Vassar College Digital Library
Document Types


Guide to the Elizabeth Bishop Estate and Posthumous Events Collection, 1973-2013

Collection Title
Elizabeth Bishop Estate and Posthumous Events Collection
The Elizabeth Bishop Estate and Posthumous Events Collection consists of materials pertaining to the literary estate of Elizabeth Bishop, managed by Alice Methfessel after the poet's death in 1979. The collection also includes ephemera and realia from various events celebrating Elizabeth Bishop since her death. Included are, pamphlets, posters, flyers, clippings, video and audio recordings, and files of general information.

Guide to the John H. Bushnell Papers, 1950-1976

Collection Title
John H. Bushnell Papers
Field notes and manuscripts related to American anthropologist John Hempstead Bushnell's ethnographic work in Mexico.

Guide to the National Women's Conference Records, 1975-1977

Collection Title
National Women's Conference Records
Materials relating to the events planned by the National Women's Conference in honor of International Women's Year, 1975.

Guide to the Scottie Fitzgerald Smith Papers, 1858-1996 (bulk 1921-1986)

Collection Title
Scottie Fitzgerald Smith Papers
Materials relating to Scottie Fitzgerald Smith's career as a journalist, her work for the Democratic Party, her personal life, and the maintenance of her parents' estates and legacies.

Guide to the Springside Landscape Restoration Records, 1870-2024 (bulk 1972-2017)

Collection Title
Springside Landscape Restoration Records
This collection consists of
administrative and financial records, correspondence, and photographs created by
Springside Landscape Restoration, a non-profit organization dedicated to the
preservation and maintenance of Springside--a United States National Historic
Landmark and the summer home of Matthew Vassar (1792-1868). Publications and
writings about Springside and its designer, landscape architect Andrew Jackson
Downing (1815-1852), as well as records related to Springside from its 20th-century
owners, the Nelson family, are also included.

Guide to the Vassar College 1990 Main Takeover Records, 1990-1991

Collection Title
Vassar College 1990 Main Takeover Records
Correspondence, flyers, news clippings and press releases from the 1990 takeover, along with tapes and supporting documents from an oral history project undertaken the following year under the auspices of Elizabeth Daniels' "Testimony of the Past" class, which worked on documenting Vassar history.

Guide to the Vassar Student Association Records, 1868-2017

Collection Title
Vassar Student Association Records
Records from the Vassar Student
Association and its predecessors, including minutes, membership lists, rules and
regulations, reports, and other items pertaining to student clubs, self-government
activities, dormitory regulations, and other issues and events.
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