Vassar College Digital Library
Edited Text
Vassar College,
Po'keepsie, N.Y.,
Sep. 25, 1881.

Dear Aunt Anne,

As I have a little time to myself to-day, I thought I would write you. I would like to see my dear Aunt very much and hope to hear from her very soon. Don't you think you will be able to come out and see us before long.
We hope very much that you can. Laura and I are studying French, Latin, and Rhetoric. These studies come in the morning and we have all the afternoon
to prepare for the next day. The grounds are very beautiful here and we have enjoyed walking around them very much. On the other side of the road is a very pretty lake and there are boats for the students to use and we enjoy rowing very much. Laura another young lady and myself went down to Po'keepsie yesterday morning and had a very pleasant time. We called upon Mrs. Rudd she gave us some very nice grapes which we brought home and will
enjoy eating them very much. We also called upon Miss [Bedile] but- she was not at home we saw his mother but after we saw her in the street. We met Mr Gregory in the street and he took us into Mr Charles Johnson's store and intraduced us to him we found him very pleasant. He said he was over at Dover on Sunday and saw Mamma. I suppose they are very lonely at home I hope you will go down very often to see them. I was very glad when grandma
wrote that you were coming down. I should think Myra would miss Charles and cousin Annie very much as she went so much. Please ask Myra when she can
to write me as we like to hear from our friends very much. I suppose Uncle Jo Is working as hard as ever I [wish] think he had better rest a day and bring you all to Po'keepsie to see us. We would be so glad to see you all,
as we sometimes feel quite lonely. One of the girls has gone home she was very home-sick. I hope we will not arrive at such a sad end. As we have come, we wish to remain as long as possible. I do not know whether we are allowed to go home on Thanksgiving or not, but I hope very much that we can. Of course, if nothing happens, we shall come home on the Holiday. [At] It has been very warm and dusty here and the grass is all drying up I hope it will rain soon and refresh the earth. We have one girl here from Japan she dresses like our girls but her skin is very dark. She has very pretty teeth and is quite tall. I have written you a long letter and now I must
close with love for each and all. I am
Your loving niece,
Anna B. Mabbett.

Anna (Mabbett) Vincent, prep.'81-82