Vassar College Digital Library
Document Types


Guide to the Vassar Club of Boston Records, 1867-2004

Collection Title
Vassar Club of Boston Records
Materials from various graduating classes including alumnae questionnaires, programs, bulletins, invitations, songbooks, clippings and articles on class members, and some notes and letters, 1867-1981; a reunion survey with photographs of the Class of 1914, 1964; minutes and account books from class organizations, 1871-1922; and correspondence, publications, and miscellaneous items from the Class of 1898.

Guide to the Woman Suffrage and Women's Rights Collection, 1866–1989

Collection Title
Woman Suffrage and Women's Rights Collection
An artificial collection of
petitions, speeches, correspondence, publications, scrapbooks, and broadsides
relating to the struggles for woman suffrage and other women's rights. Includes
documents relating to debates over the suffrage issue at Vassar College.
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