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Edited Text
Thurs. Noon
1 o clock.
May 21st


Dear parents; -

Grace is to have lunch with me here at Cary’s today. Mom’s letters came, was beginning to wonder what was doing up there.

Yesterday Mr. Buelah, Mabel, G. & self went to the other camp for soda - Mabel treated.

Last night Miss [Chittenden?] entertained her pupils after chapel at the Inn. They had ^strawberry ice and lady-fingers.

The seniors are having a sale of camera pictures, hockey, basketball, Silver Bay, hall plays, daisy chains etc - [crossed out: heaps] lots of cute pictures - Mrs. K. won’t let them have a senior play or auction

as they have always done previously. I suppose she thinks it takes too much time. So they have this picture sale to raise money for class day.

Senior exams begin today.
G. has {Lat. Mon. A.M. {[crossed out: of] week after next
the same here {Fr. “ P.M.
with […?]
{Ger. Tues.

Eng. Thurs.
They crunch in together.

Rain today and yesterday.

Bell has rung, so [tra la?]

Most lovingly,