne] was admired.
June, THURSDAY 20. 1901. Girls went away except Edana & Margaret. Mrs. Carter staid. Did not go to meeting.
June, FRIDAY 21. 1901. Taught the girls. Evening I called on Miss Emerson. Met Mr. Stoddard. Came home & found Miss Mix. Girls put on marks [reversed].
June, SATURDAY 22. 1901. Taught all day. Edana took 4th Chemistry, Geometry & Virgil. Mrs. Webb took Mother & Aunt Carrie to Holyoke. Went down town.
June, SUNDAY 23. 1901. Mother & I went to State St. Mr. Hahn preached on Constantine & Luther. Mr. Stoddard [twins] were there. 18 at Joes. I had my farewell. Frances was there. He has been drinking hard, but has stopped. Took Miss [Morton's] letters home & brought them away. Called on Mrs. Briggs. Read Miss [Morton's] letters aloud. Called a minute on Miss Emerson. Sect. Hay's son [Addbert] Hays, excused to Pretoria was found dead this A.M. outside his window in N. Haven.
June, MONDAY 24. 1901. Taught Margaret Carter physics all day long. Went over to tell Mrs. Hahn we couldn't come. Went to library. Mrs. Collins and Edana left.
June, TUESDAY 25. 1901.
Margaret took examinations in Advanced German and French. Hot! I waited about two hrs. in Mr. [Rood's] office waiting for the circus. Exchanged my Thackerays. Call from the Burleighs & Carrie King. Mother and I took tea at Cousin Helen's. I had never been in her new house.
[Pynchon] bank closed. Mrs. Packaard, Webb & Aunt Carrie went for the night to Mt. Holyoke.
June, WEDNESDAY 26. 1901.
Marg. took exams. in Ed., French and German & in Physics & Astronomy. Thinks she failed in P. & A. ! Boiling hot! I taught Greek, cleaned lab. Mrs. Barrons brought over [Emma]. Called on Maltons. Sat on hay. Called on Hastings. Mrs. Scott of Atlanta & Mrs. took luncheon here.
June, THURSDAY 27. 1901. Margaret Carter went to N. Haven. I went down town, scrubbed brass scales, looked over letters, etc. Eve. Prayer-meeting.
Hot!!! June, FRIDAY 28. 1901. Marg. took exams in Elem. Eng. & Advanced Greek. I cleaned closet. Went down town in A.M. Called on Joe. He told Leach he would have no [spanking] machine. Prayed
for me. Eve. We made out certificates for the college girls.
June, SATURDAY 29. 1901.
Mother & I came to Hamilton. Started at 8.33. Mrs. Webb came to the station. Aunt Carrie came with us to Pittsfield. Nice [Sawin] boy whose father had been Prof. at North Western Univ. was on the train. [Dead head] parlor car to Albany. Dirty ride. Left Springfield 8.33. Arrived Albany 12.05. Leave Albany 12.15. Arrive Utica 5.00. Arrive Hamilton 6.08. Met Mrs Paine of Delhi in Utica & Mr. Fines on the train. Prof. & Mrs. McGregory & Mr. Juemp greeted us. We are at the same table. Met Mrs. & Mr. [Hornbinger]. Mr. Juemp was here in the evening.
June, SUNDAY 30. 1901.
Mother staid at home. I went to hear Dr. Este on "He could not be hid". Sat with the Burchards. Mr. & Mrs. Burchard, Mabel Bateman, & the Bosticks came to see us. I enjoy talking with Prof. McGregory. He wants Mr. Hahn here. I talked some on the piazza. Slept. Wrote to Joe and Harold. Prof. McGregory took me to Mr. Juemps [Jephe] Service on the Hill. It was beautiful. Henry Taylor played on his violin. Beautiful singing by Miss ....
Mr. Juemp talked of the sky as a parable of God, its largeness. We have one little sky & one part of God, its generosity, its silent presence.
Very warm. July, MONDAY 1. 1901. Call from Mrs. Judson and Elizabeth. Then I called there and at Mrs. Kilburn's. Mr. Lippitt will take us for $6. apiece. Mrs. Morse, Mund & Miss Thomas are here. Slept. Morning & Afternoon. Began The Crisis to Mother & the McGregorys. After supper I called at Mrs. Curtis's but Mrs. Schenck had not come.
Met Marg. Judson & she came down & called. Then Mother, the McGregorys & I sat all the evening.
Hot. July,TUESDAY 2. 1901. This was a hard day. The heat was intolerable, & I had a "state of mind". [...] M.Gregory took me to his laboratory. Then I went to the library & read Eng. Amer. History. [...] Afternoon. Slept. Evening. Got blue till Mrs. Harrington took me to get soda.
Cooler. July,WEDNESDAY 3. 1901. Tried my bicycle with moderate success. Went to library & found my wheel needed blowing up. They did it at the store.
Afternoon. Called on Judsons. Miss Bateman called & staid to tea. I went to prayer-meeting & sat with Miss Merrill & brought her to the hotel. Letters from Francis, Joe (not himself), Mr. Dwight of Park Church with $1.00, Mrs. Webb, Carrie King.
Rather warm. Rain in eve.
July.THURSDAY 4. 1901.
Blue again tonight. I must get over this. I rode on my wheel, after reading to Mother, S.S.Times, Bible, Mr. Juemp's sermon & Merlin & Vivien. P.M. I heard Mr. Morse tell of his business life. Slept. Read "More Fables in [Slang]" to self, & "Crisis" aloud. Crochetted a little. This evening I couldn't stand things. After Mr. Morse & Mr. J. went off I walked past the Judsons, came back. Marg. & her caller evidently had gone. I called on Eliz. & Mrs. Judson. Came home. Mrs. [Ornsbee] & daughter called. The McGregorys, Mr. Hawkins & Mr. Morse talked.
July, FRIDAY 5. 1901.
Much happier today. Read Elaine to Mother. Went to library. Read Harpers. Rec'd letter from Joe, $1.00 from Mr. Quick, & 12 vols. of Browning from Marg. & Mrs. Carter. Read "Crisis" after dinner before supper, & after supper. Slept, took bath. Calls from the Judsons, Miss Lane, Clara Rogers, Misses Judson, & Mr. Juemp. Mr. Morse told funny stories.
Met Mr. Rogers. Mr. Harrington has come.
Cousin Lizzie writes they can have us at 4.00 apiece a week.
July,SATURDAY 6. 1901.
Read "Holy Grail" to Mother. Walked to library. Read part of "[Loved] the Widower". Called on Mrs. Nelson & we walked down together. After dinner, I read "The Crisis" aloud, took & a bicycle ride. Porter came in & found me in night dress. Slept, bathed.
Eve. Miss Rogers & I took a walk. The Taylors called.
July, SUNDAY 7. 1901.
Dr. Lloyd preached on 1. Sam. 16:7. Communion. Sat with Burchards. Met Dr. Clarke. Found that a dog had killed a little kitten. Rained this P.M. Wrote letters. Read "Crisis". Mrs. Harrington, Mip Mercer & I went to hear Mr. Juemp "Through Peace to Light". Marg. Judson played in Trio. Sat in Mrs. McGregory's room & [...] Smith called.
Rainy. July, MONDAY 8. 1901. Read to Mother, S.S. Times, & "Pellanc & Ettain" Laurier's [P...]. Went to library & finished "Loved the Widower".
P.M. Read "Crisis". Rode wheel. The Morses, Ada & baby called. Annie Burchard called & took Mother driving. Eve. I read Crisis & Mrs. McGregory, Mother, & I talked. Wrote to Dr. Francis about Programms & to Mr. Quick.
July, TUESDAY 9. 1901.
I am 40 yrs. old. Rec'd letters from Harold, Minnie & Bertha. Harold sent a dollar which I think will help me buy [C.B.K.] Harold hopes to get back on The World. He had been to communion & to dinner at Min's; was very happy. I went to library, accomplished little. P.M. Anna Burchard came & we rode on wheels 5 miles, to her house & back. Missed call from the [Cormans]. Call from Florence Lombard & Maud Overbee. Read Crisis. After tea Mother & I called on Judsons. Mr. Juemp, Dr. Judson & [Cormans] were there. Sat & talked with Mr. Morse & the McGregorys & later with Mrs. Lippitts about [Marine's] [...].
Mrs. Bostick brought me flowers.
July,WEDNESDAY 10.1901. I went to library & studied Eng. History.
P.M. Read "Crisis". Call Mrs. Shenck.
Eve. Went to Citizen's Club with Mrs. Dayton to see boy on bicycle perform Then went to prayer-meeting led by Dr. Lloyd. What has church been to you. Sat & talked with McGregorys & Mr. Hawkins. Mrs. Harrington & Miss [Mercer] took me to get soda.
Rain. July,THURSDAY 11. 1901. Letter from Mr. Francis. Went to library. Read Eng. History. Mrs. Harrington, Miss [Mercer], Mr. Morse, Miss Thomas
& Muriel Morse went away. We finished "The Crisis".
July,FRIDAY 12. 1901.
Finished "Idylls of the King" to Mother & began Dr. Gordon's "Witness to Immortality". Started for the library but stopped at Mrs. Curtiss' & found Mr. Schenck there. He came back to the hotel with me & stayed about an hr. After dinner Mr. Juemp stayed a minute. I went to bank. Mr. Waite of Minneapolis called. Rode wheel, slept, bathed. Call from Mrs. Hamlin. [...] had tea. I did not go. After supper, Mother & I called on Mrs. Kilburn, Mrs. [Homberger] & Mrs. Curtiss. Visited with Mr. Kilburn, Louise [Homberger], Mrs. Schenck & Mrs. Beeber. Mr. McGregory brought us root-beer soda water. Mr. Colten called. Found Mrs. Wilson had called.
Pleasantly warm.
July, SATURDAY 13. 1901. A.M.. Read Gordons Witness to Immortality & [Hosea] to Mother. Read [Arthurian] Epic in Library.
P.M. Read aloud "Helmet of Navarre". Got a badge on my wheel. Rode to Burchards. I left my flesh & sticking on barbed wired fence! You should have been Mrs. McGregory when I showed it. She told Mr. Hawkins & Mr. Juemp!
Eve. Mother & I called on the [Cruyers] & Brownells. Lots of people have come to hotel. Visited with Prof. McG. & Mr. Hawkin's.
Warm & pleasant. July,SUNDAY 14. 1901.
A.M. Prof. Greene on the Church 2 Cor. 3:1-3. Mr. & Mrs. [Cotten] were there. Pleasant talk at dinner about theology with Mr. Juemp.
P.M. Read Right of Way. Slept. Wrote to Joe & Fannie Bates.
July,MONDAY 15. 1901.
A.M. Read [Gordon] on [Immortality] to Mother. Went to library & read "Arthurian Epic". At dinner I met Mr. Juemps friend Rev. Mr. [Tweedy] once Dr. [Parthurst's] Assistant new a Utica pastor. After dinner we visited on porch. Mr. Juemp talked about when a soul is created, before or after birth. They left us for a [cause] ride. I could take but short ride for Libbie Gardiner appeared. Slept & bathed. After supper called on the Bosticks. Sat on the piazza with McGregory's, Mr. Hawkins & Mr. [Whitmarsh].
Hot. Some rain.
July,TUESDAY 16. 1901.
Mr. [Tweedy] had gone so Mr. J. came down to sit by us. He said I was not narrow for I was willing to open my mind to truth whatever my conclusions. I read to Mother. Walked to library. Came home with Mrs. Wilson.
P.M. Read Monsieur Beaucaire to Mrs. McG. & Mother. Rode on wheel & called on Cormans. Slept. Wrote Miss Porter a [st...] letter. Slept. Bathed. After supper called with Mother at [Trardy] home & talked with Mrs. [Goodenough], Mrs. Bishop & Dr. Clarke. Called alone on Mrs. Kilburne. Sat on piazza. Wrote to Mrs. Harrington & for [QBK] [...].
July,WEDNESDAY 17.1901.
A.M. Read to Mother Bible & Gordon. Then took her to dentist Dr. Wallace Bardeen. On my way to library stopped to talk with Mrs. Judson & Elizabeth. Read Alex Smith's "Edwin of Deira" in library. Walked down with Mrs. Wilson.
P.M. Asked Mr. Juemp about Christ's birth. He staid a good while on piazza. Mr. Lippits has bought a [giving]. Rode wheel to Burchards. Found it hard. Helped pick over currants a few minutes. Saw Mrs. [Darwin] Morse & Clara. Slept. Miss Couzer stopped a few minutes. Miss Bromwell took me to prayer-meeting. Mr. Juemp spoke on Phillips Brooks. Mr. Juemp, Miss Bromwell, Miss Rogers called.
Joe has a room for 12 poor women over mission.
July,THURSDAY 18. 1901.
A.M. Read to Mother Gordon. Ironed best white dress. Rob Bostick went to library with me & sat in the window a few minutes. I translated Caesar V:1-22. Our pleasant times at the table [continue].
P.M. Dr. Wallace Bardeen put in a gold filling, rubber filling & cleaned teeth for $3.75. Slept & bathed. Marg. Carter has failed in physics & passed in Greek. After supper Mr. Juemp staid a very few minutes. Mrs. Reimer took us to Epis. ice cream social. Sat on piazza with McGregory's & talked about [c...]. Began Reign of Law.
July,FRIDAY 19. 1901.
In library read Harpers "Portion of Labor" & "Right of Way" & about Roman Britain. Walked down with Mrs. Willson & Mrs. Ashmore. After dinner Mr. Juemp sat a long time & talked about Gospels, Christ etc. Then I talked about Harold. Then he took me
over to hear him play on the organ. I washed my head. Slept. Read Harold by Tennyson Act I. Read Reign of Law. After supper Mother & I called on Mrs. Ormsbee & Mrs. Willson. Rob Bostick called for about 1 1/2 hr.
July,SATURDAY 20. 1901.
Read Gordon on [Immortality] & Bible to Mother. (not at breakfast). Spent 2 hrs. in library. Began Freeman's Norman Conquest. Walked home with Mrs. Willson. Saw her mother's flowers. She will be 72 tomorrow & met her bachelor brother Mr. Lane. P.M. Began The Market Place by Harold Frederic to Mother & Mrs. McGregory. Rode wheel. Slept; bathed, finished "Reign of Law". Eve. Met Mr. & Mrs. Huntington. Miss Rogers called & I walked with her. Mr. Hawkins brought his brother & wife of Waterville & Miss Newbery of Chicago to call. Rec'd letter from Dr. Fancee about Brown Programme. Mrs. Lein brought me hot doughnuts.

July,SUNDAY 21. 1901.

Mr. Juemp Heb. 11:8. And he went out not knowing whether he went. The Future Life. All uncertain. Yet though we know not the [gral] we know our [Grude]. He is God over both models. Serve Him here & you will serve Him there. We sat with the Brownells. All silent at dinner. Marg. Judson was here & I went & sat on her porch. Then slept & read Outlook. Mr. Juemp was jolly at supper. Agnes the maid loves Mother. Miss Brownell & I went to Vesper Service. Mr. Juemp after Miss [Struyer] sang I know not where his islands life then founded palms, preached on God is Love. He cares for us; he helps us. We walked up the hill, then sat on Brownell's porch. Came home & visited with the people. A young man dropped dead on Utica St.

July,MONDAY 22. 1901.
I finished Gordon's Witness to Immortality to Mother. In library I studied Tacitus' "Agricola". Walked home with Mrs. Willson. ([Dum alum]) Read to Mother & Mrs. McGregory. Visited the Bank Vault. Slept. Bathed. Read Philistine. Read aloud till supper time. After supper Mr. Juemp oiled my wheel & fixed it all up. Calls from Mrs. Merrill, Eleanor Merrill, Mabel Bateman, Mrs. Ashmore & daughters.
Joke about Cubans wanting to go to reception in their night clothes!
July,TUESDAY 23. 1901.
Read S.S. lesson & [Ceyler] to Mother. Studied in library Tacitus's Agricola. Went up on my wheel. Mr. Lane gave me cat tails. After dinner Mr. Juemp fixed wheel again & it now goes beautifully. I read aloud a good while. Then rode to the Burchards. Rode in all about 8 miles today. Bath. No nap. Miss Bateman took Mrs. McG. out & came to supper. Mrs. Ornsbee took Mother driving. I called on Mrs. Lewis. Then we told sea sick stories on the piazza. Later Mr. Hawkins came & smoked.
Rain at night.
July,WEDNESDAY 24.1901.
Read to Mother S.S. lesson & Act II of [Tennyson's] "Harold". On the way to library I started to take a man's wheel. Studied Tacitus for nearly 2 hrs. Mrs. Wilson & I came down together. Joe sent [her] to Mr. Juemp. He staid afterward & talked to me & especially Mother, threaded her needle for her. I have ridden about 11 miles today. Rode past Peeksport. Stopped and ate cookies at Mrs. Burchards. Slept & bathed. Went alone to prayer meeting. Dr. Maynard led. Prayer. Dr. Clarke prayed that we might realize Gods presence & have divine self [forgetfulness]. Sat on Mrs. Ashmore's steps. Talked about [Chinese] possession by [devil] & also bicycle. She has learned to ride bicycle & spit.
July,THURSDAY 25. 1901.
A.M. Read to Mother S.S. lesson & Dr. Clarke. Studied Tacitus 2 hrs. in lab. Mrs. J. came in & said I should try going down library hill. Walked down with Mrs. Willson. This afternoon Margaret Judson & I wheeled to [Brookville] a 10 miles ride. I had several falls, but a good time. Eve. Calls from Mrs. & Miss Willson & Miss Lane. Called with Mother on Mrs. [Hamden]. Read in Mrs. McGregory's room. Wrote to Bertha. She is 27 today.
Mr. Francis writes he has decided to join the State St. Church.
July,FRIDAY 26. 1901.
At breakfast Mr. Juemp had moved down below Mother so as to leave his seat for "Tom" Bryan. I read Dr. Clarke to Mother & studied in the library Tacitus for more than two hours. Walked down with Mrs. Willson. "Tom" Bryan was at the dinner table. Mr. Hawkins told him I was dying to see him. I read aloud, slept, & sewed. We started to call on the Hornbergers but met Mrs. Wilson & Lane, so came back. Mr. J. did not come to supper. After tea, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Rowe & two daughters called on Mrs. McGregory. They are reading Father's Life & had been attracted to me! Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence called on us. He said Father could do anything with boys. I rubbed Mrs. McGregory's head till her husband came. Wheeled only a few minutes. [QBK per] came.
Coolish. Bicycle 14 miles.
July,SATURDAY 27. 1901.
Very blue today. I read aloud to Mother Mr. Juemp's paper on the "History of Heaven". Result was "Spectator emotion" (?) Finished Tacitus' Agricola in the library. Rode down the hill. Called a moment at the Grants on the [Boonhauers]. After dinner Mr. Juemp & I talked about mother, heterodoxy etc. Then I rode alone to Bouchville stopping to see the Burchards. Herbert & wife are here. This evening Mrs. Reimer, Mrs. Bostick, Mrs. Price & I went to Congregational ice cream & phonograph sociable. About 11 oclock Mr. Bryan came over.
July,SUNDAY 28. 1901.
Dr. Clarke Juo. 14:22. Christ's manifestation is spiritual. I staid in Mr. Ashmore's class. He said James' accounting with oil is medicinal. Mr. Juemp staid one minute only after dinner. I had a blue afternoon. Mrs. McGregory, Prof. M. & Mr. Bryan went to the Merrills to supper. Dr. Clarke led Xn Endeavor. The [Meek] Strong Man. [Sa...]. I told of Harold's speaking in office. Caught in the rain so went into the Ashmore's to tea. They told about Dr. [Dorice] of Chicago. Came home & tried to work off blues by visiting Mrs. Lippitt.
Hot & Rain. Bicycle 14 + 4 = 18.
July,MONDAY 29. 1901.
Said good bye to Mr. Juemp after breakfast. He goes with Mr. Tweedy to Maine. Read to Mother Dr. Clark & "Harold". On the way to library visited with Eliz. Judson. Studied Eng. Hist. At dinner & at supper found Tom Bryan great fun. Read aloud a little. Then rode up to see the [Boomhauers]. They were stuffing pillows in the barn. Dr. Grant is to take me bicycle riding. Drove with Mother & Mrs. Bostick to call on the Clarkes. Mrs. B. went home & we called on the Merrill's. Saw them all.
Letters from Mrs. Webb & Mr. "Francis".
Hot & Rain. Bicycle 18 + 11 = 29.
July,TUESDAY 30. 1901.
Read to Mother. Finished Tennyson's "Harold" & read Dr. Clarke & S.S. Times. Went to library & began Kingsley's "Hereward". Went to Merills with Fan. Saw Dr. Clarke there. Afterward thanked him for prayer for self-forgetfulness. After dinner went to let Mrs. [Vassar] fit me. Walter came in & talked about book. Mr. & Mrs. Ashmore, Miss Rowe & I wheeled for 3 hrs around reservoir. Very hard & came home in a shower. Mother & I called on Hornbergers, saw Adelaide Lawrence & at Judsons. Saw Dr. J. & Dr. Brockway of Bklyn. Sat a little while with McGregorys & "Tom" Bryan.
Pleasant. Bicycle 29 + 14 = 43
July, WEDNESDAY 31. 1901.
Read to Mother. Dr. Clarke & "Princess". Miss [Boomhauer] called. Read "Hereward" in library. Took Mr. Juemp's article on Dr. Clarke to Mrs. Judson. Read a little after dinner. Frank Ashmore came to ask me to ride & he fixed my wheel. Dr. Grant came & we rode 12 miles to Randallsville. Drank milk & later soda-water. After supper called on Mrs. Bostick & Kate Allen. Went to prayer-meeting. Dr. Grant asked me to sit with them. Came out with Mrs. Ashmore. Dr. Clarke read Juo. 15. & spoke of "I call upon not servants but friends". I feel worried about Harold.
Cool. Bicycle = 43 + 13 = 56.
August, THURSDAY 1. 1901.
Read S.S. Times, Dr. Clarke & "Princess" to Mother. Ironed white dress. Read & studied in the library. After dinner I finished Harold Frederic's "In the Market". Frank Ashmore took [I] wheeling to East Hamilton, 11 miles, wheeling, up & dwon steep hills. Eve. The Burchards took Mother driving. Mrs. [Remier] took us to Baptist festival. Talked with Grants, Boomhauers, [Lanworthy's], Lawrences, Dr. Judson, Mrs. Skinner, etc. Call from May Smith.
Cool. Rain at night. Bicycle 56 + 4 = 60. August, FRIDAY 2. 1901. Read to Mother. Dr. Clarke & "The Princess". Read "Hereward" in the library. Afternoon. Began "Uncle Terry" to Mother & Mrs. McG. Slept. Called on Mrs. & Martha Harmen. Eve. Call from Mrs. Judson, Eliz., Mrs. & Miss & Dr. Grant. & the Boomhauers. Called on May Smith. Ate ice cream
after the [...] part in Mrs. McGregory's room. Met young Mr. Lewis.
Pleasant Bicycle 60 + 2 = 62.
August, SATURDAY 3. 1901.
Read to Mother Dr. Clarke, S.S. Times & Princess. In Library I finished Hereward & read other things. Met Mrs. Bishop of 2nd Ave. Bapt. Ch. Dr. & Mrs. Clarke left for Europe. Mr. Hawkins & Mr. Bryan went to Waterville. I read "Uncle Terry". Mabel Bateman brought ice-cream. Mrs. McGregory, Mother & I spent afternoon on Prof. Anderson's piazza. The Rowes were there. Prof. A. read Penelope's [...] [Esp.]. After supper I called on Mrs. Judson & Eliz.
Cousin L. suggests on going with them to Pan America's.
Cool & pleasant.
August, SUNDAY 4. 1901.
A.M. Mr. Fuller Gen. 8:1. Remained to Mr. Ashmore's class. This afternoon after my nap Mabel Bateman & I walked to the West Cottage. Met Mr. & Mrs. West, Belford, & Dr. & Mrs. Bardern. Went across the reservoir for our supper in the woods. Came home & wrote letters.
Cool & pleasant. Bicycle 62 + 13 = 75.
August, MONDAY 5. 1901.
A.M. Read Princess, S.S. Times, & Dr. Clarke. Said good-bye to Prof. McGregory. On my way to the library my saddle came off. Went to Dr. Grant. Visited there about an hour. He invites me to ride tomorrow. Read History in library. At dinner Mr. Bogan roared when I asked whether the Skinners had a reg. wedding. Read to Mrs. McGregory & Mother. Slept. Rode on wheel nearly to Pine Woods & back (11 miles). Stopped at Burchards. After supper Mother & I called on Mrs. Grant & the Boomhauers. There was a concert outside hotel tonight. Mabel Bateman is to stay here tonight.
Rainy afternoon & eve. Bicycle 75 + 2 = 77.
August, TUESDAY 6. 1901.
Read to Mother Dr. Clarke, S.S. Times, & "Princess". Studied in library Eng. Hist. Rained so I could not ride with Dr. Grant but he called on me. Miss Rowe called to invite me. Dr. Peabody called. I finished Uncle Terry & slept. Spent evening with Mary & Henry Taylor & Dr. Grant at the Andersons. We made silhouettes, illustrated soup, & tried to write from looking-glass. Dr. Grant brought me home. I had to refuse invitation to make marshmallows with Eliz. Judson.
Cloudy & some rain. Bicycle 77 + 2 = 79.
August, WEDNESDAY 7. 1901.
Read to Mother Dr. Clarke, S.S. Times & Princess. On way to the library I stopped to see the Boomhauers. She kept me to play word-game with her & Dr. Grant. Dr. Peabody & Mrs. Skinner came in. The word was awful. I was in library but came home. Dr. Grant & I decided not to go wheeling. Mrs. Judson, Elizabeth, & Miss Lawrence came to take me to [Bunny] Hill. After tea I took Mother to see Miss Hastings. Then I went to prayer-meeting. Mr. Fuller on Clients Compassion for Multitudes. Dr. Lawrence says I received him of [Fathers]. The Ashmores came on the piazza. Dr. Peabody brought Mother home. I went in & talked to Mrs. McGregory who is blue because Tom Bryan leaves tomorrow.
A.M. Rain P.M. Pleasant. Bicycle 79 + 12 = 91.
August, THURSDAY 8. 1901.
Read to Mother Dr. Clarke & Tennyson's Becket. Tom Bryan went away. Mabel Bateman came to dinner. Mrs. McGregory went to Howards for afternoon & evening. Mabel asked me to sleep with her tonight. I declined. The Merrills left today. I studied Eng. H. in the library. Rained while there. The Boomhauers left & S.S. went to Sylvan B. picnic. After dinner I read "Becket" to Mother. Miss Corman called. I rode to Burchards, & they asked us to come tomorrow. Slept. Read Richard Carvel. Call from Mrs. Bishop & daughter Mrs. Bishop. After tea Mr. & Mrs. Ashmore & I rode 5 miles. Eaton road. I found Mother at the Bosticks. Joe Bostick came.
I had pleasant talk with Dr. Lawrence about Father & Mother & my experience on freight car with drunkard. He said he would use it.
Pleasant. Poured at about 10 P.M. Bicy. 91 + 2 = 93.
August, FRIDAY 9. 1901.
Read to Mother Dr. Clarke & finished "Becket". Studied in library. Afternoon. We spent it at the Burchards. Herbert & wife are there. We worked. Came home after tea. May Smith & I went to party at Wilson-Lanes. Made bonnet, played [advert], servants, cake game & door panel. Poured, so [lesses] we [ordered]. I went up for the night with Mabel Bateman. Told Jim not to keep hotel open for me!
Rain. August, SATURDAY 10. 1901. Came home from Batemans in the rain. Because of rain had a visit on piazza with Mrs. Willson, Mr. & Miss Lane &
"Geo" Smith. Showed looking glass trick. Lucy came from Adelaide Lawrence. She had [thot] me 28 yrs. old! Read a little to Mrs. McGregory. Slept. Mabel came. Called on Andersons & Rowes. Eve. We called on the Ashmores. Rubbed Mrs. McG. head.
August, SUNDAY 11. 1901.
A.M. Prof. Jones in Bapt. church 1 Cor. 11:31. Self-examination.
Dr. Lawrence in Cong. church Mat. 16:26. Mrs. McGregory spent day with Mabel Bateman. I staid to Mr. Ashmore's class. Afternoon. Call from Mrs. Bostick & Katie Allen. Slept. Read [Deacon] Bradbury. Walked to College Hill where I read Mark 9. In cemetery I found Mr. Lane & Mrs. Willson. Coming home I stopped to see Mrs. Curtiss. Mother went with me to hear Dr. Lawrence. Beautiful sermon. He came to hotel with us & talked about Fred etc. Mabel

is to sleep with Mrs. McGregory. We went to Mrs. Smith & I was to [talk] off skirt but big [boy] opened door.

Wrote to Joe & Mr. Frances.
Cloudy. No rain. Bicycle 93 + 17 = 110.
August, MONDAY 12. 1901.
A.M. Read Dr. Clarke & S.S. Times. Began "Foresters". Went to library. On the way I met Dr. Grant & he asked me to go with the Grants to Madison. We started at 2.10 & reached home at 6.40. Rode 15 miles. Called on the bride Sophie Jones Tomlinson. Had quite a bad fall. At Madison Lake ate peanuts. Mother drove with Bosticks to the Cottens at [Eadville]. This evening Martha [Harnum] called. I treated her to root beer.
The Roes left town today. Dr. Peabody called.
Clear & Beautiful. Bicycle 110 + 12 = 122.
August, TUESDAY 13. 1901.
A.M. Took best white dress to the wash. Read Dr. Clarke, S.S. Times, & Foresters. Rode to the Grants for my glasses, & visited with Mrs. & Dr. Grant. Then I went for a bicycle ride with Lizzie as far as Mr. [Chuce's]. came home, slept, & read to Mother. Afternoon. Read "Little Sister to the Wilderness" to Mother & Mrs. McGregory. Called on Mrs. Smith & Harris with Mother. Went to Burchard picnic at [Chuce's] Glen. Met Franie Burchard. Evening. Mother & I called on Hornbergers. I went alone to Willsons. Mrs. Willson & Mr. Lane came with me far as seminary. I found Mother there. [Visited] with Miss Hastings, Mrs. Bishop, Dr. & Mrs. Peabody. May Smith was out.
My strained ankle hurts some. Rubbed Mrs. MCG's head & had nice talk.
Quite warm. Bicycle 122 + 8 = 130.
August, WEDNESDAY 14. 1901.
Read Dr. Clarke & via Cruces to Mother. Read in library. Afternoon. Finished Little Sister in the Wilderness to Mother & Mrs. McG. Judson girls called & asked us to tea. Lizzie Bostick & I rode to Burchards with book & Mother embroidery. We took Mrs. McG. up Dr. Judson's cellar door & had tea on the piazza. Went with May Smith to prayer-meeting & sat between her & Dr. Peabody. Dr. [Jones] led. "[Centuries] [...]". Returned with May to the Judsons. Missed call from Mrs. [Banning] & Mrs. Kilburn. Read Via Cruces to Mother. Harold writes from Nantucket. Miss Bateman & Silsbury called. I declined her invitation to Saturdays luncheon.
August, THURSADY 15. 1901.
Read to Mother Dr. Clarke & ["Via Cruces"]. Walked to Mrs. Grants to say goodbye. Returned "Dr. Clarke" to library. Visited with May Smith & Dr. Estes. Talked of [QBK]. Came home with Mrs. Willson & Miss Wilson. Afternoon read to Mrs. McGregory & Mother two good short stories from [Aux.] Supper. [cott.] Dr. Bardeen filled another tooth. Mr. Peckham trimmed hat. It poured. Spent evening in Mrs. McG. room & we read all of the Turn of the Road. Mabel Bateman has changed her lunch to tomorrow.
Pleasant. Bicycle 130 + 1 = 131. August, FRIDAY 16. 1901. Sneezed a very little. Had bicycle oiled. Did errands. Miss Batemen had lunch party for Miss Silsbury. Had a great
rumpus because I had engaged Johnson & Frank had engaged Clark to drive us over. Mrs. Bostick drove over with us & Mr. White (studying law & engaged to Miss [Marlow]) was our driver. We reached here about 5. Broken hearted letter from Jennie Hughes. She has had to leave her work & take care of her parents.
Sneezed a little. August, SATURDAY 17. 1901. Rec'd a bill from the library man for 3.50. If I don't pay he will sue me. Took my gray silk to Mrs. [Ricknell]. Called on
Mrs. Morton & heard about Celestine's death. Slept in the afternoon.
Sneezed a little. August, SUNDAY 18. 1901.
A.M. Mr. Bamford. Heb. 3:3.
P.M. Philip Strong "Wagner & a Ferry boat". Gen. 45:27, 28. 2 Sam. 19:18. It was on death. Slept in afternoon. I lef
C.E. Dent. 10:12-14. God's requirements.
Rain. Sneezed a little. August, MONDAY 19. 1901. Wrote letters. Rec'd bill from Anti Salom League. I did mending while Jessica read a story by Van Dyke. Afte. Calls from Mabel Bateman & Miss Tilsbury. Call from Mr. Bamford. He brought us [Carlbert] Hall's book & we
talked about Philip Strong, Mr. Juemp, & the Lombards.
Rain. August, TUESDAY 20. 1901. Mrs. Kilburn & Eddie did not appear. I took a bath. We felt stupid today. I darned stockings. This evening Mrs. Eaton
called. Grace is to go to Hamilton High School. J. & S. called on Cousin June this afternoon.
August, WEDNESDAY 21. 1901.
We had given up Mrs. Kilburn's coming, but she & Eddie arrived for dinner. Nice letter from Fred Reeve about his little daughter Ruth. Mr. Cole led prayer-meeting. Rec'd [Will's] wedding cards.
Tiny bit of hay fever. August, THURSDAY 22. 1901. Jessie & I went to Union S.S. picnic to Madison Lake. I cut cake, waited on table & washed dishes. Saw some of Mr.
Bamford & [Relter] & Orion [Bunney]. Joe writes that Mr. Hubbell is ill in Paris.
Little more hay fever.
August, FRIDAY 23. 1901.
A man on the health board called to see Morsie. Said the smell was a nuisance, he was not competent to say it was unhealthy. He thought Dr. Chase would come in the afternoon, but he didn't. Patched my nightgown. Call from Francilia Morton. Letter from Minnie saying Frank had been [...] with typhoid fever & for 2 days they feared they must pospone the
wedding. Ros & Sallie sent Min a check for $100.
Little more hay fever. August, SATURDAY 24. 1901.
A.M. Mrs. Rockwell tried on my gray silk.
P.M. We went down to see Field Day Sports. Went to Francelia Morton. Called on way home on Cousin Celeste & Mrs. Marsh.
I have finished patching night gown, & have worked on cape.
Hay fever about like yesterday.
August, SUNDAY 25. 1901.
A.M. Dr. Maynard Luke 11:1, 1 Cor. 12:4 2 Cor. 12:3. Beautiful sermon on diversities of religious experience, ability to pray etc.
P.M. Mr. Banford led Xn End. Daily Prayer Ps. 34.
Mr. Banford preached in Methodist Church, Nautiful sermon. Solomon's & Paul's [Estimate] of Life. Ecc. 1:9. 2 Cor. 5:17.
Cool & pleasant.
Almost no hay fever.
August, MONDAY 26. 1901.
Call from Cousin Celeste and Mrs. Marsh. I wrote inviting Miss Hastings & the Coats here this week. Morsie seems quite exhausted. Letter from Jennie Hughes & she says Mrs. Booth does not feel as she does. Jessie & I called on Cousin Hattie & read some of Cousin Franks 58th birthday letters. Called on Mrs Scram. Mother & Morsie called on Mrs. Davis. Minnie writes that Frank is better. John has come home for an operation on swelling of his neck.
No hay fever to speak of.
August, TUESDAY 27. 1901.
Helped get dinner & supper. Calls from Mrs. Scram & Miss [Midbury]. Called on Mrs. Lombard, & Mrs. Saunders (out). Declined invitation to Mrs. Cotton's on Friday. Miss Brown called. Jessica & I go there to tea on Thursday. Mrs. Rockwell fitted my gray silk this afternoon. Took
A little hay fever at breakfast only.
August, WEDNESDAY 28. 1901.
I went to Mrs. Rockwell's. Coming home Cousin Celeste called me in to talk with her, Mrs. March & Mr. Banford. Jessica has heard through Chicago Agency of a library in [Iron] Mt. Michigan. Washed my hair. Harriet Mine called & told us her father has typhoid fever. Slept. Mr. Banford Ralph Conner's picture. Cousin Jane called. We called on Fannie Whiting & took her to meeting. Mr. Inman led. Lovely meeting. "Can we [become] Christ like?"
Cousin Darien has lain in a stupor. We are most anxious.
Considerable hay fever. August, THURSDAY 29. 1901. I helped get dinner. Cousin Lizzie, Mother, & I went to [Albenaa] [Browns]. Jessica staid home & saw to [...]. Miss
Hastings & May Smith called.
Hay fever on [cure]. Not very bad. Bicycle 131 + 2 = 133. August, FRIDAY 30. 1901. Mother & I came to N.Y. via Utica. Made the best way. Cost 72 cts & trunk at Utica. Felt rather miserable with hay
fever. But got over it before reaching home. Saw Min's presents. She has already rec'd 56.
Almost no hay fever. August, SATURDAY 31. 1901. Winifred has rec'd 13 more presents today. I hemmed for her. Louisa Richardson came twice. Winnie went to New
Rochelle & met Mr. & Mrs. Dobson. She likeds them very much. Minnie went to have her dress fitted. Augusta [Choate] called. Almost no hay fever.
Almost no hay fever. September, SUNDAY 1. 1901. Clarence Barbour of Rochester at the Emmanuel Bapt. Church Phil. 4:4. Excellent sermon. Mr. & Mrs. Dobson came to
dinner & we liked them. Harold came to call. He is going housekeeping at corner of Hicks & Pineapple. Afternoon. Read, slept, wrote Joe. Evening. I alone went to church. Mr. at Lafayette Ave. Church [gave] sermon on Matt. 22:41,42.
More hay fever. September, MONDAY 2. 1901. Busy day of preparation. Labor Day so few presents came. Lots of people called & we all felt distracted. Eve. Put cake in boxes. Augusta Choate spent the day. Bertha took us to [there] new unfinished house.
Little hay fever. September, TUESDAY 3. 1901. Minnie had attack of heart failure & Mother fell the whole length of stairs without serious hurt. Presents, letters, &
callers have poured in. I went to Miss [Grabrow] for Min. Ruth & Harvey bought silver. They had the rehearsal tonight. Bertha's green, & Ruth's pink came. Harold bro't me $25 for Mother's board.
No hay fever. September, WEDNESDAY 4. 1901. Winifred & Harvey were married. Cablegram from "Elvis" London.
No hay fever. September, THURSDAY 5. 1901. We were all sick. It may be the lobster. Mrs. Jacobs made a long call. Uncle Wm. Sharpe, & the Jones came in the
evening. Will returned to Islip.
Almost no hay fever. September, FRIDAY 6. 1901. Bertha returned to work. Ruth & Mother sick all day till evening. Annie has gone, & Minnie hopes to get Julia. I made
beds, washed dished, waited on the sick, entertained Helen Smith, Helen Tuttle & Marguerite Tuttle. Wrote long letter to Cousin Lizzie to be sent to Angelica & to Harlan. Went alone to prayer-meeting. McKinley shot at Buffalo by an insane man. Rec'd two wounds.
Almost no hay fever. September, SATURDAY 7. 1901. Washed dishes. Ruth went riding with Dr. Sharpe. Went to N.Y. met Mother & we exchanged carving set. Call from
Mrs. Lane. First letter rec'd from Winifred. She was having a fine time in Hotel [Lorraine]. This evening we sat around. I read old letters & bathed.
Bad hay fever.
September, SUNDAY 8. 1901.
A.M. Clarence Barbour. 2 Cor. 3:18.
P.M. " " Luke 23:42,43. Harold, Ruth & Ralph came to dinner. Miserable with hay fever. I met Miss Bliss & Mother who are staying at 261 Ryerson St.
Hay fever worst of any. Bicycle 133 + 17 = 150. September, MONDAY 9. 1901. Mother sick in the night. We are all sick with colds. Harold took me riding wheel. We met Ruth near Bensonhurst. I fell
once. Came home & slept about two hrs. Ruth began her 2nd yr. of school.
Hay fever better. September, TUESDAY 10. 1901. Washed breakfast dishes & ironed handkerchiefs & made beds.
P.M. Ironed towels. Slept.
Hay fever better.
September, WEDNESDAY 11. 1901. Washed dishes & made beds. Frank went to Conway going to N. Haven with Mary Dixon who enters Mt. Holyoke. Mother has diarrhea again. I feel mean. Slept soundly till Mrs. Tainter & Mrs. [Beach] called. Later, Cousin Hattie
called. Eve. I played a little on piano. Harold is 44. He and Ruth called in the A.M. Jessica writes they may go for [leaves] to [Nashville].
Hay fever better. September, THURSDAY 12. 1901. Took luncheon with Harold & Ruth in their new home. [Hicks] & [Pineapple]. Called on Mrs. Reeve & found her &
Ruth going out. She asked me to dinner Saturday. Washed breakfast & dinner dishes & made beds. This evening the Choates called.
Hay fever better. September, FRIDAY 13. 1901. President McKinley has had a change for the worst. After prayer-meeting Minnie, Ruth & I walked to the Eagle office
& learned that he was dying. Lucy Bliss came to dinner. We showed her the wedding gifts.
Hay fever better.
September, SATURDAY 14. 1901. President McKinley died at 2.15. After 10 P.M. oclock yesterday he said to his wife "God's will be done, not ours". He
said to those about him "Good-by all, good-by. It is God's way. His will be done, not ours." Then "Nearer my God to Thee, e'er thought it be a cross, is my constant prayer". President Roosevelt has taken the oath of office. I took dinner with Fred and Cora Reeve. Met her grandfather. Little Ruth is not 4 months. Sub-fresman Whitcomb called to talk with Frank, & Bertha & I entertained him. Harold called this A.M. Brought letter & 1.00 written & misdirected [...] 29.
A little hay fever.
September, SUNDAY 15. 1901.
McKinley's body lay in state. Dr. Gallagher preached on the promises to him that overcometh. I called on Agnes Jones & was not asked to stay to tea. I met there Sallie Barrons, Sadie, & Jessie Perkins. Went alone to Dr. Gregg's to the memorial service. Chopins Funeral March. [Lizah] Hamlin sang "Rest in the Lord". We sang the Presidents two favorites "Lead Kindly Light" & "Nearer my God to Thee".
Geo. & Mabel [Lerner] were there.
Very little hay fever. September, MONDAY 16. 1901. I went to take luncheon with Mrs. [Ta...] & Mrs. Beach. Saw "Dove" one minute. The Choates called & Augusta will stay all night. Mrs. Whyckoff came with Mrs. Dixon who leaves tomorrow for
Boston. Pres. McKinley's body taken to Washington today.
Dreadful hay-fever.
September, TUESDAY 17. 1901. Went to see Lillian Higgins. Left South Ferry, Whitehall St. about 9 A.M. Mr. Higgins & Lillian & Lloyd (2 1/2 yrs)
met me at Somerville. Dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Struyer at [Rantan]. Drove past Mr. Duke's place. Had terrible hay fever all afternoon. Helen is 8 & Ruth is 6. They have taken a little boy, Fred. Pres. McKinley's body has started for [Canton]. Geo. Stowe was killed by cars.
September, WEDNESDAY 18. 1901.
Came from North Branch to Orange. Met Miss Ricker & Mr. Mrs. & Miss [Dinick]. Took luncheon with Jennnie Hughes, Father, Mother, brother-in law, & the dear little children. I feel that Mrs. Booth has been cruel to her. Coming home I found that May Smiths brother had accidentally killed a man. Ruth & I went over to [town] Hausen Place Church. Rode up Broadway to see the mourning. President's body is in Canton. Mr. Mattice will give Marion wholly to Lena.
Little hay fever. September, THURSDAY 19. 1901. Today Pres. McKinley was buried at Canton. Memorial service at Dr. Gregg's. Beautiful prayer by Mr. Jacobs. We rode up Broadway & saw the mourning. At 3.30 every thing stopped, cars, boats, etc. This was never done for
anyone before.
Hay fever better. September, FRIDAY 20. 1901. I mended gloves, sewed labels on collars, etc. Eve. Went to Memorial meeting at Plymouth prayer-meeting. Horatio, Will Beecher, etc. spoke.
September, SATURDAY 21. 1901.
Sewed morning & afternoon. Bertha & I called on Mabel & Geo. Lunn. Went to invite the Choates. They came this evening to make fudge. Played [lip] Jinkins, [P...], the State of Life, Kissing, [S books], etc. Frank came from Conway & Chatham.
September, SUNDAY 22. 1901.
Mr. Gallagher "Gospel according to Luke". Dr. & Mrs. Walker were there. Prof. Froelich came to dinner after walking with me in Park. Slept & Read. Eve. Laymen meeting in Lafayette Church. Mr. Orgden, Elliot, Dr. Walsh.
September, MONDAY 23. 1901. Called on Mrs. Backus & shopped.
P.M. Made fudge for Lena. Call from May Sharpe & Mrs. Richardson. Eve. Read Jacob Riis. Made Peppermint drops.
September, TUESDAY 24. 1901.
Left for Springfield on 4 oclock train. Found Dr. Moxom & Mrs. Porter celebrating Lena's 44th birthday. We are to have 12 including Marion. Czolgosz found guilty of murder of Pres. McKinley.
September, WEDNESDAY 25. 1901.
Awful day. Joe telephoned from livery stable that he had been drinking. I went to him & he was in a sad state. Went to the Mission with him.
P.M. Took Mrs. Scott to Holyoke car & went again to see Joe. Took Mrs. [Swague] to Library & Art Museum. Took Mrs. Rodman to car. After supper met Helen [Keeper]. Mr. Quick called & feels hopeful about Joe.
Took Mrs. [Swague] to her [boarding] place. Miss Gruyer is here.
September, THURSDAY 26. 1901. School began. This evening I went down to find Joe with "convert" in a terrible state. Returned to prayer-meeting. Mr. Francis was
shocked. Mr. Cross thinks the Mission must be closed. Mr. Story (1).
September, FRIDAY 27. 1901.
I rec'd a letter from Mr. Kraus saying that he & Mr. McKinnon had persuaded Joe to go to the [almshouse] to stay awhile under restraint. He has given up keys, bank book & money to me.
I took the girls to Forest Park. Eve. Salamagundi party. Crokinole, needle threading, picking up hairs on back of knife. We also wrote in looking glass & had trick "Bread is the staff of life".
Miss King (1).
September, SATURDAY 28. 1901. Did a little studying. Eve. Called on Mrs. Porter & read list of wedding gifts. Misses Gillette & Miss Baker (French teacher) called.
September, SUNDAY 29. 1901.
A.M. Dr. Moxom Matt. 5:5. Church should be [virile]. Staid to Bible class. Mark 1. Spent afternoon with the McKinnons at the Krauses. Took tea there. The Mission is to be sold, that is the [coal] etc. to pay rent & Joe urged to work. I have told Miss Gruyer, Lena & Miss Porter.
September, MONDAY 30. 1901.
Letters of sympathy from Winnie & Ruth. [Aymar] has entered Harvard. Bertha lost the boat to Cold Spring by one minute. So she lost the anticipated day. Florence Murphy came. Mr. Story (2).
October, TUESDAY 1. 1901. Miss King (2). I went to bank, Brewers & library.
october, WEDNESDAY 2. 1901. Eliz. Sherwood came to call. Ruth Elmer has begun staying to luncheon. Violet Coen's old man sent her a big box of Huyler's. I slept about 10 minutes today.
October, THURSDAY 3. 1901. Mr. Story (3). I went to see Mr. Kraus & together we visited the Mission & Mrs. [Burchard]. Her story & Joe's do not jibe. I then went
to the almshouse & saw poor old Joe. He does not seem very repentant, but he thinks God will make him clean & he can begin again in two months. He must tell God wants him too. Mr. McKinnon led church. I walked up with Mr. & Mrs. [Reaves].
October, FRIDAY 4. 1901. Miss King (3). Mrs. Booth came tonight on her way to Harford & we talked about Jennie. I played Parchesi with the children.
October, SATURDAY 5. 1901. Mrs. Booth told me about Capt. Carrigan. Is everyone goint to fail? I gave 3 music lessons. I went down town & gave papers to Mr. Kraus. Read a little.
October, SUNDAY 6. 1901.
Communion & beautiful sermon by Dr. Nathan Wood on Christ perfectly human & divine. "I am Alpha & Omega". He knew me. Went out to [almshouse]. Talked with Mr. Sexton & saw Joe. I fear his mind is affected. [...] in hospital & visited
patients. Went to bed about 8.30. Miss Gruyer & Violet walked.
October, MONDAY 7. 1901. 1st Outlook class. Had a great time straightening out the money. Kneisel concert at High School. Mr. Story (4).
Bicycle 150 + 6 = 156. October, TUESDAY 8. 1901. Miss King (4). Rode 6 miles on wheel. Met Carrie King. Went to library.
Bicycle 156 + 3 = 159. October, WEDNESDAY 9. 1901. First evening Outlook class. The Mipes Newell, Marjorie Overman, Clara Reed & Mrs. Packard were in it. We 3
teachers took Marjorie home.
October, THURSDAY 10. 1901. Called on Dr. & Mrs. Sweet. Went to [almshouse]. Joe comes out tomorrow but won't promise to go to church. Called on Cousin Etta. Ned Griffith goes at [Forester] to the Phillipines. Prayer-meeting. A man said he was a Christian. Mr. Francis was there. Mr. Story (5).
October, FRIDAY 11. 1901. Miss King (5). Played Parchesi in the evening.
October, SATURDAY 12. 1901. Mrs. Sweet telephones that Joe was seen going into a Salon last night, yet Mr. Francis writes he left him at Volunteers.
P.M. I took Hilda to South Hadley & I saw Eliz. Sherwood, Abbie Tillingharte, Mary Dixon, Mrs. Purington & Emily. Eve. Elizabeth Gruyer went to country club. I began Minister's Moving to the Gods. Mrs. Stowe called to say that she had heard Geo. was a Christian before he was killed.
October, SUNDAY 13. 1901.
Mr. Clarke from Bulgaria. Rom. 10:1,2. He knows Miss Stowe & expects her to be spared. I went to Volunteers & talked on Acts. 4:1-14. Saw Mr. Francis, Sandford, Waite & Smith. Went twice to Sweets & to
the livery stable, Ivers. We can't find Joe. He hasn't been seen since Friday night. We are all discouraged. Smith waited on the street to offer sympathy & "make up". Read Ministers Moving to the Gods & then went to the Overmans to get Violet. "Cousin" Edward Williams came to dinner.
October, MONDAY 14. 1901.
Mr. Story (6). Analysis class (1).
Mother writes that Dr. Jon. Richardson has cancer & Alfred Raymond typhoid fever. Ruth Coe sends me 5.00. I dread [returning] it. Violet rec'd love-letter from [May] [Jenncy]. I read Century this evening to girls.
October, TUESDAY 15. 1901. Miss King (6). I called on the Sweets but he had not found Joe. Tonight he telephoned that Mr. Ivers telephoned that Joe appeared with
black eye. Call from Mrs. Burleigh. She told of Gertrude at Greenwich. I went to the library.
October, WEDNESDAY 16. 1901. This afternoon we had a college club tea with Miss Wing as Prsident. Harvey is to vote for [Tammany].
October, THURSDAY 17. 1901.
Had head shampooed.
Supper with Miss Rock & Leonard at Children's Home. Saw their 6 children. Talked of Emily Carrigan & [Jadene] of Volunteers. Prayer meeting [Fordyce] Parks led "Prayer". Joe has been taken by Dr. Sweet back to [almshouse]. Mr. Story (7).
October, FRIDAY 18. 1901. Mr. Hubbell telephoned me so sweetly about Joe. New girls gave me a party. Books, advertisements etc. Miss King (7).
October, SATURDAY 19. 1901. Call from Miss [Shallies]. Called on Mrs. Burleigh & Gertrude. Met Miss DeLong & Bigelow (High School) there. Read Ministers Moving aloud this evening. Mabel Lunn expecting a baby. Beulah bagan lessons on the violin with Miss Holmes.
October, SUNDAY 20. 1901. Dr. Faunee Juo. 1:14. "The Word dwelt among us". Fannie Bates writes applying for a position. Spoke in Volunteers. Called at almshouse. Joe cries now. Called on Mr. Hubbell. Walked with girls.
October, MONDAY 21. 1901. Mother writes that Alfred Raymond cannot live. Miss Porter went to Miss Dickinsons' funeral. Hadley, Eliz. & I managed Outlook class. Mr. Story (8).
October, TUESDAY 22. 1901. Outlook class. Mrs. Starr does not believe in Expansion or Missions. No time to discuss Right of Way. Miss King (8).
October, WEDNESDAY 23. 1901.
Josephine Wright married Mr. Gill. We went to the South Church & to [Mass...]. I did not go to Mrs. Merrick's musicale.
October, THURSDAY 24. 1901. Miss Berensen (1). I heard from Smith! Mrs. Sweet & I called on Joe & found him intractable. Took tea with Sweets. Mr. Howe led prayer
meeting. Subject: Temptation. Mr. Story (9).
October, FRIDAY 25. 1901. Miss King (9). I played in the gym with the children & Eliz. & Violet went to country club.
October, SATURDAY 26. 1901. Music lessons. Read Outlook.
P.M. We all went to hear Jacob Riis on [Tony's Hardship]. He spoke before Mass. [Federation] of Women's Clubs. Mrs. [Swague] has come. Letter from Jennie Hughes. Went down town this evening.
October, SUNDAY 27. 1901. Dr. Moxom Luke 5:20. Forgiveness of Sins. Discussed Miracles in S.S. Led Volunteers Jno. 14:1-10. "Jesus the Truth". Saw Joe. He was nice, but [Resper] thinks
him insane. Called on Mrs. Quick. I didn't walk, but began paper on Sin.
October, MONDAY 28. 1901. Mr. Story (10). I began "The Eternal City" by Hall Caine. Called on Mrs. Sweet & went to library.
October, TUESDAY 29. 1901.
Miss King (10). Miss Berensen (2). I walked. Mother writes that Alfred Raymond died yesterday. I wrote Ros & Sallie. Czolgosz executed.
October, WEDNESDAY 30. 1901. Edith Brook's coming out party. We all went but Mrs. Packard came home early. Mrs. Starr (1).
October, THURSDAY 31. 1901.
Mr. story (10). Miss Berensen (2).
I met Joe at Mrs. Sweets. He left almshouse today. I went to his dreary room. He prayed. Then I took tea at Volunteers. Joe went to prayer-meeting. Mr. Russell led. He said "God has forgiven. I ask forgiveness of my church. I would rather [free] a [canine's] [mouth]."
November, FRIDAY 1. 1901. Miss King (11). Letter from Jennie Hughes. Miss Porter went to N.Y. Celebrated Hallowe'en.
November, SATURDAY 2. 1901. Went down town this P.M. Went to Joe's room 469 Main. He prayed [hauhpilly]. He is working.
November, SUNDAY 3. 1901.
A.M. Mr. Hahn Acts 2:42. Beautiful sermon on [Centurians]. He [plead] for evening service. Dear old Joe was there with me, but left before communion.
I got Joe to go to Volunteers. I spoke from Eph. 3:14-21. God able to do etc. Called on the Sweets. Long walk this evening. Mr. [Swague] was here.
November, MONDAY 4. 1901. Outlook class came this afternoon. Mr. Story (11).
November, TUESDAY 5. 1901.
Outlook class. [Bunnie] Green came, & Miss Warner a grand daughter of Mr. Skinner. Called on Mrs. Sweet. She felt anxious about Joe. I found his door locked. Miss King (12). Mother went to Montclair. Low is made Mayor of N.Y. Mrs. Starr (2).
November, WEDNESDAY 6. 1901.
I went to College Alumnae at Northampton with Jeannette Appleton. She says I look as if I were just [tidied] up always, that all the girls like me. Called on Mrs. Behrends. Met Miss Cavanagh-Smith, Miss Rumsey & others.
November, THURSDAY 7. 1901.
I staid in today. The family went to see Richard Mansfield in Monsieur Beaucaire all but Mary Porter & the three children. In the evening Florence Murphy woke up vomiting.
Joe spoke in meeting nicely but was mad at me for suggesting that he write to his son. I drank chocolate with Mrs. Sweet at drug-store. Met Dr. Moxom & he looked ill. Made Sweets a long call. We are disgusted at Joe.
Mr. Story (12).
November, FRIDAY 8. 1901. Mary Porter's mother came tonight. Miss King (13). The girls began rehearsing play. Mrs. Geog. Henschel is dead.
November, SATURDAY 9. 1901. Miss Berensen (3). In the afternoon I took Roberta Scott by trolley to call on the [Leomises] of Holyoke. Miss Eleanor Warner and Marjory [Overman] came to dinner. Mrs. Porter came to lunch. Mrs. Webb came tonight.
November, SUNDAY 10. 1901. Dr. Moxom on Race Problem in the South. He said in S.s. that Miracle of Leaves was Tradition. Called for Joe & we went to Volunteers. Spoke on Body the House of the Soul. He acts blue about getting work. Called
on Mrs. Sweet. I walked. Violet went to the Overmans. Eliz. staid home. Miss P. kept me up to talk about Bessie Thayer's Latin.
November, MONDAY 11. 1901.
Mr. story (13). Analysis class (2). Call from Laura [Malton].
November, TUESDAY 12. 1901. Miss King (14). Mrs. Webb went home. Mrs. Starr (3).
November, WEDNESDAY 13. 1901. Violet Coen was ill and I walked for her. It is very cold.
November, THURSDAY 14. 1901. Mr. Story 14. Mr. Kraus has got steady work for Joe at his place. Called on Mrs. Sweet & Joe (briefly). Called on Celia Merriam. She
read me lovely letter from Susy about Mother's visit. Miss P. & Lena talked very appreciatively to me. Roberta Scott began her music.
November, FRIDAY 15. 1901. Miss King (13). Evening was devoted to rehearsing the play. Dr. [Stibbries] wife died.
November, SATURDAY 16. 1901.
I finished every word of my Outlook reading. Miss Berensen (4). I took Mary Porter to the dentist. It took the whole afternoon. Came home & I went right back to get ribbon. We celebrated Eliza Buffington's 18th birthday with heart party and cake. Louise Redman's father & sister [Marnie] came. Dr.
November, SUNDAY 17. 1901. Dr. Moxom preaached to Young Men. 1 Jno. I staid to Bible class. Joe went with me to Volunteers & is happy. Wants to open Mission. I talked on Christ the Life. Called on the Hastings. Did not walk. Went to bed but got up put dress over night gown &
played humns.
November, MONDAY 18. 1901. Mr. Story (15). Helped get names in Outlook class.
November, TUESDAY 19. 1901.
Miss King (16). Vocal class. Mrs. Starr (4). I went to library. Evening. We went to the Baernstein concert. Outlook class postponed. Lovely letter from Agnes Jones. Sadie had met Harold & he spoke [hauhgtilly] haughtily of his new life.
November, WEDNESDAY 20. 1901. No one but Mrs. Starr came, so we had no Outlook.
November, THURSDAY 21. 1901. Mr. Story (16). I called on Joe, blue he can't do the work. Spent some time in Johnson's reading, shopping, called on Hastings. Joe spoke well in meeting.
November, FRIDAY 22. 1901. Miss King (17). College Club. Prof. Leach came. I met her & talked with Mr. Dana at depot. I fear he must leave Springfield for
Newark. We went to the ground ball at Pauline Days. I didn't get settled for the night till 10.40. Mrs. Packard & I went & staid together at the ball.
November, SATURDAY 23. 1901. Sleeped all day. Took Miss Leach down to Dr. Clark's & stopped at Mrs. Sweets. Mr. Kraus will find him easier work. Isabella (Morse) Thomas here today. Miss Berensen (5).
Pouring rain. November, SUNDAY 24. 1901. Miss Leach left on 1.10 train. Dr. Moxom Prov. 11:11. Church and Civic Righteousness. Too tired to stay to S.S. Very few at Volunteers. Joe has gone back to work. Called on Miss Rick. Also on Mrs. Sweet. Evening. Read, slept, played hymns. Mr. [Glenn] is dying.
November, MONDAY 25. 1901. [Dean] Slocum, Mrs. Morris & Miss Bigelow are dead. Violet recd box of candy from her old man. Mr. Story (17).
November, TUESDAY 26. 1901. Miss King (18). Vocal class. Mrs. Nancy Forster has broken her hip. Went this evening to library. Mrs. Starr (5).
November, WEDNESDAY 27. 1901. Edana Collins came. Miss Porter & I took dinner at Mrs. Porters. Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Bartlett & Josie were there.
November, THURSDAY 28. 1901.
Thanksgiving Day. I sat between Mr. & Mrs. Baldwin & heard Mr. Mudge of Carew St. Good dinner. Played with children.
November, FRIDAY 29. 1901. Went down town. Thanksgiving play "Which is Which" "Scene in Burley's Room". Large number of guests. Miss King (19). Florence Howland, Bettie Sherwood, Francis Booth, Marg. Carter, Mary Cutler returned & Florence Barker. Florence
Howland went away.
November, SATURDay 30. 1901. Miss Berensen did not come. I gave 5 music lessons.
P.M. Walked, slept, went down town. Feel sick. Found Joe at home sick.
December, SUNDAY 1. 1901.
Sick with cold. Went to church, but did not go to Volunteers. In bed all afternoon & eve. Read in "Woman of Yesterday".
December, MONDAY 2. 1901. Mr. Story (18). Dawn Morse must probably die. Cousin Clara Raymond & Mrs. Foster dead. Outlook class.
December, TUESDAY 3. 1901.
Miss King (20). Mrs. Starr (6). Nice letter from Mr. Juemp about Joe, from Capt. Rick & a note from Harold. Hard snow storm. No one came to Outlook, so Miss Bostwick had Violet, Eliz. & me. Discussed Hall Caine's "Eternal
December, WEDNESDAY 4. 1901. Taught Chem, Virgil & 3 music lessons from 3.30 to 6. Went to library before that. I saw Dr. Stibbries about my cold.
December, THURSDAY 5. 1901. Mr. Story (19). Did Christmas shopping. Took tea at Mrs. sweets. Called on Joe but he was out. Did not go to church as it was S.S.
Annual meeting. Lena in her room with a cold.
December, FRIDAY 6. 1901. Miss King (21). Felt [wretched] all day & Gizzie walked & I lay down. Evening. We played Compliments & Gossip. Lena quite ill with cold. In her room all day.
December, SATURDAY 7. 1901. Miss Berensen (6). Took Roberta to Mrs. Haskins. 4 music lessons. Read Outlook. Talked about Caesar with Miss P. Violet quite ill with laryngitis. Gizzy is 27. I gave her 3 roses. Saw Mr. Warner working on a house on High St. He thinks Mrs. Hazen was the cause of Joe's fall. James Porter has his first son, Elliott.
December, SUNDAY 8. 1901. Dr. Moxom Jno. 12:32. Advent Sermon. I staid to S.S. & we talked about Parable of Sorrows. Half sick but went to Volunteers. A crosseyed young man seemed almost converted. I then went to Joe & he denied
having anything to do with Mrs. Hazen. Tonight we did not walk or sing. My talk Jno 1:35-43. How to make The Kingdom Come.
December, MONDAY 9. 1901.
Mr. Story (20) Analysis class (3) Eliza Buffington is in bed with sort of grippe. Dr. Stibbries also has it.
December, TUESDAY 10. 1901.
Miss King (22). Mrs. Starr (7). Eliza Buffington & Hilda are ill today. No Chem., Virgil, Geom., or Hilda's music. Called on Miss Hastings & we talked of Mr. Hahn. I told her about him & Mr. Quick. Went to Dr. Stibbries for Eliza tonight.
December, WEDNESDAY 11. 1901. Eliza still ill. Chemistry & Virgil omitted. Gave 4 music lessons in the afternoon. Read all the evening.
December, THURSDAY 12. 1901. Mr. Story (21). Did Christmas shopping. Prayer-meeting devoted to pledging ourselves to support Mr. McKinnon as Supt. Joe sat by
me. Mr. Kraus says he keep things cleaned up well. Stopped in at Mrs. Sweets.
December, FRIDAY 13. 1901. Carrie Ward writes of the death of Lucy Skinner's mother. Lena & I sent flowers. Went to hear Josiah [Floyd] Willard on [Tramp] Life. Mrs. Gruyer came. Miss King (23).
Rain. December, SATURDAY 14. 1901. List of [Misses] [...] gifts. MIss Berensen (7). Hilda & Eliza still miserable. Violet & then Mrs. Gruyer & Gizzie went shopping. I read. Spent
afternoon & eve in my room. Read & slept. Letter from Capt. Carrigan relating to her marriage.
December, SUNDAY 15. 1901. So rainy that few went to Church. Luther [Willard] raised pledges for Am. Board. Volunteers officers were at Mr. Glover's funeral. I spoke on "the Sower". Joe is very blue. Says his clothes were stolen. I went to tell Sweets. No walking or singing.
Very sudden change to cold.
December, MONDAY 16. 1901. Mr. Story (22). Afternoon Outlook class. Mrs. Gruyer & Eliz. took supper with Miss Berensen. Harold writes me to buy a gift for Joe (1.00). Bettie Sherwood writes she passed her Geom. at college. Laura Rice's mother very ill with pneumonia.
December, TUESDAY 17. 1901.
Mrs. Starr (8). Miss King (24). Laura Rice's mother died yesterday. I went twice for Miss Porter to library. Outlook class, discussed Prof. [Munsterberg's] "American [Toasts]". Rec'd Ethel Van Deusen's picture.
December, WEDNESDAY 18. 1901. Carried toys to 35 Central St. Did a little shopping. Hurried home. Called on Mrs. Porter. Mrs. [Mallorn] came & gave some of her monologue.
December, THURSDAY 19. 1901. Taught Chemistry for 2 hours & gave Johnston music lesson. Finished shopping; began packing before dinner. Did not go to prayer-meeting. Retired. Miss Porter & Lena gave me [Murillo's] Holy Family in gold [frame]. Mr. Story 23.
December, FRIDAY 20. 1901.
Mrs. Gruyer, Eliz., Mrs. Packard, Helen Keyser, Eliza Buffington, Louise Roman, Roberta Scott, Beulah Flesh, Florence Murphy, Ida Swague, & I came by 2.20 train to New York. A girl vomited on train. Found all well here. Miss King 25.
December, SATURDAY 21. 1901.
Went shopping. Met Lucy & Bess Skinner. Afternoon called on the [Gulicks]. Engaged my [trailor] to make me a dress. Began Right of Way. Agnes & Sadie called. Spoke of Harold's being called perfectly well by Life Insurance examiners.
A.M. Went to see Winifred in her new home.
December, SUNDAY 22. 1901.
Heard Henry M. Saunders twice. Took dinner at Harolds. He asked the blessing & everything was lovely. Called on Essie. Horatio is 64 today. Went to hear [Ros] read her story. Called on Lucy Skinner. She had gone to Pawling.
December, MONDAY 23. 1901.
Went shopping. Will Frank & I attended Christmas entertainment at Ruth's school. Mrs. Booth telephoned me how ill She was, the old trouble.
December, TUESDAY 24. 1901.
Went over with Bertha to distribute toys. Met Miss McCarty & Mrs. Page at the office. Got very tired mounting tenement house stairs. Looked about the stores for waists etc. Luncheon at Wanamaker's. Evening Winifred came in. We got the presents ready.
[Bright. [Woman] in E.] [Henry VII . [Corrine] Hat. Short NC]
December, WEDNESDAY 25. 1901.
Very happy Christmas. Ros & Sallie sent mother $25. We rec'd lovely gifts. Harold, Ruth & Ralph called. We played [dominoes]. Harvey & Winifred took dinner. Harvey & Will went to New Rochelle. Calls from Charley Richardson, Frank & May Sharpe, Miss [Sperl] & Augusta Choate. We went over to see the Richardson gifts. John seems very feeble and old.
December, THURSDAY 26. 1901.
Went with old hat to Miss Dunn. Mr. Korn fitted my green dress for first time. Went shopping. Played dominoes with Frank & Walter [McCount]. Slept. Eve. Some of the family went to Christmas entertainment. I read 2 stories from "Ruling Passion" to Mother, Minnie, &
Bertha. Professor sent me box of candy from the church. Rec'd Stella Heath's photo.
December, FRIDAY 27. 1901.
Rec'd "Making of an American" from Marg. Carter & handkerchief from Mrs. Griffin. Wrote letters. Went for my hat & for second fitting at Korn's. Ruth called. Minnie & Winifred received at Mrs. Germonds missionary tea. Mother, Ruth & I went. Harvey & Min
came to dinner. Prayer & business meeting. Miss Dunlap said she was to be married in February.
December, SATURDAY 28. 1901.
Mended stockings. Mother & Minnie took luncheon with Helen [Carnwana]. Calls from Harold and from Sadie Jones. I shopped & called on Lucy Skinner. Frank spent the day in N.Y. sight-seeing with some girls. After dinner I called on Mabel Lunn, out. Read "Right of way".
Mr. Korn sent home my green dress.
December, SUNDAY 29. 1901.
Rainy so Mother could not go with me. I went over to the Madison Ave. Bapt. Church. Heard Dr. Lorimer on Position & Perils of Protestantism Gal. 3:1-4. Met Dr. Lorimer. Went with the Boomhour's to dinner at the Blind Asylum. Talked, ate popcorn & nuts. Went up to Marguerite's on 71st St. Saw Mr. Rufus, Harlan & Dorothy. She can walk & say words. Harlan came home to supper. [M...] had to get a fresh supper. He talked till after ten.
December, MONDAY 30. 1901. Read "Right of Way". Bertha went to Monday Club but could not stay because of asthma. Ruth went to prayer-meeting. Mary Jones & Mrs. Clapp called.
December, TUESDAY 31. 1901.
Mother & I went to call on Aunt Susan. Saw Aunt Mary Ann Bliss, Susy Merriam, Celia M., George Howard, Maude Beard, Honor Leeming (2 wks old). Called on Mrs. Niles & saw Edward's baby. Took dinner with Winifred & Harvey. Mother, Frank, Will & I went. Watchnight services 8 - 9.20 & 11 - 12. Mr.
[Tenn] on [Size] of Peking (fine). Rev. Mr. Parsons of [Bulford] Ave. & Cap. Parsons of Sab. A. both [poor].
calls read in Hamilton.
June 29. Mr. Juemp " 30 Mabel Bateman. " " Mrs. Bostick. July 1. Mrs. Judson & Elizabeth.
Mary Judson " 4. Mrs. Ornsbee & Maude. " 5. Mrs. Wilson, Adelaide, Miss Lane. " " Clara Rogers " " Marg. & Eliz. Judson. " " Mr. Juemp. " 8. Walter & Celeste Morse, Ada Mott. " 9. Misses Cormans. " " Florence Lombard & Maud Ornsbee
Mrs. Schenck
12 Mrs. Schenck Mr. [Waites] Mrs. Hamilton Mrs. Wilson Mr. Colton
15 Mr. Tweedy & Juemp. Libbie Gardiner
17 Mr. Juemp 2. Miss Brownell Miss Rogers
19 Mr. Juemp
July 19 Rob Bostick
22 Merrells & Miss Bateman Mrs. Ashmore & daughter Mr. Juemp fixed wheel
23 " " " " 24 " " " " 25 Mrs. & Miss Willson & Lane. 26 Mrs. Willson & Mrs. Lane.
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Aug 1 May Smith 2 Mrs. Judson & Eliz. The Grant & Boomhauers 6 Dr. Grant
Miss Hattie Rowe 7 Ashmore family 8 Miss Corman
Mrs. & Mrs. Bishop 10 Mrs. Wilson, Mr. & Miss Lane " Miss Lawrence 11 Mrs. Bostick & Kate Allen.
Dr. Lawrence 12 Martha Harmon. 14 Mabel Bateman " Mrs. Baning " Mrs. Kilburn
Presents given
Mother $5.00 Winnie Table cloth 2.35 Harold "Dr. Babcock" 1.00 Ruth Raymond 6 spoons 3.00 Ralph " Gloves 1.00 Bertha Thackeray "Christmas Books" 1.35 Will Racket - one part 1.00 Winifred "Romeo & Juliet" .44 Harvey Julius Caesar .44 Ruth Richardson Muff - one part 1.00 Frank Cornell Stationary 1.00 Ray Lloyd Review of Rev 1/2 1.25 Miss Porter Riis [Anthology] 1/2 1.00 Mrs. Porter Briggs "School College" etc 1.00 Edward Porter Boys Odyssey .90 Marion Maltice "Peasant & [Page]" .45 Lena Bostick "Booker Washington" 1.35 Eliz Gruyer "Ruling Passion" 1.00 Mrs. Packard Handkerchief case .40 Delia Apron .23 Matilda Apron .22 Emma Handkerchief .30 Elizabeth Ribbon 1/2 .50
Januray - Cash. Rec'd. Paid. 16.18 John Cravat .50 Mrs. Griffin Lion of Luce. .40 Esther Tape measure .29 Stella Handkerchief Rob Bliss Blotter .45 Cousin Lizzie "Lily of France"1/2 .40 Jessica Handkerchief .50 Miss McGregory " .50 Mildred - servant .50 Ruth Reeve .25 29.97 Volunteer children 1.75 Bertha pin .90 32.62
Korn baby toy .10 32.72
Presents rec'd
February - Cash. Rec'd. Paid. 1.Mother Pink shawl. 2.Minnie Writing paper & dic. 3.Bertha R. Coat hanger. 4.Will Valice marker 5.Winifred Bridal photo 6.Harvey Crane "Gt. Battles" 7.Ruth Raymond Rich. Diary 8.Frank Nail file 9.Harold Silver comb 10.Ruth Raymond Silver shoe horn & [...] 11.Ralph Raymond Sandal wood perfume 12.Mrs. Griffin Handkerchief 13.Esterh Patchen " 14.Estell Heth H. Photo 15.Mip Porter & Lena Murillo's Holy Family 16.Mrs. Porter "Right of Way" 17.Mrs. Packard Vol. Thackeray 18.Marion Maltice " " 19.Eliz. Gruyer "Circumstances" 20.Hilda Johnston & Eliza Buffington Dr. Babcock's "Thoughts" 21 Mary Porter Card 22.Helen Myrick Card 23.Rachel Lawton Card March - Cash. Rec'd. Paid.
24.Margaret Carter "Making of an Amer." 25.Rob Bliss Bookmark